DAZ Party!



  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,356
    edited May 2016
    Renomista said:

    Is there a List of German PAs?


    i know of

    • SF-Design
    • Karth (Not 100% sure)
    • Shox Design (Austria)
    • Mec4D (Speaks German but lives in NL or Belgium If I Remember correctly)
    • Who else?

    ++ Ant Farm?

    ++ OOT?

    ++ Raiya?

    I'm not sure. The Köln/Düsseldorf area would be great for me, but other regions/countries are also o.k.; including Austria and Switzerland. Though I won't probably be able to organise such a party I would like to attend it (and of course contribute).

    Post edited by caravelle on
  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921

    I think most importatnt would be access to a good location and at least some locals b/c some parts of organizing such event can be done best if you are a local.

    I think all location somwhere in the "middle" would be good so Köln/Düsseldorf would be ok as would be Rhein-Main Area

  • ++Arki (DA page says Germany)

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,315
    Renomista said:


    Great idea! I'd think if you can gather enough DAZ'ers, organize a couple of tutorial presentations and a couple of PA's for meet and greet, it could be awesome.

    I'm in Germany and I'm willing to go to Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands and Tjechie. 

    Maybe if everyone posts where they're willing to go geographically, we could make a couple of DAZ parties in most high spot places (most reachable). 


    Linwelly said:

    So you're back in Germany? I thought you returned to NL.

    I'm in Germany as well, but as I have some kids to take care of my travel range would be limited to Köln /Düsseldorf


    If we can do something in Germany I would be interested. (Based near Frankfurt)

    Another Idea that is beyond the "Tupperparty" newbies only thing would be to hold an BAR-Camp / Unconference Style meetup.

    There could be Sessions / Demonstrations / Speaches / Courses for all levels of knowledge and interest so the whole thing would be a great experience for everyone from the "pre-Download" interested newbie to the seasoned PA.

    To organize something like this is easy. Main issue is to find a free or reasonable priced location that allows multiple sessions at the same time and sponsors.


    The last time I attended a BAR-camp we got to fire full auto at bowling pins and water balloons. It was fun.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,315
    edited May 2016

    I think that a convention with PAs and professional presentations would be great, but by their nature, they are expensive, limited in their ability to reach people (usually held in the west or northeast) and complex and crowded.

    What I had in mind was a set of sponsored, small-ish, more personal get togethers among people in the same area. Something like this would maybe attract 20-30 people in Savannah, for instance, and I would not expect DAZ or PAs to be involved unless one of them were close enough to drive in for an afternoon.

    I would like to get two or three regular users who live near me to meet over dinner some time to discuss the possibility. Maybe DAZ could put out a call for that sort of very small event sponsors and offer a limited-time or scope bundle or two to help us do this in our respective areas.

    I'm not suggesting professional-level instruction, just a way to introduce prospective users to DAZ with a hands-on, see-how-you-can-do-it? sort of casual get together.

    Post edited by Petercat on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,090
    Petercat said:

    I think that a convention with PAs and professional presentations would be great, but by their nature, they are expensive, limited in their ability to reach people

    Something like this could be held online. 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'm on the bus, so somewhere on my local bus route would help me attend.  S54  (suffolk county)

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    That new Wendy's... Or Jaguar of Huntington... Ooh,ooh, oooh- I got it... Perfect location- that Pathmark that closed just off of Jerico turnpike... Who minds a couple of bats and maybe that insane deli clerk who is rumored to live in the air ducts (please help spread that rumor)... I'm sure there are a few old cookies laying around somewhere behind something, so that could be a head start on refreshments... And if no one started any fires, nobody would notice the party for days probably... I don't know... Maybe not... It's Huntington/Dix Hills... They are a bit hoity-toity up there... They probably have security watching the place.  Well, that's North Shore for you... Down here on the South shore I'm pretty sure I could start a hobo camp in my Shoprite and nobody would notice. Then again I think there are like two DAZ users in Suffolk county... You and me... Or possibly that raccoon I threw a backup CD containing DS 2.3 at... I'm pretty sure he took it because he never threw it back and I never found it. 

