Dear Daz - Please Extend Today's Sale Offer

3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303

There are people like myself who have literally been trying all day to purchase from the store. The error messages and inability to load items in our carts is an issue that has been going on for about 24 hours now. PLEASE fix your site and extend the "free bundle" offer another day - that way those of us who aren't able to actually purchase anything (due to your site's issues) may, in fact, have a chance to take part in the free bundle sale offer. 



  • AllegraAllegra Posts: 405

    I agree...I've been trying to purchase all day and haven't been able to get through to please Daz!

  • same for me; my gianny free item is gone.

    please, redo this sale

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited October 2016

    Yeah, this summed it up for me several hours ago, I made this graphic after getting this repeatedly. (the 503 was a screenshot from this site.)  I figured I might as well have some fun with it.

     I quit shopping out of sheer frustration, and I won't be shopping today at all, maybe not even tomorrow.  But I want the rest of you to get the bundles and things you want to purchase.

    566 x 315 - 723K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    Novica said:

    Yeah, this summed it up for me several hours ago, I made this graphic after getting this repeatedly. (the 503 was a screenshot from this site.)  I figured I might as well have some fun with it.

     I quit shopping out of sheer frustration, and I won't be shopping today at all, maybe not even tomorrow.  But I want the rest of you to get the bundles and things you want to purchase.

    Yeah, I'm quite frustrated after trying to make my purchase - I tried many times over the 24 hours that the site was acting up. The site seams to be working better now, but it's too late for the free bundle offer. Either they extend that sale or make it up to us in another way - or I'm not going to be spending another penny here for quite a while. I was so excited that I'd be getting the Girl 6 bundle for only $8 - I've been wanting to get her for quite a while and the other items in that bundle look great too. I'm extremely disappointed that, due to this site acting up ALL DAY, that I couldn't get it. I really do hope they redo/re-offer that deal. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    For major things, DAZ usually makes it right. Rawb said on another thread that he would talk to the sales team.  So I see Girl 6 in your near future  wink

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,348

    I had the same problem, I wanted the Gia starter bundle, but could not check out at all for the last 3 hours before I went to bed due to site issue, so could not complete. Naturally now the offer is gone :-(

  • pdspds Posts: 593

    I gave up trying to purchase items after running into problems logging in, problems with the store, and problems with just seeing the contents of products. Frustrating, but hopefully addressed today by simply redoing the sale.

  • Same here.  Was going to buy the line render utility but Daz down.  I'd also like to see yesterday's offers put up again.


  • I wonder if DAZ will refund us for lost sleep while we foolishly kept trying and trying, lol. Actually, this has happened twice that I stayed up a half-hour or so "giving it one more try" before giving up and going to bed. 

    I suspect DAZ will honor those sale prices. Not just for our sakes, but also for the PAs whose sales numbers were adversely affected through no fault of their own. 

  • artd3Dartd3D Posts: 165

    Same problem here, I also wanted the Gia starter bundle and couldn't buy it.

  • I also experienced a lot of down time on the site while trying to get more order ready to try to get Jayden 6 and because of being a school bus driver I had to give up and go to bed without being able to finish the transaction.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679
    It wasn't just the starter bundles, there were a few related items in my cart that I wasn't able to buy. Today they are marked up a bit more. Yesterday I had managed to get about $30 in my cart, and now the site finally works...its well over $100.
  • Exactlty.....

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,716

    Hopefully they extend yesterdays offers. It's not fair to the customers, or the PA's who lost sales.

    DAZ usually makes up things like this, I hope so since I was going to make a purchase to get one of the free bundles, but gave up because the site was so messed up.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Thanks to the kindness of forum members I was able to participate last night :)

    And since it was because of the kindness of others, I probably spent an hour+ refreshing, closing-reopening, clicking the back button, etc. until I had my cart situated and finally was able to check out. You hear that shopping cart software? Resistance IS futile!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Thanks to the kindness of forum members I was able to participate last night :)

    And since it was because of the kindness of others, I probably spent an hour+ refreshing, closing-reopening, clicking the back button, etc. until I had my cart situated and finally was able to check out. You hear that shopping cart software? Resistance IS futile!

