How did they make these ghosts?

in The Commons
I'm talking about these
it looks like 3dlight to me is there a way to do it in iray?
Check out this thread for the answer
Hmm, I hope they make this for iray, I'm no fried of 3DL
If you want an Iray background (including people), you can do a composite image.
In 3Delight, apply PW Effect, Phantom to all the surfaces of your subject. If you prefer white, change the Ambient Color to white, or whatever you want. Render in 3Delight with NO background, and save it as a PNG.
Create your Iray render. Since ghosts don't cast shadows you won't have to worry about that. You can also use a stock photo for the background.
In Photoshop or whatever image editing software you are using, add your ghost to your render. This is just a quick render to give you the idea, with a stock photo I just picked up from Pixabay:
Iray Emissive with the surfaces set to very low opacity and some surfaces hidden altogether might work, or you could try a version of the Pepper's Ghost effect if you are comfortable playing with reflective surfaces in Iray.
I have not gotten a Pepper's Ghost to look as nice in Iray as pwGhost does in 3delight.