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    McGyver said:

    That new Wendy's... Or Jaguar of Huntington... Ooh,ooh, oooh- I got it... Perfect location- that Pathmark that closed just off of Jerico turnpike... Who minds a couple of bats and maybe that insane deli clerk who is rumored to live in the air ducts (please help spread that rumor)... I'm sure there are a few old cookies laying around somewhere behind something, so that could be a head start on refreshments... And if no one started any fires, nobody would notice the party for days probably... I don't know... Maybe not... It's Huntington/Dix Hills... They are a bit hoity-toity up there... They probably have security watching the place.  Well, that's North Shore for you... Down here on the South shore I'm pretty sure I could start a hobo camp in my Shoprite and nobody would notice. Then again I think there are like two DAZ users in Suffolk county... You and me... Or possibly that raccoon I threw a backup CD containing DS 2.3 at... I'm pretty sure he took it because he never threw it back and I never found it. 

    Just because we can complete a sentence with our teeth clenched the whole time do not start rumpling your ascot at us Nor' Shoreys -I hear things like that and I could just throw my lobster sandwich at a bus if Robert Moses had not prevented them from driving here with a strategic blockade of highway overpasses south of 25A.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,861
    edited May 2016

    I think you should coordinate that if you hold a party, Daz be a contributor. Daz is a business, not  your best friend. Tupperware parties work because TUPPERWARE supports the party that pushes their product. BUT:

    There seems to be two different variances of this topic- the first is users getting together with only a few newbies, or just regular users. Fine, Daz doesn't need to be involved.

    BUT if you are attracting new users and spending your time organizing an effective presentation, heck yes, you need to be compensated for your time and effort. ITS A BUSINESS. Why are you working for Daz and not getting compensated? 

    Then there's the flip side of the coin. Note I said an EFFECTIVE presentation, not just "meet up and talk shop" without structure. And how would Daz know what you're doing? Looking at this from Daz's point of view- how would they know you are really hosting the party? How many people are they going to determine makes it worth their while? How would this be documented? 

     And the PA's have families and their own plans for what they want to do with their time . And anytime they stop doing their products, they are losing money. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,315
    Novica said:

    I think you should coordinate that if you hold a party, Daz be a contributor. Daz is a business, not  your best friend. Tupperware parties work because TUPPERWARE supports the party that pushes their product. BUT:

    There seems to be two different variances of this topic- the first is users getting together with only a few newbies, or just regular users. Fine, Daz doesn't need to be involved.

    BUT if you are attracting new users and spending your time organizing an effective presentation, heck yes, you need to be compensated for your time and effort. ITS A BUSINESS. Why are you working for Daz and not getting compensated? 

    Then there's the flip side of the coin. Note I said an EFFECTIVE presentation, not just "meet up and talk shop" without structure. And how would Daz know what you're doing? Looking at this from Daz's point of view- how would they know you are really hosting the party? How many people are they going to determine makes it worth their while? How would this be documented? 

     And the PA's have families and their own plans for what they want to do with their time . And anytime they stop doing their products, they are losing money. 

    Because I enjoy creating 3D art, meeting new people, getting out of the house, sharing my hobbies?

    When I go someplace and share my enjoyment of model railroading, I don't expect Marklin to pay me, even though it's a business. I do it because I enjoy doing it. My compensation in this case is my own pleasure, not money.

    And no one is talking about forcing PAs to attend uncompensated. If one wants to stop by, fine. It's all voluntary.

