DS Default Reset Remotely?

xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,781

I was rendering reference headshots of single characters at default settings, and I closed and opened Daz. My next render had the same settings as before, but the render started out washed out like the headlamp had been quadupled in intensity. I cannot find any noticeable difference in the render settings. It seems that the default has been changed, but I changed nothing. Has anyone ever experienced this, and might it be related to the recent website maintenance? 

Daz Studio, Windows 10


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075

    Studio software won't change unless you installed an update. Settings changes, those are done by the user, whether intentional or not.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Are you using a camera?

    If you are using one of the 'views', like perspective, settings/position won't be saved.

    Also, if are starting fresh, instead from a saved scene, it's likely that the headlamp was On.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,781


    fastbike1 said:

    Studio software won't change unless you installed an update. Settings changes, those are done by the user, whether intentional or not.

    Thanks for responding. But I didn't reset my default (and I merely opened a New scene without making any settings changes); so, something else must be afoot. I'll work around it.


    mjc1016 said:

    Are you using a camera?

    If you are using one of the 'views', like perspective, settings/position won't be saved.

    Also, if are starting fresh, instead from a saved scene, it's likely that the headlamp was On.

    I was using a camera, and I was also intentionally using the headlamp, as that is the objective standard I use for all my character reference mugshots (Daz Original Base and Raiya skins do quite well with the headlamp). Thanks for your help. I guess for the time being I'll work from saved scenes and delete the files to start anew.

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