    Yea, good for you!  

    I know the vendors aren't jumping for joy over this mess either. Rawb is on it- actually a team is on it, the technical aspects, but Rawb said yesterday that he will chat with the sales team. What a mess. If it's not offered again by the end of the week when the sale ends, I would put in a Support Ticket regarding the deal. But I honestly don't think you'll have to do that.  

  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100
    edited October 2016

    Same here. Totally defeated on that one, and partially defeated (stayed up till 1:00am my time) Sunday. Although it was really only an issue of getting a couple of items that were "premier" yesterday and "still premier" today, as I believe I had all the special items already.

    Even though I managed to get some stuff Sunday, around midnight, I "rage trimmed" my cart around midnight, costing DAZ and RuntimeDNA a good $80. 

    Post edited by wiz on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303

    Well, still no word on this from Daz or the sales team. Maybe tomorrow. *sigh*

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    I think if they do it, it will be toward the end of the week. I don't see them inserting it back in and bumping the alreadly programmed in graphics/offers. For instance, they wouldn't want to do those character bundles the day they release a major figure like Lilith. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    Novica said:

    I think if they do it, it will be toward the end of the week. I don't see them inserting it back in and bumping the alreadly programmed in graphics/offers. For instance, they wouldn't want to do those character bundles the day they release a major figure like Lilith

    I don't see why not. They are kind of doing something similar anyway - look at what's in today's Mega Fast Grab. There are more than half a dozen "7 figure" starter bundles for less than $16 with a new purchase. 

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,348

    I suspect DAZ will also be wary of putting unplanned offers into the store right now until all the performance issues are ironed out

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    edited October 2016

    So you can get Lilith 6 free with a debut purchase today. Just Lilith 6, no other options. So those of us who already have her have no other choice. Why didn't they add the figures that we missed out on when the site wasn't working right? 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    So you can get Lilith 6 free with a debut purchase today. Just Lilith 6, no other options. So those of us who already have her have no other choice. Why didn't they add the figures that we missed out on when the site wasn't working right? 

    Agree with Havos.

     Magento is modular. It interacts from module to module, one may impact another. One thing triggers another.  To do a sale of this size, things are setup in advance. What you see on the front side may seem simple, but the putting-together of a sale this big was, in all likelihood,  in the works for a week or two. They've had enough trouble with the server without introducing changes in the sale which may glitch.  I'd personally hope they wait until they can do it right.  I do agree with you whole-heartedly though that I'd like to see them offer more bundles for folks who don't have them. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    Novica said:

    So you can get Lilith 6 free with a debut purchase today. Just Lilith 6, no other options. So those of us who already have her have no other choice. Why didn't they add the figures that we missed out on when the site wasn't working right? 

    Agree with Havos.

     Magento is modular. It interacts from module to module, one may impact another. One thing triggers another.  To do a sale of this size, things are setup in advance. What you see on the front side may seem simple, but the putting-together of a sale this big was, in all likelihood,  in the works for a week or two. They've had enough trouble with the server without introducing changes in the sale which may glitch.  I'd personally hope they wait until they can do it right.  I do agree with you whole-heartedly though that I'd like to see them offer more bundles for folks who don't have them. 

    That makes sense, thanks, Novica. I'll try and be more patient. I just hope they do it sooner rather than later. I finally have a little money and I'd like to spend some getting some Daz goodies (and I really would like to spend it getting that Girl 6 bundle). But I'll try and be more patient. It's been three days though and it would be nice if they would at least give us a word or two on the issue so that we at least know whether they are going to be doing something or not. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303

    Now that the site is FINALLY fixed can we PLEASE make this happen?


  • pdspds Posts: 593

    Now that the site is FINALLY fixed can we PLEASE make this happen?


    It might be worth contacting Support; I don't know if you're going to get the same attention to the issue here now that the dust has settled. And I'm with you on wanting a second shot at the deals that couldn't be taken advantage of because of all the sitewide problems.

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