3D Art Freebie Challenge - August: I Don't Want to Go to School! Main thread

I Don't Want to Go to School!
It's that time of year again...another summer ending and time to head back to the classroom. What happens next is up to you...
First prize: $15 gift certificate from DAZ 3D.
Second prize: $12 gift certificate from DAZ 3D.
Third prize: $8 gift certificate from DAZ 3D.
Any other donations for prizes will be gratefully accepted.
This is the main contest thread, for discussion and WIP (works in progress). The Entries Thread can be found here.
Contest ends: August 31, 2016 (tardy pupils will be disqualified and sent immediately to detention)
Post edited by Scott Livingston on
I think tis is going to be a fun month for renders!! I can not wait to see all the amazing renders that pop up lolz
Here comes my first entry.
The First Day
This is my take on the age old joke, where a person says he/she does not want to go to school and the other person replies, "But honey, you have to go, you're the headmaster/principal/teacher."
Not counting: Genesis Male and Female, SallyMae Hair, Multiplane Cyclorama
# = requires free registration
1) City Bus Stop (bench and pavement) #
2) Genesis Anime Starter Bundle (Bubblegum Hair, A4 & H4 for Genesis) #
3) Genesis Casual Pants & Top (man's shirt) #
4) Genesis Bonnie & Clyde Style Dress (woman's dress and shirt #
5) Genesis Cuffed Ankle Boots #
6) Genesis Riding Outfit (jacket hanging next to a trenchcoat) #
7) Genesis Shoes #
8) Genesis Jeans #
9) Genesis Trench Coat #
10) Morphing Umbrella #
11) Poser Mailbox #
12) Trash Bin
13) Toon Baby Statues (the hat)
14) Complete Living Room for Poser (carpet) #
15) Hanger (barely visible inside the trenchcoat) #
16) Backgrounds Daz Multiplane Cyclorama #
15) Benzo FULL (the car) #
Dream Home Entrance Lanai and Mud Room #
There is no link for the 2nd item on your list. As you have already stated the hanger is barely visible. You have more than enough free items to qualify.
Please move to Entry Thread
Yes there is. I even rechecked and the link is there and working.
Hilarious! I love it!
You are correct. I did not see a blue underline and made an assumption.

My apologies. That link is present and works.
Ok so what magic was worked to make a not link work as a link, or is it make a link look like a not link. What ever, that is really werid
Probably forum software deleted the underline and change the color to black from the browser default, usually that familiar shade of blue. Some browsers settings will override such edits though.
Nothing to do with the browser in this case I think - there's an extra 'span' tag around that particular link. If you set the text colour and text background colour of a link after setting it up as a link it'll do that, like this. Maybe also if the text was formatted before setting it up as a link, or cut and pasted from somewhere else with formatting already applied ?
Nothing to do with the browser in this case I think - there's an extra 'span' tag around that particular link. If you set the text colour and text background colour of a link after setting it up as a link it'll do that, like this. Maybe also if the text was formatted before setting it up as a link, or cut and pasted from somewhere else with formatting already applied ?
I much prefer thinking it is magic
I don't want to go to school...
People are pigs!
Nicky & Amy take a walking tour of a local collage, including a walk thru several dorm buildings.
They decide, based on what they saw, not to attend this one. Anywhere but here!
Valens Hair for A3 #
Natasha #
T-shirt #
T-shirt tex #
Mini skirt #
LD stockings for A3
HDSA3 pumps - no link
Cassia hair #
Rani for Aiko 3 #
A3 cloth set Long T - click downloads - click clothing - at bottom
Project MM Skirt
Amy stockings for Aiko3
MMSCoatSetForA3 - second row - shoes
Attache Case #
No count:
Obscure hallway
# free site registration required.
Software Used:
Paint Shop Pro 9
Paint.Net 3
Rendered in DAZ Studio 3/64bit
This is the first render I've made since I finally upgraded to Win7.
I put off the upgrade for 3 years, could not hold off any more, spent 3 days backing up all my files before I wiped my system drive. Now I have to load each program as I need it.
