Camera troubles

Okay, I have an indoor scene I've created with three cameras.  I created the cameras by selecting  'Apply Active Viewport Transforms' while in the Viewport.  I am having two completely different issues with one or the other of them.

The first issue is lightng.  Camera 1 is pointing into a constrained, rectangular, enclosed space from the side, through a door.  Camera 2 is placed inside that enclosed space, towards the other end of that space, such that the door is to at the other end of the space, and to camera right.  Camera 3 is at the opposite end of the space from where Camera 2 is, and with the door on its immediate left.  Camera 1, when rendered, has the scene washed brightly in light, as if there were a strong, bright spotlight some ways past the door and behind the camera.  (There don't seem to be any actual lights in the scene, other than maybe the ceiling lamps some feet above where the cameras are placed.)  Camera 3, which is a closeup, when it is rendered, the scene is so brightly lit that parts of the scene appear a mite washed out.  I can live with these lighting levels.  The problem is, when I render from Camera 2, the scene comes out completely PITCH BLACK!  What am I missing here?  oO

The other problem is camera picture ratios.  The character in the scene is sitting down, at the end of the rectangular space next to where the door is.  I want to set Camera 2 so that I see all of him, from below the knees to above his head, but due to the constraints of the space, it wants to chop his image off at the top of the forehead and also slightly below the knees.  I've gone through all the camera width and hight presets, and some of them zoom WAY out panoramically onto him in the enclosed space, to give a super wide but slender-hight image, I've also tried to go Custom, adjusting the W and H factors manually, but it keeps doing the opposite of what I want it to do.  What I'd LIKE to do is make a very TALL and fairly narrow vertical slice of what's in the Viewport be the rendered image shape, and I've actually tried doing various sorts of custom W and H settings, trying to add another inch or so onto the vertical so its not chopping the very tippytop of his head off in the image, but no matter what I do, it "helpfully" zooms in CLOSER to him so as to continue cutting off the EXACT same part of his head.  [Makes utterly, utterly exasperated noises...]  Is there a way around this?  I've been banging my head against this brick wall for hours.  Oo

Post edited by nomad-ads_8ecd56922e on


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060

    There are some possibilities.

    1) The washed out too bright images could be that the camera headlamp is still on. Select the camera in the scene tab and turn Headlamp off in the Parameters Tab.

    2) The black render might be because the camera is behind a wall or there is something else in the way. You can move the camera with the sliders in the Parameters Tab

    3) Each camera can have its own settings for pixel size and aspect ratio found under Dimensions in the Parameters Tab when the camera is selected.

    4) Focal length can also be changed under Camera in the Parameters Tab.

  • By default the Autoheadlamp is on - if there are no lights in the scene then a spot light shines from just off the camera. I think your diffrences are due to the way that offset light is affected by the posiytion in the scene. The fix would be to use at least one real light (since it sounds as if there isn't enough light from other sources yet).

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075

    Question for all. I've always wondered why one would change the camera dimensions?

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060
    edited June 2017
    fastbike1 said:

    Question for all. I've always wondered why one would change the camera dimensions?

    I do it when using different cameras in the scene. I may have a wide view which has a 16:9 camera, another view with a 6:4 camera and another close-up at 3:4. Each one may also have different pixel sizes depending on how i am using them. The close-up one will depend on if it is full face so I make it 600 pixels wide, it fits in the forum better. When I did the Creech competition they wanted 11:13 so I just set up a new camera at those dimensions rather than change the settings on my default cameras.

    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • By default the Autoheadlamp is on - if there are no lights in the scene then a spot light shines from just off the camera. I think your diffrences are due to the way that offset light is affected by the posiytion in the scene. The fix would be to use at least one real light (since it sounds as if there isn't enough light from other sources yet).

    Ah, or the headlamp for that particular camera got accidently shoved outside the stall?  I DID have to cram the camera as far back into a corner of it as I could and still be able to see inside the stall.  Is there a way to move the headlamp in relation to the camera?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075


    Thanks, you reminded me that the camera size will override the render size if "Use Local Dimensions" is ON. I have typically just changed the render size, but won't be doing that anymore.

  • By default the Autoheadlamp is on - if there are no lights in the scene then a spot light shines from just off the camera. I think your diffrences are due to the way that offset light is affected by the posiytion in the scene. The fix would be to use at least one real light (since it sounds as if there isn't enough light from other sources yet).

