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Thanks Dartanbeck for the kind words. I got just about all the corrections done, redid and added stuff to some stuff I had posted before. All the creators of plugins for C8 that you can still get are now listed. I made that a priority over the FAQ sections. The DAA 3D plugin entry is going to get a good bit of work done to in the next few days. till need to finish up with some of the FAQs and do a final check for typos after that.
Not sure if it already has been posted here, but Jay_NOLA mentioned that the Quick Tour for Carrara 6 videos are worth viewing, even for Carrara 8 since it covers the basics. Can be found at the bottom of:
It should be in the Carrara 8 Introduction I guess...
On it! Thanks for this link. I have this from my copy of Carrara 6 Pro... I think it's really cool!
I'll post a link to that page around here, but also a direct download link to the files.
Thanks for the heads up!
Quick Links Menu
Just a little tool I've decided to add to help navigate this, and other threads
► Back to Table of Contents
Walkthrough is currently under heavy construction, please bear with me
Hi Dartanbeck,
are you creating a webpage for your Quick Links Menu?
If not, I hope you will rather than just keeping the info in
the thread.
There are so many links it would be good to put them all in one page.
Here's a page I did for Blender
using CSS3 Menu (free version).
BTW, www. is available.
Yeah... you did a great job on that.
Also... I just added the first in a new series of video walkthroughs for Carrara:
A Basic Shader Walkthrough Part1
Not sure if anyone is interested in seeing more of this sort of thing...?
I would! :)
And bet many others would also.
Nice tut, Dart - I like your laid-back and informative style and would like to see more:).
The title is misleading, though. I was expecting a walkthrough of the shader room, explaining the many options and possibly making a shader, but it is specific to fixing the V4 textures, rather than a general walkthrough.
Still, keep it up, your'e doing great!
Thank you both. I was very sick when I edited this one. Feeling a little better today - hope this continues. The videos I recorded for the Environ Kits: Woodlands are actually much smoother - vocal-wise.
Okay, DB, I've been putting off digging into this topic for some time now, and I've hit a major roadblock that I need removed. Maybe you can help, or at least point me in the direction of how to work through these issues. If no materials exist to answer these questions, maybe you will consider expanding your manual content to cover these?
I haven't seen a lot of material out there yet on how Carrara 8.5 is suposed to work with Poser/Daz content, but I'm encountering some difficulties. Maybe I'm the only one who is experiencing this. And if so, I'm a bigger noob than I thought!
So here are some Carrara questions I need to find answers to. Anything you can offer on this topic would help.
On "Daz Installer Manager"
1. Are there products that should NOT be installed using this app but should instead be installed manually? If some should be installed manually, how do you know which ones?
On "Smart Content" tab, under "Products"
1. What does "smart" mean? Is there a relationship between products that are checkmarked "Smart" in the Daz Installer Manager and those that appear in "Smart Content"?
2. Some products I have downloaded show up twice - one with a "Ds" (DazStudio) at the end and other "Ps" (Poser). In some cases, like for buildings, nothing shows up in the ones marked "Ds" but do for "Ps." Why is this? If this is the way it is supposed to be, why have "Ds" products appear at all?
3. I have a number of products that just don't appear at all. From the product descriptions, they are not cameras, lights, or materials (though materials might be included in the package). Why would this be? A good example are a number of "Lisa's Botanical" products I purchased. The products appear in the list under "L," but they appear as blank when I select them.
4. Why would some product contents show up elsewhere (icons appear), such as under the "Content" tab, but not show up under the same product name in this area (no icons)? Is this a sign there was an installation error?
1. Some products must be mapped onto other products (like clothing on a character). Some of these products only work with certain generations of characters (V4/M4, Genesis, V5/M5, etc). Is there an easy way to know this, or is this learned just through experience?
2. How should products like hair and clothing be added? Sometimes they don't seem to "attach" themselves to the character.
3. If I drag a product to the Instances tab or to the display window and nothing happens, Carrara provides no feedback as to why. How do I find out the reason?
