Duplicate formula weirdness with M3D Clayton Shapes

Not the normal "duplicate formulas found" thing, but something slighly stranger.

Has anyone had an issue with duplicate formulas suddenly appearing out of nowhere? I don't mean the typical thing, where you installed something new and that particular item immeditely tells you there are duplicate formulas the first time you use it. (Or the first time you use a Genesis figure with the affected morph.) I mean, something you've had installed for a while and used without any issue, that has not been updated or changed or anything that you know of, suddenly starts throwing duplicate formula errors, and you can't figure out why?

I've had M3D Clayton for G3M installed since it came out, back in February. Have never had an issue with it. Studio has never thrown out a message on it. As far as the readme can be trusted, it's never been updated -- at least, I don't remember downloading an update via DIM.

Today, for absolutely no apparent reason that I can understand, I start getting "duplicate formula found" messages when I use G3M. When I go into the log, this is the message:

2017-07-04 17:35:01.362 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5942): Duplicate formula found linking Value & CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D Clayton For Michael 7/pJCMClaytonBodyAbsUpperLowerBendDownHD3.dsf.

How is it even possible for something to spontaneously evolve a duplicate formula issue when it's never been touched?

I removed the file from the Morphs directory, and the alert vanished, so it was definitely that file.

Even weirder, when I put a new copy of the file back -- I have the original zip, in a directory that DIM can't touch -- the error returns.

How could the error have been there all the time and not thrown off a message until now?

For that matter, is that something I can fix, or is that purely something I'd have to file a ticket on? (The file isn't compressed, but since the innards are only slightly more comprensible than Ancient Greek, I'm guessing probably not.)



  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,985

    Filed problem report and the response received from Customer Service is: "Does the product work?"  So she throws it back to me to show that joint controlled morph doesn't work, Really?  I expected DAZ would notify the PA and have the issue addressed.  I have no desire to troubleshoot a product's errors.  I would have returned the product if I had filed the ticket within the 30 refund period. 

    I have uninstalled the offending product.

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited July 2017

    Actually Clayton wouldn't be the offending product as it cleared  QA without the duplicate error, it would be another product that's installed after it that happened to have a jcm named CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40. Considering I haven't received notification of an issue since the release this is the first I've heard of the issue. However, another product that you installed will need to be addressed as well as that name would need to be changed. This is not a error with my product; it's just 2 products have the same jcm name that's causing the error in the log when both are installed.

    This will be a pervasive error to fix as you will need to backtrack which products you have installed because QA won't know which products has this jcm name.

    And yes this will require your help to find both products with the same jcm name before I will send the update because me changing a jcm name will not resolve this issue. Do a search in the Property Hierarchy for the variable name and see if you can track down a morph that's releated to another product.

    Post edited by Male-M3dia on
  • lcfarlcfar Posts: 88

    I just tried loading Clayton and I also get this duplicate error, not only when loading Clayton, but when loading any G3M character, including the base. This did not happen two days ago when I loaded Morpheus, so I figured it must be caused by something that was installed since then. The only item installed in the last two days that could affect G3M was an update to Growing Up for G3M. I uninstalled it, and the error went away. The error only occurs if both Clayton and the recent Growing Up update are installed.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,956
    lcfar said:

    I just tried loading Clayton and I also get this duplicate error, not only when loading Clayton, but when loading any G3M character, including the base. This did not happen two days ago when I loaded Morpheus, so I figured it must be caused by something that was installed since then. The only item installed in the last two days that could affect G3M was an update to Growing Up for G3M. I uninstalled it, and the error went away. The error only occurs if both Clayton and the recent Growing Up update are installed.

    Ah, I just installed both those updates too. Thanks for the heads up.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,836
    edited July 2017

    Actually Clayton wouldn't be the offending product as it cleared  QA without the duplicate error, it would be another product that's installed after it that happened to have a jcm named CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40. Considering I haven't received notification of an issue since the release this is the first I've heard of the issue. However, another product that you installed will need to be addressed as well as that name would need to be changed. This is not a error with my product; it's just 2 products have the same jcm name that's causing the error in the log when both are installed.

    This will be a pervasive error to fix as you will need to backtrack which products you have installed because QA won't know which products has this jcm name.

    And yes this will require your help to find both products with the same jcm name before I will send the update because me changing a jcm name will not resolve this issue. Do a search in the Property Hierarchy for the variable name and see if you can track down a morph that's releated to another product.

    Ah, OK. I hadn't had any issues with Clayton until now, so this seemed really strange. I didn't know that products could conflict with each other in ways that caused that sort of issue. Thank you for unpacking it so that it made sense.

    At least the number of products that would cause this issue is likely to be limited, since it only started appearing today. I used Studio day before yesterday and didn't have this issue. There were a raft of updates and new things, but I think they were all G2M/G2F/G3F or shaders, so they would -- I hope -- not be producing alerts for G3M.

