Getting Duplicate Formula's found on a single morph

AngelAngel Posts: 1,204

[Getting Duplicate Formula's found on a single morph] The title says it all. I'm getting that message pop up after saving a morph. Even though it's a unique morph, and has one file path.


It also has a unique name. So thats not it.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    I wish these "duplicate" error messages were a bit more useful and actually tell you what and where the duplicates are. The messages say "duplicate found". OK Mr. Programmer, then tell us where you found them, give us a useful error message not an infuriating one, stop being so lazy.

  • The log does tell you exactly which property is causing the issue, which by the sound of it Angel - Wings has found.

    Duplicate formulas means that there are two ERC links between your morph and another property - this can, for example, happen if you run ERC Freeze twice while refining settings (you need to use ERC Bake, from the Property Hierarchy right-click menu on a link, to replace the link with local values, then tweak, then redo the ERC Freeze).

  • AngelAngel Posts: 1,204
    edited June 2017

    Toon Generations 2. The age contoller bar is always active,set to 1.0


    I'm not in the habbit of having to check to make sure automatic morphs arnt being applied. 3D Universe should fix that cause Toon Generations 2 is sneaking its way into a lot of my freezes... I deleted the data folder for Toon Generations 2 and saved my morph again. Seemed to have solved the issue, as far as I can tell.


    Rich, I think hes refering to the fact that it's only giving you information on 1 morph... If theres duplicate formula's.. it should list the dupes. Otherwise that information is completly useless to anyone. I'm only lucky cause I know from personal experience which one it was. But had I not of known.. I'd still be dealing with this issue.

    Post edited by Angel on
  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300
    edited June 2017

    Indeed, so if part of the error information can be listed in the log, why can't all the known details. It would make it much easier to solve these issues. Poor quality error messages is not a new issue and certainly not exclusive to DS, but in this day and age, not giving full details in the message (or in the log) is plain lazy (not to mention extremely irritating).


    Classic old time windows error message (attached)

    Errors are almost always unexpected and they are never "OK"... programmers, please use the word "Continue"


    271 x 121 - 4K
    Post edited by IsaacNewton on
  • I don't hae a sample to look at, but I thought the error in the log did list the property at the other end of the connection in the full text.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    I'll check it out next time I get an error.


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,701
    edited June 2017

    I have to pop-in on this one - Having to even go to a log, when the friendly but useless pop-up and message has already been generated and presented is not an 'OK' answer in my book. Hell, adding a 'show log' button in that same dialog would be really handy vs. 4 layer deep menu selections to get to the log...

    A few simple considerations by the programmers to their userbase would be the cheapest of wins, and we *know* how simple it is to print the mentioned two dependencies when you have them "in your hand', rather than one.

    Ten minutes of one of these brilliant programmer's time could put this 5 year old problem (since DS4.x ?)  to rest in the *next* Beta. A decent summer intern could fix most of the 40+ of these informational 'DAZ-isms' that I've run into with almost zero chance of regression (additional printfs don't usually imply logic changes). Just sayin'

    And @IsaacNewton, I had to laugh at the 'OK' vs 'Continue' button comment - many-a-time I've gotten the 'We lost all of your work... Press OK" ... sort of message, and at that point, it's anything but "OK", lol!



    (edited to reduce antagonistic tone)

    Post edited by mindsong on
  • Well, you need to bear in mind that for most users a list of morph names would not be useful and might seem overwhelming - for them there's enough information to report an issue, but it's simple enough not to daunt. It's not a question of not thinking of the userbase, but of which section of the userbase.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,701

    granted the userbase here is *very* diverse in terms of tech awareness - you might even say the most brilliant folks from both extremes of art to geek, so your point is well taken.

    I still wonder that anyone in this audience benefits from a 'something happened' dialog that leaves the user asking 'ok, so now what?'

    fine line between gently insulating a user and giving no obvious place to go. something along the lines of 'click here to see the duplicates' wouldn't hurt - esp if it was in a format that could be posted to support or the forums for those struggling to work out the issue.



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