    Jeez. I'm not wanting to do this to make money, I'm wanting to do it because I enjoy doing it.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011

    Wait... Tupperware parties are real parties featuring Tupperware... Huh... I thought they were like cheaper versions of those parties with the bowl full of keys... Just instead of a crystal bowl, it's an old Tupperware container with permanent lasagna stains. You know those never come out... Don't microwave plastic and tomato sauce... It results in a substance that will outlive entire civilizations.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Petercat said:

    Its 2016, you can have your Daz parties online! Unless you are talking about creating a small Daz convention, meeting up with strangers in another stranger's home would be creepy as all get out.

    Also, yes, Daz needs a PG section. Its really backward for Daz to prohibit nudity and yet promote so much skimpware all over the site. It feels like a double standard, no, it is a double standard. Anyway, there really should be a PG section and a more "adult" section like the store already is. If Daz has any intention of breaking into the mass market, this is a MUST. Nobody is going to take this software seriously when they look at the splash page and see some of the stuff on it. I would even go as far as giving products an age rating, which can be used to sort out searches. After all, if you do get more people on the site, they will eventually run into the skimpare otherwise. I know there are plenty of people who just do not want to see that stuff, period.

    totally disagree. I feel DAZ is too PG, especially for my tastes and in the big picture has a balanced representation of different types of images thruout the splash pages and in galleires to be taken serious. No need to dumb it down even more.

    Not talking about making DAZ more PG. Just having a section where adults can take kids to introduce them to 3D art. I have a thirteen-year-old girl who helps me write my webcomic, and while that sort of thing doesn't bother her (she watches TV), it bothers me.

    yeh it usually bothers adults more than kids.

    A friends daughter used to read her romances, she was about ten at the time, and her mum was a little concerned when she found out (they were fairly explcit); but her daughter said she skipped the 'boring' bits. Kids have a different outlook on this stuff, sometimes we adults forget that.

    Also what we view as sexual, many not be so to others; it is all about perspective. For me nudity is not sexual unless that is the intent (either of the artist, or the viewer), and being dressed can be sexual - and extremely so.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011
    edited May 2016

    Philosophical arguments don't go very far with PTA boards... The whole point of suggesting that an educational page be as neutral and prepackaged as possible is to avoid any conflict and give art or tech teachers a place to go to learn about and get DAZ Studio... A teacher has superiors, that teacher does not just decide "I'm using DAZ in my classroom" and goes about doing so, in most cases they'd have to have that idea and any software approved... If you were to send them to the regular DAZ page and their supervisor were to see anything even slightly risqué, they'd nix the idea in a heartbeat... Why? Because their thoughts go straight to the big mouth person looking for a crusade and a venue to stomp about on their soapbox. And any teacher in their right mind is not gonna want to risk giving their bosses the wrong idea.  This morning I visited the store and the first page (I think my settings are the default settings... Newest releases) and it was very innocuous... A moped, toy robot dog, some nice hairs, cool out fits, a spaceship corridor, some ancient ruins...etc.. But some days that might not be the case, you might have a bunch of minimalist bikinis, seductive poses, sexy barbarian armor or anything showing a percentage of flesh that makes some folks get googly eyed, all on the first few pages and that might make a program using DAZ assets a hard sell... Put yourself in the shoes of some art teacher who is putting the idea before their boss... "So what's this DAZ thing?" the principal asks. "It's this cool software that acts like a virtual photo or movie studio that lets users set up scenes or make animations, leaning the basics of 3D art... Here let me show you..." They go over to the computer and type in the DAZ home page... Not bad, the splash screen (a hypothetical one at a point in the near future)I'm making up) has a scene from a space station... Fades to a cartoon chicken... Fades to a forest with pixies riding dragonflies... Fades to a sexy lizard girl (hopefully the scaly cleavage went by unnoticed)... Fade to a castle...  The principal scrolls down a little as the teacher explains a little more... The side scrolling banner ad is only showing some hair and room set and a new shader pack, so no worries..."The software itself is free, as well as some introductory content, which is more than enough to get the program started..." Says the teacher.  "What exactly is content?" Asks the principal.  "Well, it's the virtual figures and props that come with the program..." Says the teacher.  "Like this stuff?" Says the principle clicking on the "3D Content Marketplace" button... Bam... The big scrolling ads are featuring: Platinum Club Plus- Learn more here (Render of spaceship)... Bloody Monday Sale- Up to 40% off of all these bloody good props! (promo of bloody insane asylum)...Virtual Vixens- Stack up savings on these hot new robo heroines! (Promo of scantily clad robot girl with various chrome parts, and cyber grafts, in chrome bikini armor)... The Millennium Cow 7HD- 50% off flash sale ( A noble looking, highly detailed cow standing in a misty meadow)... Vampy Vampires Weekend- extended sale! (Sexy vampire girl feasting on leather clad nun)... The principal scrolls down a bit,  "What's Hot" is featuring "Seductive Poses for George HD", "Assault Gun and ammo bundle" and "Ultimate School Girl Bundle"... You can tell the exact moment the principal's eyes fall upon those three images by the grumbly sound he makes as he clicks off the DAZ page... "Yeah,... I Really Don't think this is a good idea for this program..." He says and goes on about how it might look to parents...  Put yourself in that teacher's shoes... Think of how they might feel, how they may be perceived by their boss or anyone else there... Especially if when they visited the store on their own, it was all vanilla stuff...

