Daz 4.9 renders real slow with Windows 10

Of course Windows 10 found its way into auto update and I was upgraded from 8 to 10 like it or not.

At any rate, I have a asus 99 board, AMD FX 8 core processor clocked at 4 Mhz , 32 GB ram and a solid state 120 GB hard drive and a 1 TB hard drive for files. Alond with a 4 GB Geforce 9500 GTX GPU.

All this and I find rendering times down to 32 mins to 2 hrs for basic Iray renders. 2-6 hours with cpu loads of 100% for 3 delight renders.

I am stumped, 4.8 was lightning fast, 4.9 is molasses speed with Windows 10. Are there any setting or anything that can be done to speed it back up?



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,944
    edited August 2016

    Either you aren't rendering the same scenes to make a valid comparison between Windows 8 and Windows 10 or about the only cause for that could be Windows 10 has stuck you with VGA drivers or some sort of generic drivers that aren't utilizing you nVidia Video card or DAZ Studio has a bug because of the AMD and nVidea cards in the same computer. Somebody with a similar video card setup will have to speak up their experience with that sort of video card config. Windows 10 doesn't choose for DAZ Studio how to render the scene.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    If you haven't done much with your pc yet you can still go back to your previous OS by going into windows settings backup. For 30 days you will have the option to dump 10 and go back to your previous version.

    I also have an AMD cpu with an nvidia card. I've not noticed any slowdown, but then most the scenes I'm currently rendering don't fit on my card anyway :(

    I've heard that sometimes the AV software will try to scan each piece of the render as it's being processed which will slow down renders tremendously so that may be an area to check.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,714

    If you take a disk image of W10, then if you want to try it at later stage you'll be able to easily.

    Make sure drivers are up-to-date. Has the aniversary update been applied?

    Personally, I took W10 of my laptop (which I don't use for rendering) and put on 8.1. My main still has 8.0.

    Have you backed up Daz Studio (the different versions) then you can compare with those? Occasionally folks find differences in older ones; normally render speeds improve moving forward, if there is any difference though.

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