How to change posing limits!

I know it's possible to change or even completely drop posing limits for your character, but I can't remember how to do it.  I have clicked on the little gear wheel which offers an option to unlock the limits, but, for some reason, I can't get it to work!  What is worse, by attempting to change them, I've now managed to lock the controls so I can't pose the arms, head, legs, etc at all.  Please tell me what I need to do to reset these limits. I'm obvious missing something.

Thank You.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 6,999
    edited July 2018

    You probably accidently clicked the locking symbol rather than the gear icon. But you can easily undo it.

    First, click on the gear icon in the slider you want to unlock or remove the limits from (I).

    Then, from the dropdown menu, select "Parameter Settings".

    The next step, when you have accidently locked the slider, click on the box in front of "locked" to remove the small hook that is in the box (II). If there is no hook in the box, let me know. There's probably a different problem. (Alternatel, you can also simply just click on the small lock icon left of the heart symbol of the slider, but since you want to remove the limits you need to go to the parameter settings, anyway.)

    To remove the limits, uncheck the hook from "Use Limits" (III). If you still want to keep limits, but just want to change their range,you can edit the Min/Max values. You can also set how many units the slider will jump when you hit the plus or minus symbol of the slider by changing the "Nudge" value, or, if you want the item ti have a new default pose, you can also change that here. Whatever changes you do, confirm them with "Accept" at the bottom of the box.

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    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited July 2018

    Great explanation BeeMKay but it can be very tedious to do it one by one in the Parameter Settings. Another way to do this is to mass editing selected Properties by switching the Parameters pane to Edit Mode found in the right-click menu. Next you can Ctrl+ and-or Shift+ click to select some Properties and then right click again on some to change the settings like the Limits On-Off and the various other settings like Min/Max Limits in this sub-menu called Set. But this is all related to the property settings itself.

    Since it seams that you want to turn off all the rotation limits of all the figure joints at once there is another way to do it. The command you may want to use is found in the main menu Edit > Figure > Limits > Limits Off (Rotation) but it has some issue that seems to be a bug - it only turns off limits on the selected joint - so you have to go to the Scene pane select the root node (body) of the figure and choose right-click Select > Select Children to have all joints of the figure selected before you can use the Limits Off (Rotation) for the entire figure.

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • VictorioVictorio Posts: 81

    Thank you both so much for your help!  The sceen snapshot was especially helpful. I really feel liberated.  I can finally pose my characters the way I want them. smiley


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