    Now think of that same scene with a compartmentalized page designed to promote the product for educators, their superiors and people with specific expectations and limitations... No crazy, confusing or risqué sales ads, just straight forward vanilla stuff meant to promote 3D Art and Animation and explain the product and it capabilities as well as show whatever educational bundles the marketing people can wrangle together. 

    Do I think this would ever happen? Hell to the hell no, times- hell no... I think that instantly there would be the issue of effort and resources verses return... Besides why bother, eventually those kids will grow up and maybe discover DAZ in college or at their retirement party when a drunk colleague shows them it on their holophone... Viral marketing and accidental discovery is far easier and cheaper than actually planning out and setting aside a venue by which to promote the product for the future. This would have to be a planned out and well implemented set up... It could not and should not be half-assed... And by that very fact this will never be... Just like jet packs and hovercars, it's nice to blue sky dream about, but  it's not ever going to happen.  Not unless a group of dedicated enthusiasts got together and did all the work themselves and set up a special website as well, this idea will never happen. And all of that doesn't even touch on any of the other myriad of concerns that would be raised in a discussion about "should we promote DS for education", I'm just stoping on the biggest killer issue... Money/effort/resources.   

    Don't worry, DAZ won't change, and nobody will tone down the store... Art is safe, be it noble cows or chilly Vixens... Education will happen in this field as it always has, by accident or by some individual teachers who go out and do more than what is required, who have a passion for teaching and care about what they do. Sure that probably means fewer kids might find their way into 3D art and realistically one could argue "so what", art, music, poetry are not vital for life and are only supplemental education and by that token if only a lucky few can come upon a path by which to experience them, it's of no big consequence to rest of the world or those that never know of these things. Luck will deliver those that deserve it, to their destiny... and the rest can take the bus.

    Sorry to all who disagree with this idea and feel bothered that it may actually in some way interfere with their groove... But don't worry, it was a moot point to begin with and will never occur. 


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921
    McGyver said:

    Philosophical arguments don't go very far with PTA boards... The whole point of suggesting that an educational page be as neutral and prepackaged as possible is to avoid any conflict and give art or tech teachers a place to go to learn about and get DAZ Studio... A teacher has superiors, that teacher does not just decide "I'm using DAZ in my classroom" and goes about doing so, in most cases they'd have to have that idea and any software approved... If you were to send them to the regular DAZ page and their supervisor were to see anything even slightly risqué, they'd nix the idea in a heartbeat... Why? Because their thoughts go straight to the big mouth person looking for a crusade and a venue to stomp about on their soapbox. And any teacher in their right mind is not gonna want to risk giving their bosses the wrong idea.  This morning I visited the store and the first page (I think my settings are the default settings... Newest releases) and it was very innocuous... A moped, toy robot dog, some nice hairs, cool out fits, a spaceship corridor, some ancient ruins...etc.. But some days that might not be the case, you might have a bunch of minimalist bikinis, seductive poses, sexy barbarian armor or anything showing a percentage of flesh that makes some folks get googly eyed, all on the first few pages and that might make a program using DAZ assets a hard sell... Put yourself in the shoes of some art teacher who is putting the idea before their boss... "So what's this DAZ thing?" the principal asks. "It's this cool software that acts like a virtual photo or movie studio that lets users set up scenes or make animations, leaning the basics of 3D art... Here let me show you..." They go over to the computer and type in the DAZ home page... Not bad, the splash screen (a hypothetical one at a point in the near future)I'm making up) has a scene from a space station... Fades to a cartoon chicken... Fades to a forest with pixies riding dragonflies... Fades to a sexy lizard girl (hopefully the scaly cleavage went by unnoticed)... Fade to a castle...  The principal scrolls down a little as the teacher explains a little more... The side scrolling banner ad is only showing some hair and room set and a new shader pack, so no worries..."The software itself is free, as well as some introductory content, which is more than enough to get the program started..." Says the teacher.  "What exactly is content?" Asks the principal.  "Well, it's the virtual figures and props that come with the program..." Says the teacher.  "Like this stuff?" Says the principle clicking on the "3D Content Marketplace" button... Bam... The big scrolling ads are featuring: Platinum Club Plus- Learn more here (Render of spaceship)... Bloody Monday Sale- Up to 40% off of all these bloody good props! (promo of bloody insane asylum)...Virtual Vixens- Stack up savings on these hot new robo heroines! (Promo of scantily clad robot girl with various chrome parts, and cyber grafts, in chrome bikini armor)... The Millennium Cow 7HD- 50% off flash sale ( A noble looking, highly detailed cow standing in a misty meadow)... Vampy Vampires Weekend- extended sale! (Sexy vampire girl feasting on leather clad nun)... The principal scrolls down a bit,  "What's Hot" is featuring "Seductive Poses for George HD", "Assault Gun and ammo bundle" and "Ultimate School Girl Bundle"... You can tell the exact moment the principal's eyes fall upon those three images by the grumbly sound he makes as he clicks off the DAZ page... "Yeah,... I Really Don't think this is a good idea for this program..." He says and goes on about how it might look to parents...  Put yourself in that teacher's shoes... Think of how they might feel, how they may be perceived by their boss or anyone else there... Especially if when they visited the store on their own, it was all vanilla stuff...

    Now think of that same scene with a compartmentalized page designed to promote the product for educators, their superiors and people with specific expectations and limitations... No crazy, confusing or risqué sales ads, just straight forward vanilla stuff meant to promote 3D Art and Animation and explain the product and it capabilities as well as show whatever educational bundles the marketing people can wrangle together. 

    Do I think this would ever happen? Hell to the hell no, times- hell no... I think that instantly there would be the issue of effort and resources verses return... Besides why bother, eventually those kids will grow up and maybe discover DAZ in college or at their retirement party when a drunk college shows them it on their holophone... Viral marketing and accidental discovery is far easier and cheaper than actually planning out and setting aside a venue by which to promote the product for the future. This would have to be a planned out and well implemented set up... It could not and should not be half-assed... And by that very fact this will never be... Just like jet pack and hovercars, it's nice to blue sky dream about, but  it's not ever going to happen.  Not unless a group of dedicated enthusiasts got together and did all the work themselves and set up a special website as well, this idea will never happen. And all of that doesn't even touch on any of the other myriad of concerns that would be raised in a discussion about "should we promote DS for education", I'm just stoping on the biggest killer issue... Money/effort/resources.   

