How to make iRay render in viewport while moving camera?

Whenever I move the camera, everything draws in shiny gray. As soon as I stop moving the camera, iRay starts rendering. I tried all the settings in the Draw Settings panel and nothing works. I can set draw mode to all 4 options, no change. It's really annoying considering this used to work not long ago.



  • In the Draw Settings, switch to Texture Shaded. Does this problem occur then?

    Usually Iray preview is very resource intensive so if you try to move the camera while in Iray Preview, it will get blurry, unless you have an insanely powerful rig. Not to mention the more items are in the scene, the harder it will be to render.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2016

    With Iray set as your draw style, go to Window > Panes > Draw Settings > Drawing > Set Draw Mode to Interactive. Play with the Manipulation Resolution settings to see what works best for you. 1/2 is decent and fast, but if you want Normal, adjust the Response Threshold higher bit by bit until you get something you're happy with.

    You CAN use Photoreal with the Manipulation Resolution set to Normal with the higher Response Threshold, but you'll need a somewhat decent setup to avoid any slowdowns when rotating the scene.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • None of that works. I have a GTX Titan X. So it used to work. I used to be able to move the camera and have it keep drawing using iRay. But now, it's in this shiny gray when the camera moves. As soon as I stop moving the camera, iRay starts drawing. If I keeps holding the mouse down, it draws in iRay using the 1/2 or 1/4 or full resolution. When I let go, it will draw interactive and then slowly draw into photoreal (according to the setting used) But if the camera is moving at all, shiny gray. I've tried everything, interactive, photoreal, etc. Nothing works.

    If I set it to Texture Shaded, that is OpenGL and works fine. But I don't want that.


  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116

    That's strange, I don't have that problem, and I'm on an EVGA 770FTW 4GB. Interactive mode will work for both perspective and an actual camera. Try deleting the camera and adding a new one?

  • Found it... I think. It has to do with the Response Threshold settting. I had it at 300ms and even that wasn't enough time. Seems like this is the maximum amount of time to draw one iteration in iRay (even in interactive mode). If one iteration cannot be rendered, then it draws in shiny gray. I only have one figure. So either the skin texture has too many options set or it's the hair. Anyways, looks like iRay is just too slow even for a single iteration in interactive mode on a single figure. Very strange. What I don't get is that if I clear the scene and load G3F, I get the same problem. But if I restart the app, it works fine at full speed. 


  • AlienRendersAlienRenders Posts: 791
    edited September 2016

    OHHHH!!! Interactive mode has a ton of settings just for interactive. I didn't realize photoreal has its own settings and only has like 4 of them. One of them, max path, was set to 10. I put it back to the default of 4 and everything works great again. It's somewhat blurry, but at least it's fast.

    Now, does anyone know if it's possible to draw in iRay while posing a figure? This is the only situation where it goes back to gray. And it's REALLY slow.


    Post edited by AlienRenders on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited September 2016

    I missed the first year of iRay, only got onboard in 4.9 so I don't know if your experience hints at a 3rd iRay mode (that is said to be a still-unimplemented work in progress). If iRay Realtime was once released then called back, it would explain the change you experienced.

    Good news is iRay Realtime Mode may just be around the corner...I can't wait! 

    There's also another possibility that one of your Draw or Final Render settings is impacting the change of behavior, (I suspect it's Response Threshold/ Aux viewport linked) in which case ou may also find a workaround in this thread



    Post edited by Mythmaker on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited September 2016

    I found iray seems to need to reload the scene on the card every frame rendered for an animation even if a static scene and only camera movement and wonder if its related.

    Octane gives me pretty near realtime responses in its viewport if panning around the scene, but I get pixellated rather than greyscale images panning with iray, I have a 980ti.

    Octane only updates loading scene if there is vertex or bone movement in the scene for an animated render so wonder why iray needs to do it everytime, it slows down animated renders considerably.


    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Did some more reading and experimenting. I actually don't mind it going gray when posing. But it's dreadfully slow. In OpenGL, it's super fast. I read somewhere that the CPU is what does the smoothing for the figure, but that doesn't explain why it's super fast in OpenGL and ridiculously slow in iRay.

  • I just went back for some quick test. Note my Titan is the antique Kepler one, allegedly slower than 980ti.

    Draw Photoreal or Interactive (and Render Settings tab>Nvidia) no matter.

    Response Threshold max at 5000, Manipulation Res at Normal or 1/2, I get continuous (enough) all pixels drawn interval. 

    Response threshold down to 8, back to gray smooth shader interval (which I don't mind as not want to burn out my GPU)

    No CPU involved. OptiX prime is on.

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited September 2016

    As to fast in OpenGL and slow in iRay

    iRay has 3 modes. Realtime + Interactive + Photoreal. Daz studio only adopted 2 "higher" modes.

    iRay Realtime mode is the OpenGL equivalent. Interactive mode is more like a "compromised" Photoreal, dumbed down slightly for the sake of interactivity, never meant to be instant feedback.

    I'm so looking forward to iRay Realtime Mode in Daz Studio. OMG realtime shadow on the Daz floor. Daz catching up with gamer gen! 

    It will be as watershed and revolutionary as iClone getting Octane. lol


    Post edited by Mythmaker on
  • For me, Interactive is slower than Photoreal. And if I use the Perspective View camera, it is EXTREMELY sluggish in iRay. I have to create a camera and use that. But this messes up the undo/redo with tons of camera movements in the undo menu that normally wouldn't be there. There should be an option to turn that off in the camera settings.


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