Poke-away-for genesis bundle...

Before my main point...I was on here asking about how to do muscles being flexed and such and lo and behold a product goes into fast grab- the product that was full price when I was asking. Do you think it's possible a vendor saw that his product was needed and put it on sale? Cause that would be the nicest thing ever. And might make me tear up.


Also, I like 'some poke through' because it adds detail or texture to some plain areas like skeeves and shins and sometimes layers of clothing can be bland.

Even around the hip area- I just purchased Pokeaway for genesis 3


and want a post-purchase review of how good or great it is. Is this a staple and must own product?

Seems like it should be but I havent seen anyone singing its praises or see it given a nod as a basic utility to have.

Buying all these older clothing sets has caused me to start fixing fits and 'fitting to' and expanding all and...and....


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,647
    avxp said:

    and want a post-purchase review of how good or great it is. Is this a staple and must own product?

    IMO no. I use the smoothing modifier, geometry editor or push modifier to fix any poke away issues, so never had a need for any of these peoducts

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,701
    edited July 2017

    The general idea of the older poke-away products was that it added a series of (unblended) region-specific shrink dials to the target figure. This allows you to 'pull in' those areas that are colliding 'through' the outer clothing layer, even if that area of the figure underneath was quite deformed - under the clothes, you couldn't see it...

    Some folks would just make those zones invisible for the same effect, but that's not always practical with some outfits. I think the auto-fit and smoothing functions are now good enough that it may not be as 'handy' as it once was. I'd consider deformers too, as they are a smoother version of the same idea.

    That said, if you need a pull or tuck in any figure that you can't get with the many morph-sets available, this is a more coarse set of morphs where a morph may not blend well with the next region, but may be useful for some sorts of morphing (creatures, special-effects, cartoony extremes, etc.)...

    Must-have? probably good to wait for a good sale or use a PC+ coupon on a slow month...



    Post edited by mindsong on
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