Shimuzu's Head!

LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
edited July 2017 in The Commons

I don't think I've ever been so excited about head morphs before. They look very versatile. I think this combination in particular is outstanding: 

I've seen some great usage of the Kimo 7 textures in artwork. I think this is one of the best. 

Post edited by Llynara on



    Shazzam! Are you kidding me?  What bodies are these used in the promos?, I'm in love

  • k410k410 Posts: 75

    I think these are great, too.  I have this in my favorites, as well as Shimuzu's hand poses.

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,799

    Damn! Those are "Elite"! :D

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148

    Shimuzu makes some awesome stuff. One of my favorite vendors. Great poses too :)


  • AdemnusAdemnus Posts: 744

    Yep, snatched these right up, along with some of Shimizu's poses too. Here's a quick render. (head is mixed with several other dials but it is the base I used, pose is also Shimizu's)


    842 x 910 - 266K
  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,050

    @Ademnus, he looks very intimidating!

    @Llynara, Yes! I love his products so I'm getting these right away! I have Shimuzu's Head Morphs for Michael 6 and I LOVE IT! I transferred those morphs to G3 via GenX and have been mixing them with other characters with great results! Both of these guys have some Jason head morph mixed in, for example.



    1538 x 1262 - 722K
    1920 x 1206 - 2M
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited July 2017

    @Ademnus Wow, he looks handsomely formiddable! 

    @giselle3000 I remember those renders. The guys look great in both of them. I may have to pick up the G2M version too. 

    I thought I recognized the PA's name. I just looked, and it turns out I have his (or her?) M4 head morphs and some of the pose sets. Guess I should use them on something! 

    I'd also like to thank the person in marketing for getting that "Let's Hear It For the Boys" song stuck in my head again. It's been decades since I saw the movie, "Footloose" but that brings it all back. LOL

    Post edited by Llynara on
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