issues with Genesis 3 starter kit and DAZ STUDIO 9 PRO on 64bit Windows platform.

i recently downloaded DAZ STUDIO 9 PRO...The program did not come with Genesis 3 starter kit...i went from DAZ STUDIO 4 right to DAZ STUDIO 4.9 PRO...I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit..i recently downloaded for free Genesis 3 Starter Kit and when i went back to open DAZ STUDIO 9 PRO ...Genesis 3 starter Kit did not display...yet my paths are correct..i installed all the programs using the DAZ INSTALL MANAGER..Why is this happening..

here is my path: c:/users/public/documents/my DAZ 3D Library

i also have Poser PRO 2012..MY CONTENT DISPLAYED IN DAZ STUDIO 9 PRO...I must have clicked on something ,,and the icons are do i get my poser content on left side to reappear,

please help me with these issues



  • And the c:/users/public/documents/my DAZ 3D Library folder is set as a Poser and Daz Studio Format content directory? It won't be done automatically if you had 4.0 installed, you will have only its default path and any you added yourself. In DS, open the Content Library pane and look at the folders listed under DAZ Studio Formats and Poser formats - if you don't see My Daz 3D Library right-click on the header (DAZ Studio Formats, Poser Formats) and seelct the Add directory option, then select the my Daz 3D Library folder.

    I'm nor sure what might be happening with the Poser library.

  • edited August 2016

    Dear Richard,

    I THANK YOU FOR YOUR response. i had DAZ STUDIO 4 installed correctly before i upgraded to DAZ STUDIO 4.9 PRO.

    I did install DAZ STUDIO 4 correctly. i need someone on the phone to speak with me. In the Content Library there is nothing showing. i MUST HAVE HIT THE WRONG KEY and it dissappeared. Explain the header. i dont understand what you mean. i would like to see my poser content displayed in the content library on the left side. The Genesis 3 Starter Kit  which was told to me was included when I upgraded from DAZ Studio 4 to DAZ STUDIO PRO 4.9 was not included. i had to purchase GENESIS 3 STARTER KIT FOR FREE. I USED THE INSTALL MANAGER TO LOAD AND DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE.

    Here is my path for poser pro 2012 content for DAZ stuff: c:/users/public/public documents/DAZ Content

    here is my path for MY DAZ 3D Library: c:/users/public/public documents/My daz 3D Library

    the Genesis 3 starter kit shows in the smart content then when i reopen the program DAZ STUDIO 4.9 PRO doesnt show, im working online,

    i want my DAZ content of Poser 2012 pro to show again on the content library left side

    please help me operators dont.

    my phone number is Phone number removed

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Are you saying you don't have a folder list in the Content Library at all? That probably means you have collapsed that panel - it's easy to do. Please post a screenshot of the Content Library, there are a couple of places you may need to click depending on your settings so it will be best to see what you have.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    If you are browsing your content via the Content Library usually the icons will not be displayed until your mouse cursor is moved over one or two of the icons in the particular Content Library subfolder you are browsing, at least if you have an Intel HD Graphics GPU that is the case.

  • Hi Richard

    i am running Windows Ultimate 64 bit opperating system.

    i am running DAZ STUDIO 4.9 PRO 64 BIT Version

    I read your email note. I am also not seeing the Genesis 3 female and male starter kit in the smart content only when i go to the directory where shes located and double click on her do i see her in the smart content. i cant see the head morphs i purchased and the body morphs i purchased..where do i find them,. help me. i installed them using the install manager then couldnt find them. so i did a manual installation and still cant find them please guide me. i was able to reload the poser content which is DAZ CONTENT when i dragged the panel outward...please help locate where the Genesis head and body morphs are. why am i not seeing the Genesis 3 female and male starter kit in the smart content when i load DAZ STUDIO 4.9 PRO. I forgot how to take a snapshot of my screen. please help me richard. i wish tech support phoned me.. i work tomorrow in the afternoon. i still wish you connect with me by phone.

    i look forward to hearing from you soon,here is the screen shot of my program



    1920 x 1080 - 572K
  • The morphs don't have "user facing" files - items that appear in the content panes. They just add new parameters to the figure, under Actor in the Parameters pane when the figure (rather than a bone) is selected.

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