Lorenzo et al LoRez figures - 1st try, might need some help

I had a look at the Lorenzo and Loretta LoRez kit and I think I have some questions. What is the BASE figure supposed to be? Do you start with clothes or no clothes? One of the options is to load with "no morphs"... what exactly is that for, I wonder.

I was clicking and clicking on the man (the "T-shirt" icon in the set seems to load the best fully-clothed man, overall) and not much seemed to happen, for instance the feet/shoes seem frozen and I don't get the hat at all... ditto the hair. Also, it seems to be installed all over the place, under "Poser" but I suppose I could live with that for the time being.

Here is a screen shot and a test render. The screen shot shows the lower part of the figures and I have "clothes" and "feet" and "boots" or "shoes" selected and so on, and I'm using the Surface Tool, but nothing is happening.  Also, I would like to try a crowd of figures in a field (like at an open-air concert or a county fair) but when I go high with the camera zoom (like a drone or UAV angle?) I get terrific foreshortening on Lorenzo/Loretta: huge shoulders/arm/wrist and hands on the man, disproportionate body parts on the female figure. I'm sure I can live with this, but should I be using a different "camera setting" of some sort?

If you look carefully at my screen shot you can see I've started a bit of postwork in the area of the woman's skirt... I had to make some of her smaller!



  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185
    edited May 2017

    OK I'll try to answer this. The screenshots below assume you installed using DIM, so everything for Lorenzo is in Smart Content.

    First shot shows the "People" options. There are four main figures plus a hands-and-feet only (which I've never really found a use for). The four main figures are:
    Lorenzo (nearly naked)
    Lorenzo in a Business suit
    Lorenzo in a hoodie and jeans outfit
    Lorenzo in a T-shirt and jeans outfit

    Each of these figures comes in two versions, with and without shaping morphs. The ones without shaping morphs are called "Blank". The Blanks save memory when loading the figure if you didn't need to change the basic shape, If you loaded a Blank figure, you can add in the morphs later with the corresponding "INJ" thumbnail under "Shaping" in the content library.

    I've loaded the figure called "BusinessSuit" here.

    ETA: Oops, I cut the screenshot too small to show the viewport, never mind it just looks like a larger version of the thumbnail.

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    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185
    edited May 2017

    Next you can adjust the skin tone and the materials for the clothing using the various options under "Materials" in the Content Library. These are additive - you only need to select the figure in your scene (no need to selected any surfaces).

    In the first pic I have changed the skin tone to the first of the African ones.

    ETA: The various options in "Skin" add hair and/or beards to the figure - these are only textures, not additional geometry. Each skin tone comes with clean-shaven, full beard, goatee and moustache versions, each with or without hair. These are NOT additive - you need to pick exactly the combination you want. There are several hair colours available in there. Note that you need to apply the Skin_Base mat for the ethnicity of your choice before you apply the hair/beard choice, because the hair/beard variants only affect the head of the figure, not the rest.

    In the second pic I have applied the top-left mat to the shoes, the blue shirt option below it, the brown suit option from two rows further down then the stripy blue tie option from a little further down (off the bottom of the screenshot).

    ETA: Note you can only use the suit/shirt/tie mats on the Business Suit figure, you can only use the T-shirt colours on the T-Shirt figure, but the trousers and shoes mats will work on any of the three. The only mats you can use on the "almost naked" figure are the skin/hair ones because he doesn't have the geometry for the clothing parts.

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    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185
    edited May 2017

    Finally I have added a basball cap and sunglasses from the "Accessories" in the Content Library - these are separate objects which are loaded automatically parented to the head of the figure. If you want to change their materials you need to expand the figure in the Scene tab and select the hat then apply the mat from the options in "Materials" - "Accessories".

    ETA: There's also the briefcase which is in "Props" - it loads parented to the right hand but the hand needs to be posed to hold it properly - there are partial poses under "Poses" that will work.

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    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185
    edited May 2017

    If you are NOT using DIM to install, then Lorenzo may not be in Smart Content. In which case you need to load him from the Poser format files - the figures are under "Figures" as shown in the first pic below, the materials under "Poses" as shown in the second pic.

    Oh, and the accessories (baseball cap, sunglasses and briefcase) are in: Props - P3DA_LorenzoLorez.

