I've reinstalled my DAZ content

Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,747
edited November 2017 in The Commons

Not too long ago I pronounced last rights on my artistic pursuits. It's been almost 20 years, and I've been frustrated with my feelings on inadequacy etc. I had all my DAZ stuff installed on its own 3TB hard drive. I reformatted the drive and started using it for other stuff. The arrival of DAZ Studio 4.10 stirred my interest. I started installing stuff on my Data Drive, but ran out of room.

I remembered I still had a 3TB clone copy backup of my original 3TB DAZ hard drive. I reformatted my new data drive, and recreated my DAZ hard drive. I brought back some original "runtime" collections. I may have lost some of the custom characters I've created over the past 17 years. I'll likely wait till later in the week before trying anything too involved. I have the cataract surgery on Tuesday.

I still face all the limitations of my iMac. It won't handle iRay, etc. I'll see how things work out.

Post edited by Ron Knights on


  • When you say it won't handle Iray, in what way. I am on Mac. While I cannot make use of GPU and Cuda, I can render Iray fine. Just takes longer.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,747
    edited November 2017

    Cris, you're right. I just don't want to tie up my iMac for long periods when I'd like to use it for other things like my genealogy work or making videos. I have wild fantasies of finally doing a silly comic. It would take forever using the iMac.

    Post edited by Ron Knights on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,820
    edited November 2017

    You could attempt to schedule your rendering time (IE set up the scene and save it out and then do your other stuff etc and when you head off to bed etc then render - when the computer isnt in use) If you decide to do it that way, I would consider sticking around long enough to look at/and potentially cancel and adjust any issues you may see crop up in the first couple passes of the render but once you have something pretty well how you want it, letting it go while you sleep and arent using the MAC may be the way to go possibly?

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,000

    Hi Ron,

    it seems like you're a true 3D addict, if the render bug bites you after you uninstalled everything. wink

    I really hope that your eye operation works out, and you can return to rendering to your heart's content.

    About making a comic, have you thought about what style you want to do it in? I mean, I can't draw if my life depended on it, but I found that 3D is just the medium that helps me tell my story. I originally wanted to render it in 3DL, but fell in love with Iray. I got great inspiration through a couple of workshops over at Digital Arts, and the Facebook community there. They made me rethink a few things, and I finally have something like progress - after more than three years of trying to get the web comic rendered, there's now 15 pages. 

    So, I really hope that you'll find your inspiration again - and about Iray renders, there's always the night! wink

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,747
    edited November 2017

    I have a whole cast of characters that have evolved over the past 17 years. At least two male characters I consider different aspects of myself. My current thought is to have each cartoon consists of 1 to 3 panels at most. The idea would be to keep it short and sweet. I'm a bit frustrated. I need to get some housework done tonight and get to bed at a decent time. So maybe this can wait a few days.

    I've had an artistic desire for decades. I just haven't been able to get past being the befuddled newbie stage yet. Here's a quick render of the latest version of Marlin Fingle. I redesigned all my characters using various Genesis versions as a base.

    793 x 1165 - 309K
    Post edited by Ron Knights on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,000

    smiley He's looking like a fun guy!

    If this is so long in the works, have you already made up a "script" for the first of your panels? So your "actors" know what to do, and where your "cameraman" hasto put his camera, what props are needed, etc?

    My comic is based on a novel I'm writing together with my co-author, but that doesn't make things easier... getting things from prose to comic script is not as simple as I thought.

    But you are right... the story waited 17 years to be told, it can wait for a few more days. Have a good night'sd rest, and I don't envy your your cleaning duties... wink


  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,747
    edited November 2017

    I dont envision a whole story, or long comic. I have, in the past, assembled scenes for various characters to act as "hangouts," etc. I might just have two characters joking with each other. I have this vague concept. But I might just try to figure out which of my characters survived the purge. I may need to create new characters to round out the cast. Sometimes I just like to have one or two characters in a scene, saying and doing something funny.

    I've been playing with Moonshine Diner. I got the diner and a whole bunch of poses and 50s clothes years ago in a PC Club sale. This scene features characters I've created. Marlin may be sunk into the floor. "Drop to Floor" doesn't seem to work. "Canned Poses" just sink him in.


    Marlin Moon 01sm.jpg
    1024 x 572 - 515K
    Post edited by Ron Knights on
  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,562

    I'd like to take back much of what I've previously said about upgrading DS. Due to circumstances beyond my control I had to go to 4.10. And you know what. The process was painless (I have everything on an external library) which still works just fine.

    My old scenes work just fine too and the only issue was getting the UI back to the way I like it, and re-installing the Genesis stuff again to the HD that crashed.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,000

    I dont envision a whole story, or long comic. I have, in the past, assembled scenes for various characters to act as "hangouts," etc. I might just have two characters joking with each other. I have this vague concept. But I might just try to figure out which of my characters survived the purge. I may need to create new characters to round out the cast. Sometimes I just like to have one or two characters in a scene, saying and doing something funny.

    I've been playing with Moonshine Diner. I got the diner and a whole bunch of poses and 50s clothes years ago in a PC Club sale. This scene features characters I've created. Marlin may be sunk into the floor. "Drop to Floor" doesn't seem to work. "Canned Poses" just sink him in.


    It looks like a good start. Also, if you aim for one panel at a time, it will be managable, and you can make what you like and feel up to. Much better than stressing yourself out over ten thousand image you have to render. Have you already thought about where to publish/share your work? I've currently looked into comicfury.com, which seems to work easily enough, and is free.

    As for the floor issue - I have noticed that sometimes one foot isn't exactly levelled "even" when you apply an out-of-the-box pose, and the drop to floor will only drop it until the first edge hits the floor. So the edge of the shoe hits the floor out of sight, and the rest of the guy is still levitating around... cheeky

    I usually go below the floor and make sure that the shoes have a tiny little bit of overall pokethrough. An easier option is to just add another -0.4 to your y-setting, and that should solve the levitating. Or, you can check the foot poses. (BTW, your one foot seems to have a tiny little bit of pokethrough. Maybe hide the foot?) 

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,747

    I remain convinced that we need to keep up-to-date with DAZ Studio. It can be a challenge to keep our hardware updated. The other day I totally reinstalled everything with DIM. I didn't have any problems with the new EULA this time! Things are looking up! And I should be able to see clearly in a few days, after my cataract surgery!

  • Look forward to seeing your work. Welcome back! :)

  • If you are doing comics, IRAY is probably overkill anyway.  I usually use 3Delight for things I don't want to be photorealistic.  It's usually much faster even if you are using CUDA.  At least if you have plenty of processor power ;)

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,747

    You make a good point. I don't need hyper realism for comics!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,560

    Every render I've done between Iray and 3DL has come out Iray being the quickest. I've done big scenes and single props and both Iray was fast, but do agree if your looking for comics quality then 3DL will do fine unless what your using doesn't have 3DL mats.

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