edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Letter to DCG... Put to you all as well

Hi I am a very happy user of your plugins. I could not get by with out Anything goos to dirt up, rust up and weather my object.

I try to keep my objects/models as simple as possible and use BUMP maps in Carrara 8.5 pro to to so depth such as hinges, rivets, raise parts etc.

I was wondering is there is anyway for ANYTHING GOOS to work off the BUMP MAP! SEE IMAGE!

AS it is NOW AGOOS will only work on edges outside and in as far as I under stand it!

AS you see in the image I would like some wear /rust on the RAISED AREAS of the BUMP channel



  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    You already HAVE the bumpmap. Use it to create a rust map. I would try running it through photoshop or similar using blur or an edge filter to get the rust to be "around" the rivets, etc.

    Blend this rustmap with your A Goos shader.

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