Thanks for your work on the manual!
Okay, DB, I've been putting off digging into this topic for some time now, and I've hit a major roadblock that I need removed. Maybe you can help, or at least point me in the direction of how to work through these issues. If no materials exist to answer these questions, maybe you will consider expanding your manual content to cover these?
I haven't seen a lot of material out there yet on how Carrara 8.5 is suposed to work with Poser/Daz content, but I'm encountering some difficulties. Maybe I'm the only one who is experiencing this. And if so, I'm a bigger noob than I thought!
So here are some Carrara questions I need to find answers to. Anything you can offer on this topic would help.
On "Daz Installer Manager"
1. Are there products that should NOT be installed using this app but should instead be installed manually? If some should be installed manually, how do you know which ones?
On "Smart Content" tab, under "Products"
1. What does "smart" mean? Is there a relationship between products that are checkmarked "Smart" in the Daz Installer Manager and those that appear in "Smart Content"?
2. Some products I have downloaded show up twice - one with a "Ds" (DazStudio) at the end and other "Ps" (Poser). In some cases, like for buildings, nothing shows up in the ones marked "Ds" but do for "Ps." Why is this? If this is the way it is supposed to be, why have "Ds" products appear at all?
3. I have a number of products that just don't appear at all. From the product descriptions, they are not cameras, lights, or materials (though materials might be included in the package). Why would this be? A good example are a number of "Lisa's Botanical" products I purchased. The products appear in the list under "L," but they appear as blank when I select them.
4. Why would some product contents show up elsewhere (icons appear), such as under the "Content" tab, but not show up under the same product name in this area (no icons)? Is this a sign there was an installation error?
1. Some products must be mapped onto other products (like clothing on a character). Some of these products only work with certain generations of characters (V4/M4, Genesis, V5/M5, etc). Is there an easy way to know this, or is this learned just through experience?
2. How should products like hair and clothing be added? Sometimes they don't seem to "attach" themselves to the character.
3. If I drag a product to the Instances tab or to the display window and nothing happens, Carrara provides no feedback as to why. How do I find out the reason?
Thanks for your work on the manual!
I don't know what nm means, but... what the heck happened to my above reply to FD? I answered many of those questions, but now... argh... I'll get that fixed. Sorry about that!
same thing as me I think
I quoted him and added some answers and lost it all
too lazy to think about it again so put NM for nevermind!
I figured you would answer better anyway
Figured it out as I sat on the can just after asking! lol
Maybe the next Carrara manual should be modeled after a bathroom reader! :lol: I get some of my best ideas while taking a load off my mind- So to speak! ;-)
Walkthrough is currently under heavy construction, please bear with me
Maybe the next Carrara manual should be modeled after a bathroom reader! :lol: I get some of my best ideas while taking a load off my mind- So to speak! ;-)
ha ha, that stinks... :)
Sorry about this, FD. I answered these before - but something strange happened - and my post didn't turn out as I had typed it. We'll try again.
This is where a good Runtime structure has helped me out through the years. As you buy and install products, they go to a place that is organized by me - according to how I expect to find and use it. The names will likely be of no useful benefit in that regard - most of the time. M5, V5, G5... these are all Genesis people. Those I would install as DAZ Studio content into the library used for that. DIM defauts to "My Daz3d Library", while the older installers used "My Library" within "My Documents > DAZ 3D > Studio".Okay... not such a big deal as I thought at first - although I'm still uncertain as to where to look for things that are not Genesis related - but this clue should at least lead you in a direction towards figuring out the library.
Let's say you've used the DIM to install your goods, and you kept the default installation location. The only other option, means that you likely already know where to look.
So in the above example, we are in Carrara's Browser looking at the Content tab. Inside of "My DAZ 3D Library", scroll down to "People".
Now select Genesis or Genesis 2.
Inside those headings is where you'll find everything that you have that can be applied to Genesis and/or Genesis 2.