I know you pain Nitehawk when I first got this laptop it had windows 7 in it already was used to only vista on old laptop at the time and really did not want to upgrade but when I finally broke down and started using it more and more I began to like it I really need to put in more memory in it though :D for more rendering of corse lolz. I thought your render turned out amazing though really gave the I do not want to be here feel
Very cool :) Chohole I have a question for You and just sent PM. I am hoping that I will join the fun soon, though I am still too busy but this theme is great.
All links verified
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Good luck with your computer...reinstalling everything is tedious but necessary.
My second entry.
Too Sick for School
G. Mommy, I don't feel so good. I don't wanna go to school.
M: Ok, honey, let's see, what we're dealing here. You feel hot.... Ok, no wonder, you have a temperature of 39.5 (celcius), you're definitely not going to school today, even if you wanted to go.
Not counting: Genesis Female (both characters), Toulouse Hair, Basic Hair
# = requires free registration
1) Furniture Set 2 (bed and night stand) #
2) Genesis 2 Female Pants & Top #
3) Nowadays glasses for G2F #
4) Genesis 2 Children #
5) Glass (3rd item below the Picnics header)
6) NY Library Reading Lamp #
7) Old Books Set #
8) G2_Backpack #
9) Pile of Clothes #
10) Vox smartphone #
11) Clinical thermometer #
12) Alarm Clock #
13) Cabletoru's Plush Toys #
14) Free Eraser #
Interiors The Classroom (school books, notebook and pencil) #
All links verified
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Hey :) I'm gonna participate in this one!
Was wondering if it's ok according to the rules to show a mother pulling her son's ear (child)?!
Another question: if I use a house freebie, but I use Depth of Field in the camera, does the burred freebies still count? For example, a house that you can clearly see it's in the scenery.
The use of DOF should not be a problem as long as it isn't too extreme and the objects can be identified. If they become big, featureless blobs of colour that would be a problem.
I will have to get back to you on the ear pulling.
The ear pulling should be okay. Thank you for asking first.
Thank you for the answers! :)
"My son is a bully?!???
"Yes, my daughter didn't want to go to school today, and when I asked her why, she told me your son pushed her on the mud yesterday, and this is why she got home all dirty"
"That boy, he's gonna see something!"
The mother goes inside of the house and brings him to the front yard, pulled by the ear.
"Now, apologize to Sarah, Tommy."
"Ouch mom, let me go!"
"Apologize now and promise you'll never do that again or you'll stay all summer grounded, without going out to play with your friends, without videogames, and I'll even put you in summer math courses!"
"I'm sorry, Sarah... I'm never gonna do that again..."
note: # requires registration
Paid: little boy’s shoes - http://www.daz3d.com/casual-jeans-and-t-shirt-for-genesis-2-female-s
Links 2 & 4 are the same. Even without one of these you have more than enough free items.
All links verified
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Oh sorry, I didn't even realize, I was so scared to forget ended up putting twice when I forgot I already had one! Moving there, thank you Kismet! :)
My 3rd and final entry.
For this entry I had two ideas, from which the one in ths post was selected as my final entry.
School is Important
I'm Edison. When I was a teenager I didn't want to go to school and didn't like school too much. I skipped school a lot and ended up hanging with a wrong kind of people. I never finished school and the company I kept led me into a lot of trouble, which ultimately led to my incarceration. I still have couple of years left of my sentence and few months ago I decided to resume my studies and finish school. The point here is, don't skip school or you may en up in prison (and believe me prison isn't all that fun place to be in).
Not counting: Genesis Male, Duke Hair
# = requires free registration
1) Confinement Cell (one of the Daz Store August weekly freebies) #
2) Ghastly's Science Jumpsuit #
3) Beard 4 Michael 3 & David 3 #
4) Old Books Set #
5) 20-Page Poseable Book #
6) Clipboard and Pen #
7) TaLLans Pencil #
8) Free Eraser #
9) Coffee Cup OBJ #
10) Tooth Paste & Brush Model
11) Hand Sanitizer Dispenser (mirror) #
12) Morphing Newspaper (3rd item from the top)
Good message and some handy freebies.
All links verified
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The other kids think I'm odd...