    Ah, or the headlamp for that particular camera got accidently shoved outside the stall?  I DID have to cram the camera as far back into a corner of it as I could and still be able to see inside the stall.  Is there a way to move the headlamp in relation to the camera?

    Yes, you can adjust the offsets in the Headlamp group in the Parametrrs pane.

  • I suspect I'd probably be better off placing out an overall lightsource above the whole thing, approximating the ceiling lights, and turning Auto Headlamp off.

    So, is there a way to change the camera frame-size to taller-than-portrait-mode without it insisting on zooming in by the same amount in order to lock me into the same region of the scene?


  • I think you will have to adjust the size, then move (or change focal length) to get the desired framing.

  • Well, I placed up two Linear Point Lights at the ceiling, and adjusted their size and shape so they approximated the position and size of the two (pure prop) flourescent light fixtures, and started a render again on Camera 2... and it still comes out pitch black.  I am tearing my hair out over this.  This should be incredibly simple: Place out light sources, set cameras, select one of the cameras to render from, hit Render, and you get a fuilly lit image out.... but DS is acting like "Sorry, you didn't say 'Mother May I!' Those lights don't count!"

    I've just now placed out a third Linear Point Light a few feet below the ceiling and a few feet above the character... but rendering from Camera 2 still gives me a pitch black scene.  It totally flabberghasts me that the only valid light the render seems to WANT to accept is the camera "headlamp."   Is there some hidden setting I need to go turn on for this to work?  oO


  • Try plonking a really strong (ramp the luminance way up) point light in the middle of the room - does that give light? if not it may be the camera placement that is the issue.

  • Well, I placed a new linear pointlight in the scene, up near the celing, above the character Camear 2 is focussed on, and ramped intensity of that light up to maximum.  I'd actually typed 500 into the Intensity field, and didn't notice till I went back to adjust it again that it had set it to 200% instead.  I started a render from Camera 2, and saw it was showing SOME light in the scene, but it was still dim.  I aborted out of that, went back to ramp intensity on that lamp up more (that's when I noticed it limits it to 200% max, and was already at that), and then I went and ramped the other two lights up to 200%, started a new render and.... its back to pitch black?!?  What.... the....?!?!?

    Okay, I nudged the camera view a TINY SMIDGE closer to the character, even tho the character was fully visible already in the Render window before that, and this time when I hit Render again, it started rendering it with light showing in the scene again, but still really dim.

    I am trying to make a scene set in a brightly lit room, one where the light is uniformly and evenly spread across the whole space, but instead of looks as if the power is off in there and someone has one oof those little battery-powered lamps somewhere off to the side of where the camera is pointing.  oO

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,060
    edited June 2017

    You don't use Intensity with Iray lights, you increase the Lumens. I also think you will need to change the Tone Mapping settings so that more light is enetering the camera lens, as you would do with a real camera. I was testing Bloom settings and I set up this room with 5 different lights and a Distant light coming through the windows.

    The light settings.

    I stopped this at 87%

    Bloom Filter off. Six lights.
    D) Point Light 1 25000 Lumens
    A) Linear Point Light 3500 Lumens 
    Distant Light 150000.0 Lumens
    E) Spotlight on wall 1500 Lumens
    C) Linear Pointlight 2 on ceiling 4500 Lumens
    B) Pointlight 2 on wall 5500 Lumens

    All lights Temperature at 2750

    Light Geometry set to Sphere

    Tone Mapping Settings

    Shutter Speed 60

    F/Stop 4

    Film ISO 200

    2017-06-20 16:39:29.733 Total Rendering Time: 8 hours 31 minutes 9.90 seconds

    Leaving the Tone Mapping settings and increasing the Lumens would make the scene brighter.

    Light Test.

    Click on image for full size.

    1496 x 997 - 1M
    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • Okay, I brought Camera 2 focal length down from 65 to 40 and got approximately the shot I wanted, and I set the two linear point lights that are at the flourescent-light fixtures to a Luminnce of 25000, and then found on the Lights & Cameras tab the button marked something like Use Scene Lights, in which the button was showing orange colored, and I clicked that so it was no longer showing the button as orange colored.  I then started a Render and it looks really nice now.... but its been going almost an hour now and its still at 0% rendered.  EEEK!!  I am on a $40 video card (!!!!), I need a much beefier video card.  oO

  • Do note that Linear Point Lights are the same as ordinary Point Lights in Iray - light falls off naturally (inverse square law) from all local sources.

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