"Set the mood" haze cameras, how to adjust haze position/size

srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

How do I adjust where in the scene the haze will be?  I see there is a cube tied to the camera that controls the haze.  I attempted to make it much larger to encompass my scene, while also moving it slightly back so that the camera and some foreground was not inside it, however I get weird blocks of haze and the distant lights don't seem to be lighting it up either.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited June 2017

    Ok, so the haze isn't just contained within the volume of the haze cube, because I see haze rendered outside of that space.  What does the cube actually represent, if not the area of haze?  Or is the size/position of it meaningless and a side effect of the way the haze camera works?

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited June 2017

    I have scale working now, I think.  I'm not sure what I was doing before, but since it seems to scale with more recent tests I'm assuming I did something incorrectly last time, maybe I accidentally moved the cube halfway out of the frame and didn't realize it?  In any case that issue seems to be gone. 

    The strange blocks turned out to be some sort of interaction with transparency maps.  For whatever reason, the transparent portions of the planes are visible in the form of increased haze, so they show up as big rectangles.  Still an issue, workaround suggestions welcome.

    Still not sure why the lights sometimes affect it and sometimes seemingly don't.

    screenshot, set the mood opacity plane.png
    66 x 115 - 14K
    Post edited by sriesch on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148

    I don't know if I'm allowed to link to Deviant Art, so I won't, but if you look up RetroDevil and Iray Atmosphere on Google they have a very nice tutorial on how to accomplish it. And no rectangles in your image ;).


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