Possible Passenger Carriages to use with Spirit of Punk Train Engine?

I'm setting up scenes for my steampunk graphic novel. So of course, I need a train.  The engine is simple - the Spirit of Punk is exactly right. And I have a couple other steam engines. However I am lacking a matching passenger car.

By any chance has anyone seen or made a fixup kit for the seatless Parkside Passenger?  It needs a new paint job, and seats


the other possible seems to be


But its a modern style, I'm not sure it would match visually

Theres another possible passenger car at Rendo. Have I missed any?  I need both exterior and interior scenes of the train carriage in first class and regular

Thanks for the assist!




  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,608

    I've been looking for a good carriage for Spirit of Punk. The problem is all the ones I've found are variations of realistic designs, none of them have the elaborte rounded and baroque look of Spirit of Punk. I think the only answer may be to try and create one myself or make some add-ons for an existing carriage. I'll be interested to see what you find.

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,104

    I have been looking for something like this too.   Considering using the "Dine on the Orient Express" as interior base.  Would love to see Ravnheart do some matching cars, in the "shiny brass" style.



    There is this free sketchup model, but I have not had much luck importing sketchup models so far:


    Turbosquid has another steampunk engine model, but again no carriages


    Will report back if I find anything else.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited October 2016

    just add gear wheels


    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • well the Parkside Haulage (http://www.daz3d.com/parkside-haulage) has a wheel base and platform. It might in theory be possible to use that for the base, then fit the Orient interior on that and construct a shell around it.

    I've found a chair set in one of the other parkside sets, and I should be able to set up a regular passenger car with that in the Parkside Passenger with retexturing. So thats the regular passangers set at least I guess.

    I did some tests with the existing Spririt Engine textures, and with some minor tweaks it updates nicely to Poser Superfly.

    this car by Dryjack is somewhat closer in vintage style - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/?ViewProduct=114374


  • Ill see what we can do about doing some cars for the Spirit of Punk. Might be a bit we have serveral  products in the works at the moment, Will see if we can squeeze these in :)

  • Oh hi Ravnheart :) 

    if you want to make some carriages to go with that would be most excellent!.  You might want to do interior/extorior as separate parts so you can have differrent insides. or do some sort of modular interior sectionals or something . So we don't keep asking for a dining car, a coal car, a luggage car, a .....   *lol*



  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,559
    edited October 2016

    I asked before and didn't get much response


    Post edited by pwiecek on
  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,104
    Ravnheart said:

    Ill see what we can do about doing some cars for the Spirit of Punk. Might be a bit we have serveral  products in the works at the moment, Will see if we can squeeze these in :)

    Yes!  We keep checking for additions!


  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,322

    I do recall one of the of the DAZ guys once commenting that Steam Punk stuff does not sell that well, which might explain why these kind of items are relatively rare, I will admit that it is not a genre I would buy.

  • The aesthetic for my graphic novel is more classic Victorian with steampunk gadgets.  So even a classic Victorian style rail carriage would do, and Victorian / Western is a more popular genre.

    I've looked at vontage railroad images and very often the engine is this shining brass and red paint machine, but the railcars are railcars ... long wood boxes with wheels.  The major differrence is the interiors, as Amtrak doesn't go in for the fancy lanterns and red velvet that the Victorians did :)

    The closest I've seen are the older British style rail cars, and the Dining on the Orient sets.


    As it is I think I'm going to make some textures and fixits for the Parkside sets, since I need enough passenger trains to fill out the concourse at Grand Central.  I'll probably post anything I make to my website. I'll also post the poser11 mats for the Spirit of Punk.  I'll keep you guys posted :)




  • nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,325
    edited October 2016
    Havos said:

    I do recall one of the of the DAZ guys once commenting that Steam Punk stuff does not sell that well, which might explain why these kind of items are relatively rare, I will admit that it is not a genre I would buy.

    In actuality most stuff labelled "steampunk" is simply the Steampunk aesthetic as embraced by the mainstream (nonsensical gears plastered everywhere,  googles and clothes NO lady in the Victorian era would have been caught dead in ).  The reason it doesn't sell is that unless your going for that look, it's impractical if you're trying to do period stuff.  Fashion-wise steampunk would be indistinguishable from Victorian fashions. For ex. the Edwardian gown is probably the best and most practical garment for women in the store and has been for quite a while for people doing Steampunk renders, and if you notice people use it quite a bit in promos and renders.

    While I love the Spirit of Punk Train Engine,  I'd just like to see a model of a Victorian era steam engine with passenger cars circa 1860/70's England, or even somebody's  interpretation of the Natilus.  A Monocycle and gadgets that look like they have a function and don't just "look" like something trying too hard to be Steampunk would be a welcome addition to the Daz store.  And that type of stuff probably would sell well.



    Post edited by nelsonsmith on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,322
    Havos said:

    I do recall one of the of the DAZ guys once commenting that Steam Punk stuff does not sell that well, which might explain why these kind of items are relatively rare, I will admit that it is not a genre I would buy.