1) Bluto's False Balok - http://www.sharecg.com/v/50579/browse/11/Poser/the-false-balok
2) mjc26250's Chalkboard - http://www.sharecg.com/v/55685/browse/11/Poser/Chalkboard
3) HGFreeInHell's Scorpion Doll - http://www.sharecg.com/v/43656/browse/11/Poser/ScorpionDoll
4) Sixus1's Scrum- http://www.sharecg.com/v/21642/browse/11/Poser/Scrum-Base
5) Sixus1's Scrum Duds - http://www.sharecg.com/v/21643/browse/11/Poser/Scrum-Duds-clothing
6) AprilYSH's Milbaby 3 Baybee hair - http://shop.aprilsvanity.com/free-items/baybee-hair-model-textures.html ...the kid with the pointy ears and nose
7) pplove612002Addon for M4 Patrick - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/addon-for-patrick-for-m4/69946 ...the kid with the pointy ears and nose
8) Joequick's M4 Faces Of Fantasy - http://www.sharecg.com/v/74230/gallery/11/Poser/Faces-of-Fantasy-for-M4 applied to K4 ...the kid with the pointy ears and nose
Two f
9) LukeA's M4 Frankenstein- https://www.renderosity.com/ghouls-gone-wild-freebie-2009---lukea-cms-14766 ...applied to K4
10) Sickleyield's K4 Jazz Pants - http://www.sharecg.com/v/41605/gallery/21/daz-studio/k4-jazz-pants ...worn by Frank
11) araneldonsMix K4M4V4 morphs - http://www.sharecg.com/v/45885/browse/11/Poser/Mix-K4M4V4-morphs ...to use M4 morphs with K4
12) Kattey's Kids 4 M4V4Textures Remap - http://www.sharecg.com/v/40857/browse/11/Poser/Kids-4-M4V4Textures-Remap ...to use M4 maps with K4
West Park Ward (Room, chairs, desks, bin)
(Not all the kids turned up for class today)
Does not seem to matter what type of school they attend...kids just do not want to go.
All links verified
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OMG that's creepy, I like it! Specially the teacher :O he's blue!
So, da udder day I wuz sittin' 'round wit Big Eddie Mac and he tells me he's goin' back t' school soes he kin git hisself some better skills soes he kin git him a better job. He's gettin' kinda burnt out drivin' a cab day an' night. Hokay, I sez, dat's cool of yaz. And he sez t' me, he sez, you autta goes back t' school yourself. Ya been out a long time an' youse needs t' git yourself re-educated. I tells him, I don't needs re-nuttin'! My educated is jus' fine! He sez he's takin' some "refresher" courses down t' da ol' high school where we usta go when we wuz kids one or two nights a week. He tells me I should tag along. Wott da hell, I figures. I ain't got nuttin' t' loose by comin' wit him, soes I go. When we gits dere I get a load udda teacher whats teachin' da classes...Holy mackrel! Teachers, dey didn't look nuttin' like she did when I wuz in school! So a'course I signs up! Maybe goin' back t' school ain't such a bad idea after all! I wonders if I brings her an apple or two she 'n' me kin gest t'getta fer a little extra credit, if you knows what I means...
Lenore G2F Go To Page 17 and click on the download link. Character and Texture.
Lorelay Hair Go To Page 19 and click on the download link.
G2F Skirt & Fitted Top Registration Required.
G2F Sandals Registration Requried.
Nerd glasses reloaded Registration Required.
Genesis Jewellery Registration Required.
Book 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Black Board 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Rack 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Notebook 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Pen Cup 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
desk and chair for meeting room 6th Item from Top.
Notebook 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Screen 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Chips 3D Model 3DS Format. Converted.
Hamburger Scroll down to the 17th Picture, 4th Red Link.
Soda Bottle Registration Required.
Figures: Genesis for Louie, G2F for the teacher. Paid For: M4 Skin.
The 3DS items in this render were converted to the .obj format using Poseray Free and easy to use.
As always, figure and prop set-up in DAZ Studio 4.7 and final render in Bryce 7.1. No postwork save for addition of signature and copyright date.
Hey! your render is not showing in the Entries Thread, maybe you forgot to add? Just wanted to let you know...