Iray rendering issue. Have you seen this?

First off, I moved my whole Studio system over to another drive. I had a few major potholes in the road that I ended up uninstalling Studio and DIM completely, running a system clean sweep and reinstalling it on the new drive. There was still a few things not playing well together but I managed to get it worked out. After Studio and DIM quit being jerks, I managed to open up an old image file I was working on. When I tried to render, Studio just shut down, no message or anything, just poof it was gone. After it happened again, I checked my Event logs and found something going on in the Nvidia drivers for my card rolled out a few days ago, plus with the new Studio format that had to be why the program kept shutting I got it to start rendering, I thought yea this is great! After about ten min I looked at my new render and said What The...when I saw that half the image was rendering but the other half was rendering as if opacity was set at 20%...Has anyone seen this before? The left is how it was rendering, the one on the right was after I flattened the image in photoshop. 

I had rendered this same image many times prior to my location/software changes, and it was fine, all I did with this one is change the camera location, brought it up closer to the model. I'm going to try it again with the old camera settings and see if it's something along the lines of environment/camera conflict. 


  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,146

    I had it happen before. Closing and reopening DS fixed it.


  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I have had this happen a few times, and each time was when I had a large scene that was very borderline for what my graphics card could hold. I don't know if there is a connection there, but it seems that way at least to me. Closing Daz sometimes helped, sometimes not. I had to sign out of Windows a couple of times. Adjusting the scene so that it wasn't as big, or removing an item helped prevent this from happening. Or...

    Opening the exact same scenes on the same exact computer in DS 4.8 HAD ZERO ISSUES whatsoever. I did this in my same session of Windows, as I have both 4.9 and 4.8 installed. So why does this happen in 4.9 and not 4.8? 4.8 didn't hog as much vram from my graphics card, for one thing.

    So, for larger scenes, I sometimes use 4.8 instead of 4.9...because it just works.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,826

    Just had that happened to me today on a large panoramic render. Bottom third rendered correctly, middle third was just black, top third had 3 side-by-side small black & white renders of the scene. Really weird looking. I just cancelled the render and tried again and it worked like normal.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I've heard that not all updates to the Nvidia drivers play nice with Daz studio.  If all else fails maybe try rolling back the drivers? I just moved my content (on both my pc and my laptop) to external drives (I feel your pain!) but haven't had any issues as far as rendering goes. I also don't allow nvidea to update the drivers.  Its stable right now and I would like to keep it that way.

  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2017

    I have seen that a few times, actually similar, not exactly the same. Instead of four sub-windows, I saw like three small ones across the top (all different) and then a larger one at the bottom that had about half the expected render.  I think (think!) that it happened when the camera was positioned behind a ghost light (so a plane set with light emission and with cutout opacity set to 0.001).  I have avoijded that and haven't seen it since.  Could be a case of dumb luck though.

    Post edited by grinch2901 on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,146

    I have seen that a few times, actually similar, not exactly the same. Instead of four sub-windows, I saw like three small ones across the top (all different) and then a larger one at the bottom that had about half the expected render.  I think (think!) that it happened when the camera was positioned behind a ghost light (so a plane set with light emission and with cutout opacity set to 0.001).  I have avoijded that and haven't seen it since.  Could be a case of dumb luck though.

    That can't be it. I have never used transparent light planes ;). Might be that it's just too much for the gfx card or some other kind of weird glitch. It's never happened to me until the latest version of DS.


  • Hey ladies and gents, thanks for answering. I moved the camera back close to its original setting and it rendered the whole figure. but it was very grainy and my other renders [premove and drive update] were fine I was just tweaking the image around, hand movement etc, and I didn't do anything to the lights or render settings and it came back darker and grainy...I'm going to give it another shot and see. 

  • I moved the camera back close to its original setting and it rendered the whole figure. but it was very grainy

    How long was the render taking — anything close to your render time limit (default 2 hours)? Check to see if the render was actually using the card, or falling back to the (much slower) CPU; in that case it's possible for the render to run out of time before it comes as close to "finished" as it did before.

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