    The only G3M thing I installed today that might be creating the conflict is Growing Up, which was the only G3M specific thing that had an update today. Every other item I installed today from Daz was either female-oriented or architecture.

    And the readme for Growing Up says:

    • 2017-07-04 - Various JCM corrections and refinements.
    • 2017-05-09 - Male - Added JCMAbdoUpperLowerAssis support morph

    So that seems like it may have been corrected into a duplicate formula error.

    There are four files in the Growing Up directory showing updates that are dated July 4, and JCMBendAbdoUpper&Lower 2.dsf has the CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 property in it. None of the other three do.

    If I remove JCMBendAbdoUpper&Lower 2.dsf from the Growing Up morphs directory, and put Clayton's file back, no duplicate formulas error appears. So somehow, Growing Up got corrected into a conflict with Clayton.

    EDIT: Ticket filed. We shall see what we shall see.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,985
    Lindsey said:

    Filed problem report and the response received from Customer Service is: "Does the product work?"  So she throws it back to me to show that joint controlled morph doesn't work, Really?  I expected DAZ would notify the PA and have the issue addressed.  I have no desire to troubleshoot a product's errors.  I would have returned the product if I had filed the ticket within the 30 refund period. 

    I have uninstalled the offending product.

    After re-installing the product, my error is not a duplicate formula error after all.  It's a "could not find target property for formula" error.

    2017-23-04 22:23:12.684 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5561): Could not find target property for formula: Genesis3Male:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D%20Clayton%20For%20Michael%207/FBMM3DClaytonSmootherAbsHD3.dsf#FBMM3DClaytonSmootherAbsHD3?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D%20Clayton%20For%20Michael%207/pJCMClaytonBodyAbsUpperLowerBendDownHD3.dsf
    2017-23-04 22:23:12.796 File loaded in 2 min 5.9 sec.
    2017-23-04 22:23:12.831 Loaded file: genesis 3 male.duf

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,836
    Lindsey said:
    Lindsey said:

    Filed problem report and the response received from Customer Service is: "Does the product work?"  So she throws it back to me to show that joint controlled morph doesn't work, Really?  I expected DAZ would notify the PA and have the issue addressed.  I have no desire to troubleshoot a product's errors.  I would have returned the product if I had filed the ticket within the 30 refund period. 

    I have uninstalled the offending product.

    After re-installing the product, my error is not a duplicate formula error after all.  It's a "could not find target property for formula" error.

    2017-23-04 22:23:12.684 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5561): Could not find target property for formula: Genesis3Male:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D%20Clayton%20For%20Michael%207/FBMM3DClaytonSmootherAbsHD3.dsf#FBMM3DClaytonSmootherAbsHD3?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D%20Clayton%20For%20Michael%207/pJCMClaytonBodyAbsUpperLowerBendDownHD3.dsf
    2017-23-04 22:23:12.796 File loaded in 2 min 5.9 sec.
    2017-23-04 22:23:12.831 Loaded file: genesis 3 male.duf

    Yeah, I've got a lot of that in the log file as well. Several things with either output property or target property issues. As long as it doesn't cause Studio any issues, I don't worry overmuch about those. Clayton seems to be perfectly usable with whatever that problem is, and Studio isn't throwing up error messages. I wouldn't have known about that error if I hadn't had the other one.

    At least that explains -- but does not necessarily excuse -- the initial Daz reaction you got. Whatever "output property" and "target property" are supposed to do, it doesn't cause issues with the product if they can't find whatever they're looking for.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,956
    edited July 2017
    Lindsey said:
    Lindsey said:

    Filed problem report and the response received from Customer Service is: "Does the product work?"  So she throws it back to me to show that joint controlled morph doesn't work, Really?  I expected DAZ would notify the PA and have the issue addressed.  I have no desire to troubleshoot a product's errors.  I would have returned the product if I had filed the ticket within the 30 refund period. 

    I have uninstalled the offending product.

    After re-installing the product, my error is not a duplicate formula error after all.  It's a "could not find target property for formula" error.

    2017-23-04 22:23:12.684 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5561): Could not find target property for formula: Genesis3Male:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D%20Clayton%20For%20Michael%207/FBMM3DClaytonSmootherAbsHD3.dsf#FBMM3DClaytonSmootherAbsHD3?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Morphs/Male_M3dia/M3D%20Clayton%20For%20Michael%207/pJCMClaytonBodyAbsUpperLowerBendDownHD3.dsf
    2017-23-04 22:23:12.796 File loaded in 2 min 5.9 sec.
    2017-23-04 22:23:12.831 Loaded file: genesis 3 male.duf

    I think that is not an error but I do says it is messy. It's more like a warning or informational message for debugging I think. I believe it means nothing more than you don't own the Clayton character or don't have it installed now at least. 