    In actuality most stuff labelled "steampunk" is simply the Steampunk aesthetic as embraced by the mainstream (nonsensical gears plastered everywhere,  googles and clothes NO lady in the Victorian era would have been caught dead in ).  The reason it doesn't sell is that unless your going for that look, it's impractical if you're trying to do period stuff.  Fashion-wise steampunk would be indistinguishable from Victorian fashions. For ex. the Edwardian gown is probably the best and most practical garment for women in the store and has been for quite a while for people doing Steampunk renders, and if you notice people use it quite a bit in promos and renders.

    While I love the Spirit of Punk Train Engine,  I'd just like to see a model of a Victorian era steam engine with passenger cars circa 1860/70's England, or even somebody's  interpretation of the Natilus.  A Monocycle and gadgets that look like they have a function and don't just "look" like something trying too hard to be Steampunk would be a welcome addition to the Daz store.  And that type of stuff probably would sell well.



    I like period stuff, including Victorian. Like you said, the steam punk seen in this store (and others) is that odd mix of Victorian and Sci-Fi, which has little appeal to either period or Sci-Fi fans, and so this is why it is a pretty niche market.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,907

    It strikes me that maybe what we need is a Steampunk Greebles set. ;)

    (Nurnie's Greebles work in some cases)


  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 262
    edited October 2016

    I've picked up a couple steampunk building sets specifically to get the extra pipes and whatnot to add to other period sets. I have several full street scenes to build, which should be interesting. I picked up the Baker street set from RDNA, a few of Fav's medeival buildings, and I will be relying a lot on Tomalin's never ending supply of european stonework. I have more fancy cupola things than you can shake a stick at.  Interestingly, the classic New York City Brownstone is based on Venetian building design dating back to the late 1500's and early 1600's, so I can use at least one of Stonemason's sets.

    but lets keep this thread on trains yeah?



    thats the Spirit of Punk with the shaders spiffed up for Poser 11 superfly. Presumably someone could do something similar for Iray.

    then Zephyr Two ways



    and wretched - no changes  https://www.dropbox.com/s/4nhwvmpbwabpxtt/wretched.png?dl=0

    and lastly to see what would happen, Wretched with all the fancy bits turned off.  You would need a new stack and some endcpas on the empty holes here and ther left by the old pipes. And for some reason the front end looks like Boba Fett's helmet....


    I'll pack these up and put them on my site once I decide what I'm doing for carriages.  You obviously will need the original packs for these new shaders to work.

    PS the image handling for threads here is either amazingly bad, or amazingly hard to figure out. Hard to say.





    Post edited by Lyrra Madril on
  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,559
    edited October 2016

    Here is a quick kitbash of Fantasy voyage (Rendo) and the Passenger car. When I did this, I simply took two copies  of the FV and made different parts invisible in the (Poser) material room. The item is a single prop so hiding parts is a no-go. Since then, I have broken it apart making each material zone into a separate prop to be mixed and matched.


    Steam Railcar.jpg
    992 x 468 - 65K
    Post edited by pwiecek on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694

    Petipet has a steampunk train over at Rendo.  I'm not sure if the engine is what is wanted but it does have passenger cars that seem to fit what has been mentioned. 


  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,104
    pwiecek said:

    Here is a quick kitbash of Fantasy voyage (Rendo) and the Passenger car. When I did this, I simply took two copies  fo the FV and made different parts invisible in the (Poser) material room. The item is a single prop so hiding parts is a no-go. Since then, I have broken it apart making each material zone into a separate prop to be mixed and matched.


    That looks really good!

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,104

    It strikes me that maybe what we need is a Steampunk Greebles set. ;)

    (Nurnie's Greebles work in some cases)


    That would be very useful - I would buy that!


  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,559
    edited May 2017

    It strikes me that maybe what we need is a Steampunk Greebles set. ;)

    (Nurnie's Greebles work in some cases)


    Danie & Marforno (DM) have several sets with a Steampunk flavor. Sometimes they have suitable pieces and others can be kit bashed.




    Inertia - Particularly good

    Pyrago -  Mummy Punk

    The Unit

    Time Prisoners - more Clockwork


    I'm a poser user so these tend to be more poser friendly.

    Post edited by pwiecek on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,691

    ..when I think of "steampunk" (inspired in part by William Gibson's The Difference Engine) I think more along the lines of Jules Verne like technology.  Most common items would pretty much be similar as to what is found in the Victorian era (trains, buildings & such) with the addition of items like submarine boats, iron clad steamships, airships, steam carriages (actually the old Steam Carriage sold here is pretty reasonable looking), clockwork automatons, and of course, 'thinking machines" (difference engines). .

    I agree a steam era Greebles set would be ideal as they could be parented to any prop or set.

    Interesting that Mr Gibson's writings were inspiration for the two different "-punk" worlds, Cyber and Steam.

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