Using Gimp to shift the color of an entire diffuse texture


I have Boris Hair and need to shift one of the three shades (dark brown, light brown, white) to other shades in Gimp. Is there a way a way in Gimp I can choose a color for the hair shade I want and then use the eye dropper tool to select a pixel on each of the Boris Hair diffuse textures (there are 3) and Gimp would replace all pixels that were the same value as I selected on the diffuse map (I know it can do that) but furthermore shift all other pixels that do not match the pixel I choose on the diffuse by an equivalent amount that it changed the selected pixels & the chosen color for hair in the eye dropper?



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,944

    OK, I think this is the answer: thanks.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,944

    OK, the "Rotate Color Range" did not work how I thought it would like the illustration of the link but the

    Gimp Menu

    Colors (alt-C) - Color Balance (alt-B) and then for hair you change the midtones to be the primary hair color (diffuse base color in DAZ Studio Surfaces) and the shadows to be the secondary color (translucent color in DAZ Studio Surfaces). I left the highlights unaltered.


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