If you have the new DAZ Horse 2, it's the same thing, except you'll select "Animals" instead of "People".
I really like this method.
I have more to explain to answer more of those questions... but I'm out of time. I'll catch you later!
Have a good one, FD! Great job on all of your cool renders and the ideas that get you there!
Hi all,
so I'm almost ready to buy Carrara. I've read this thread...I'm still bit confused. Let me explain:
my computer have a SSD for the SO and applications. To "save" the life of the SSD the USERS folder and TMP, TEMP,n TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES folders are located in a second HD. Then:
1) SSD for SO (W7 64 bit) and Application (Vegas for video editing, ParticleIllusion for some fx, etc. etc.);
Now can I follow this configuration installing Carrara?
Need I to install DIM and Daz Studio also?
Whoops!!! Sorry for my english, Max.
Absolutely! In fact; you just described my secondary machine setup for Carrara.
You do not need DIM or Daz Studio unless you actually want to use them. If you plan on buying Daz content for the store (and that is Daz's raison d'etre) then I would recommend installing DIM. D|S you can install according to your tastes/needs.
Thank you so much, Garstor. this helps me a lot. Definitely something I'll buy DAZ (of course everything compatible with Carrara).
Ciao, Max.
Yes Garstor, Thank you!
Heavy into stonework lately. Get it? Heavy into... alright... t'was bad, was it not? lol
Just finished one of them. Hopefully I can get in some much needed Carrara time!
Ya know... I've just purchased all of those wonderful Inagoni plugins and haven't even had an opportunity to play with them yet. Same with that cool new lorez horse! And then there's Phil, coming up with that Gamma 2.2 stuff...
Exciting days!
The Gars Man is right - I hope you have gotten started okay. I can hardly wait for the day when I can run SSD!!!
Soon, actually. They have been on the market long enough now where the pricing is beginning to come within my reach.
You are really going to love Carrara!
Thank you "Dad"
I already love Carrara !!!! I look forward to playing with the full version.
Ciao, Max.
I look forward to seeing what you'd do with it! ;)
Steve's list is growing beyond to scope of that single post, so we're giving him his own spot, linked to from the original. Keep 'em coming, Steve!
Update to Carraraists in the Spotlight:
- Corrected the links and information in Steve's headline to reflect the above new Sci Fi Funk space
- Added "evilproducer" as a Carraraist in the Spotlight
- Added "GK Dantas" as a Carraraist in the Spotlight
There are truly an enormous amount of incredibly worthy Carraraists within and without our active community. Please know that I'm not 'choosing favorites' when I put someone into this special, commemorative place. I have many more names I wish to add. I've even been holding back on putting ep in there, since he and I are known buddies, and I don't want this to seem like a biased attempt to make buddies! lol
The biggest reason that this list isn't a LOT larger, is due to my lack of time to work on this thread over three quarters of the year - which I'm trying to change, with great effort. Not only do I wish to grow this list, but also to do some much needed formatting, switching things around and, most importantly, adding a bunch of learning material and updating the links sections to helpful threads throughout the forum.
Thanks for bearing with me in this enormous endeavor. And, as always - if you have any requests, suggestions and/or complaints within reason, please let me know. JAY_NOLA asked me a while back if he could make that wonderful "Plugins FAQ" that he made. I think he did a bang-up job and I still refer to it constantly for links and information as I'm beginning to add a lot of functionality to my copy of Carrara via plugins thanks, mostly, to Jay and his creation of this great resource. I am always keen on accepting additional works. But just by starting your own thread about anything of common (or even not so common) interest will likely end up being cataloged and linked within this thread.
One last thing for now, If I end up putting something of yours in here that you would prefer omitted, please just let me know.
That's a wonderful presentation of my tutorial list!
Thanks a lot man.
The biggest baddest one is yet to come. I hope you'll make it the no.1 tutorial in the list. Imho I hope to make it THE Carrara reference for large scenes. First up finish episode 8 so people can see what is possible.
Thanks again for raising the profile of my work.