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    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185

    Now Loretta Lorez is a whole different story. Unless I've got an out-ot-date version, there isn't proper Smart Content for her. I go through Poser Format - Figures - P3DA_LorettzLorez to load the figure (again there is a full version and a "Blank" version with no shaping morphs) but unlike Lorenzo she doesn't have different figures for the clothing options (coat or skirt) they are separate objects and (for me at least) they don't get parented to Loretta automatically, I have to fit them to her otherwise when she's posed they stay where they are! (I guess you found all this already)

    Then to apply the DS materials you need to switch to DAZ Studio Formats in the Content Library then go to P3DA - P3DA_LorettaLorez - !MATS_xxxxx <= where xxxx is African/Caucasian/Indian/Latino/Oriental/Clothes/Eyes/Props-Hats. It's a bit of a pain I find.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185
    Roman_K2 said:

    ...Also, I would like to try a crowd of figures in a field (like at an open-air concert or a county fair) but when I go high with the camera zoom (like a drone or UAV angle?) I get terrific foreshortening on Lorenzo/Loretta: huge shoulders/arm/wrist and hands on the man, disproportionate body parts on the female figure. I'm sure I can live with this, but should I be using a different "camera setting" of some sort?

    Not sure what you mean about this. Do you get a different foreshortening with Lorenzo/Loretta than you do with Genesis/G2F/G2M/G3F/G3M figures? I can't imagine why that would be. Could you perhaps try putting a single Genesis figure in among the Lorez-es and show what you mean?

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210

    Thanks for this. << Insert a series of deep bows and kowtows, and picture me imitating a whirling dervish! >>

    I'll try and reply in a timely manner. I may be nit-picking about the foreshortening but I took a lot of time to try and duplicate what I think may be the "problem", if indeed there is one. Thanks again. cheeky

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210
    edited May 2017

    Ok here we go. I can't enlarge the first screen shot that you posted. I've been... noticing this in general for a while, in the forums - thumbnails of screenshots and sample renders won't enlarge. Point being, I can't locate "Lorenzo" in my Smart Content pane and I wanted to see what you were doing. I'm able to locate all of the files by typing *lorenzo*.* in the search box, in Win7 but anyway...

    Btw, poking around a bit I found an old instruction sheet on my hard drive- "LorettaLorezUserManual.pdf"

    In my setup (I think Win7 setups vary) it was in Libraries > Documents > Public Documents > My DAZ 3D Library > ReadMe's

    FWIW, the instructions say there are eight body types: Default, African, Child, Large Figure A, Large B, Old, Super Model and Young Teen, all done using various morphs and scaling.

    (Edit 10:30 p.m.) Ha, go figure - the first screenshot finally enlarged. Ok, I see you are going to People > Male in your Smart Content pane. I'll have to try that, thanks.

    Post edited by Roman_K2 on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185

    Well what do you know! I never knew that pdf doc existed - I have it in my ReadMe's folder too but I'd never noticed it there! Yes you can do quite a few changes to body shape and size with the morphs provided.

    Glad you finally got to see the enlarged screenshots - I'll go back and paste inline enlargements in case that problem happens again.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210

    I am stuck, with my Lorenzo work... or at least processing it has touched onto an unrelated issue, eg. things you can/cannot do/should do (maybe) with any rendered image when processing for the WWW.

    It seems that image editors have some optional settings that I have not previously been aware of. Ergo the different kinds of resampling (? - the red arrows in my screenshot here) and also what the heck is "Styles" -- and style retention -- (blue arrow?) in this context.

    Arrgh. Back soon. Thanks.

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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185

    I usually pick one of the "recommended" ones - i.e. "Best for enlargment" if I'm making it larger, "Best for reduction" if I'm making it smaller. But I don't usually amend the size of image at all for posting here in the forums - I normally render at the size I want and just convert to .jpg so it's not too massive a file to upload. There are limits to the size of posted images, but I can't remember exactly what they are. 1024 x 1024 is certainly small enough to work, some people post a lot bigger.

    No idea what that "Styles" window is doing there - has it become detached from where it was docked? I'm pretty sure that it has nothing to do with image resizing.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210
    MelanieL said:
    No idea what that "Styles" window is doing there - has it become detached from where it was docked? I'm pretty sure that it has nothing to do with image resizing.

    Sorry to branch off from Lorenzo per se but if you look closely at the dialog box there is a tick box for including "Styles" in the operation. I just popped the little black box into my screen shot because this is one of the other "new things" that has suddenly reared up, for me. It seems to be related to the relatively new (at least for me) "FX" tab. Anyway...

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210
    edited May 2017

    Here is G2M in a scene beside two Lorenzos. I THINK the Lorenzos have unusually large shoulder, uh, pads and thighs, and the guy in the red T-shirt has huge paw! Maybe it's just my perception.