    I get that sort of error message for a long list of characters on loading them, even if I am not using the Growing Up product at all but have the Growing Up product installed.

    So have you since uninstalled Clayton and then reinsalled Growing Up?

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,836

    I think that is not an error but I do says it is messy. It's more like a warning or informational message for debugging I think. I believe it means nothing more than you don't own the Clayton character or don't have it installed now at least. 

    I get that sort of error message for a long list of characters on loading them, even if I am not using the Growing Up product at all but have the Growing Up product installed.

    So have you since uninstalled Clayton and then reinsalled Growing Up?

    I'm not sure what it does mean, but it isn't about having something uninstalled. I've got it only for characters and things I *do* have installed, including Clayton. The log file shows all those messages on load for G3M or G3F or whichever.

    I expect you're right about the function, though. That would make it more undertsandable that Daz asks if something is working when you report that error message. If it is working properly and not throwing any other errors, then it's nothing to worry too much about. If you're seeing that error and having some sort of unexpected/undesired result, then deeper work might be indicated.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,047
    edited July 2017

    The problem is that Clayton pJCMClaytonBodyAbsUpperLowerBendDownHD3.dsf because that morph dialled up on default shape and should be linked only when clayton is dialled in. But now I see some two Growing Up morphs is now doing the same.  This was not happening when I saved out the files. Lemme see what is going on.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,047
    edited July 2017

    This should fix the issue. Please copy the files from the attached zip into your Content Library's data folder and overwrite the files.. Looks like the jcm's failed to link Growing Up youth morph when triggered. This should be fixed now. Looks like I will have to do another official update...sigh...

    Growing Up G3M Update.zip
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,836
    Zev0 said:

    This should fix the issue. Please copy the files from the attached zip into your Content Library's data folder and overwrite the files.. Looks like the jcm's failed to link Growing Up youth morph when triggered. This should be fixed now. Looks like I will have to do another official update...sigh...

    Thank you very much for providing this update, and so quickly!

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,836
    edited July 2017
    Zev0 said:

    This should fix the issue. Please copy the files from the attached zip into your Content Library's data folder and overwrite the files.. Looks like the jcm's failed to link Growing Up youth morph when triggered. This should be fixed now. Looks like I will have to do another official update...sigh...

    And I hate to say it, but this update didn't fix the problem. I installed it, and duplicate formulas came back. It's both still conflicting with Clayton, and now throwing off a fresh duplicate formulas error of its own:

    2017-07-06 01:06:38.499 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5942): Duplicate formula found linking Value & CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 in G:/DAZ 3D/Studio3/content/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Male/Morphs/Zev0/Growing Up/JCMBendAbdoUpper&Lower 2.dsf.


    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,047
    edited July 2017

    I tried lol. Best I can do on my side regarding Growing Up. MM3 said he will be updating his file as well. Never cross the streamscheeky

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    Zev, make sure you change alll instances of CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 to something unique. Also i mentioned searching property hiearchy for the name, not the log as it will catch the duplicate, but NOT the first instances. Could be another product with that same name. (I did say this was a pervasive error)

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,047

    The zip I shared is what will be updated in store. I can't pull that down. I might do another update if your fix on your side still causes conflict.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,836
    edited July 2017

    I did hear back from Daz about the ticket I filed. I decline to comment about that interaction in this forum at the current time.

    Zev, make sure you change alll instances of CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 to something unique. Also i mentioned searching property hiearchy for the name, not the log as it will catch the duplicate, but NOT the first instances. Could be another product with that same name. (I did say this was a pervasive error)

    I realize that this part of the comment wasn't directed to my address, but the original remark about the Property Hierarchy was. I did that at the time, but I edited out that part of the answer when I got a better handle on what was going on. Unfortunately, I found Property Hierarchy ... really confusing, honestly. I *think* I've parsed out what I'm seeing, but I make no promises. Images of what I was seeing attached, and I hope it's useful.

    If I understood what I was seeing, CTRLMD_N_XRotate_40 was showing up not only in Clayton, but also in Coen, Jalen, and in George by Deepsea. For the 1st Stage ... whatever, of the first six items, I think four were in Growing Up, and two were in Aging Morphs. (I am ... puzzled as to why none of them were conflicting with each other before now, or why the update to Growing Up isn't producing issues with the other products, but I freely admit that I may be completely misunderstanding what I'm seeing.)

    If Property Hierarchy is to be believed, and I'm understanding what I'm seeing, it looks like Growing Up, Aging Morphs, Coen, Jalen, Clayton and George seem to be the principal occurrences of that. I think. Maybe.

    Hope this helps.

    823 x 785 - 91K
    825 x 792 - 91K
    829 x 799 - 73K
    831 x 793 - 62K
    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    Coen and Jalen are fine as they link to unique names.

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