    It's probably something to do with the camera settings and/or Lorenzo has some exaggerated body parts on purpose... sort of like Michaelangelo painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

    2nd and 3rd images shows where I've knocked some of the body parts down to size, on the red T-shirt guy. It's probably just quibbles on my part. If you switch quickly between figure 2 and 2b, you can see where I'm trying to adjust the stock Lorenzo figure.

    Hopefully I'll be able to post something more substantial, later this summer. Btw, summer... what summer??  It was still quite frosty here in Canada, well into mid-May. The grass in my pictures is one of Jen's ground shaders!

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    Post edited by Roman_K2 on
  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210

    Ok, at the risk of this coming across as mere quibbles, here is another recent experience from a few days ago. I'm beginning to think there is something a bit off in my installation of Win7!

    I was thinking about re-doing a scene where my little dog is toasting marshmallows by the campfire. Now the "rocks" in the Western Bric-a-Bric set by Faveral seemed to be a bit repetitive, so I thought I'd give one or two a bit of variety, and I broke up the grouping of rocks to have a go at it. devil

    I set up a scene with some test "fire" -- done with the IDG Iray FX - Props and Shaders set -- in the Viewport pane and rendered and... woah, my modified rock turned into a Flintstones bowling ball!  I tried it again a few times - round ball every time.  It's not the end of the world but just the same I don't like surprises... I wonder what gives with this.  Notice that the "fire" seems to be a bit distorted as well, relative to its original shape beside the rock.

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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185
    Roman_K2 said:

    Here is G2M in a scene beside two Lorenzos. I THINK the Lorenzos have unusually large shoulder, uh, pads and thighs, and the guy in the red T-shirt has huge paw! Maybe it's just my perception.

    It's probably something to do with the camera settings and/or Lorenzo has some exaggerated body parts on purpose... sort of like Michaelangelo painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


    Mm, I see what you mean, his shoulders do look bulkier than the other figure. I wonder what your camera settings are (specifically focal length)?

    Roman_K2 said:

    Ok, at the risk of this coming across as mere quibbles, here is another recent experience from a few days ago. I'm beginning to think there is something a bit off in my installation of Win7!

    I was thinking about re-doing a scene where my little dog is toasting marshmallows by the campfire. Now the "rocks" in the Western Bric-a-Bric set by Faveral seemed to be a bit repetitive, so I thought I'd give one or two a bit of variety, and I broke up the grouping of rocks to have a go at it. devil

    I set up a scene with some test "fire" -- done with the IDG Iray FX - Props and Shaders set -- in the Viewport pane and rendered and... woah, my modified rock turned into a Flintstones bowling ball!  I tried it again a few times - round ball every time.  It's not the end of the world but just the same I don't like surprises... I wonder what gives with this.  Notice that the "fire" seems to be a bit distorted as well, relative to its original shape beside the rock.

    That rock render is definitely very weird! I don't have that Western Bric-a-Brac set. Do the rocks render perfectly normally out-of-the-box? (i.e. as a fire pit) There is one rock set in the store that I know of that renders quite differently from the viewport preview, but that's a special shader that deliberately gives randomised rock shapes. Faveral's set is so old that I assume it's a very simple DAZ Studio Default shader. Again, what are your camera settings?

    Sorry for the late reply - I was out of the loop for the last couple of days.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210

    Yes most of the time DAZ Studio has played ball well with me, and everything renders normal like. Since showing you the sample rock render I've had a few more of the weird renders, but it's sporadic - not something I can pin down.

    About the camera settings... I am trying to read up overall on the cameras but all that I could find is a couple of DAZ Eric's old tutorials. In the user guide for example there is nothing under the letter "C"... I don't know if it's because Eric used a Mac, or if it's a version thing but my "camera" looks different than his... in particular I don't seem to have a box to indicate the area that's in focus? In these screen shots (1 from Eric, and one is my own work) you can see Genesis has a "box" around her head and upper body. I don't seem to be getting similar when I load up a scene of basic primitives say.

    Also I didn't know that you had to have at least a temporary dark background, to see the camera settings. sad

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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,185

    The "box" in the first screenshot is only displayed if:
    (a) you have Depth of Field enabled for you camera - it's an On/Off toggle setting in the Camera Settings tab (1st pic), AND
    (b) you have DOF Plane Visiblity set On - in the Display Settings for your camera (2nd pic).

    Note that if DOF is "Off" then everything within the camera's view is in focus so the "box" is irrelevant - this is the default when you add a camera to a scene.

    If you have trouble seeing the depth of field planes, you can change the colour to a brighter, darker or lighter shade (3rd pic) - sometimes useful if you have a lot of stuff in the scene.

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