    Don't worry, DAZ won't change, and nobody will tone down the store... Art is safe, be it noble cows or chilly Vixens... Education will happen in this field as it always has, by accident or by some individual teachers who go out and do more than what is required, who have a passion for teaching and care about what they do. Sure that probably means fewer kids might find their way into 3D art and realistically one could argue "so what", art, music, poetry are not vital for life and are only supplemental education and by that token if only a lucky few can come upon a path by which to experience them, it's of no big consequence to rest of the world or those that never know of these things. Luck will deliver those that deserve it, to their destiny... and the rest can take the bus.

    Sorry to all who disagree with this idea and feel bothered that it may actually in some way interfere with their groove... But don't worry, it was a moot point to begin with and will never occur. 


    Mc Gyver: I just have to stat that I really Really love your posts, they almost allways make me laugh....

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,861
    edited May 2016
    Petercat said:
    Novica said:


    BUT if you are attracting new users and spending your time organizing an effective presentation, heck yes, you need to be compensated for your time and effort. ITS A BUSINESS. Why are you working for Daz and not getting compensated? 

    Then there's the flip side of the coin. Note I said an EFFECTIVE presentation, not just "meet up and talk shop" without structure. And how would Daz know what you're doing? Looking at this from Daz's point of view- how would they know you are really hosting the party? How many people are they going to determine makes it worth their while? How would this be documented? 

     And the PA's have families and their own plans for what they want to do with their time . And anytime they stop doing their products, they are losing money. 

    Because I enjoy creating 3D art, meeting new people, getting out of the house, sharing my hobbies?

    When I go someplace and share my enjoyment of model railroading, I don't expect Marklin to pay me, even though it's a business. I do it because I enjoy doing it. My compensation in this case is my own pleasure, not money.

    And no one is talking about forcing PAs to attend uncompensated. If one wants to stop by, fine. It's all voluntary.

    Jeez. I'm not wanting to do this to make money, I'm wanting to do it because I enjoy doing it.

    You can enjoy doing it and still have good business sense. The two don't exclude each other.  EDIT:  That came off snarky and not meant to be. Sorry!  I'm just saying if you put time into an organized, structured presentation (which I said in my post) you should be compensated. It's extremely time consuming if done correctly. You should have handouts, printed instructions, video tutorials, whatever- not just chit chat.  We're probably envisioning two different scenarios.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • thistledownsnamethistledownsname Posts: 1,321

    I'd be interested in something here in California.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,315
    Novica said:
    Petercat said:
    Novica said:


    BUT if you are attracting new users and spending your time organizing an effective presentation, heck yes, you need to be compensated for your time and effort. ITS A BUSINESS. Why are you working for Daz and not getting compensated? 

    Then there's the flip side of the coin. Note I said an EFFECTIVE presentation, not just "meet up and talk shop" without structure. And how would Daz know what you're doing? Looking at this from Daz's point of view- how would they know you are really hosting the party? How many people are they going to determine makes it worth their while? How would this be documented? 

     And the PA's have families and their own plans for what they want to do with their time . And anytime they stop doing their products, they are losing money. 

    Because I enjoy creating 3D art, meeting new people, getting out of the house, sharing my hobbies?

    When I go someplace and share my enjoyment of model railroading, I don't expect Marklin to pay me, even though it's a business. I do it because I enjoy doing it. My compensation in this case is my own pleasure, not money.

    And no one is talking about forcing PAs to attend uncompensated. If one wants to stop by, fine. It's all voluntary.

    Jeez. I'm not wanting to do this to make money, I'm wanting to do it because I enjoy doing it.

    You can enjoy doing it and still have good business sense. The two don't exclude each other.  EDIT:  That came off snarky and not meant to be. Sorry!  I'm just saying if you put time into an organized, structured presentation (which I said in my post) you should be compensated. It's extremely time consuming if done correctly. You should have handouts, printed instructions, video tutorials, whatever- not just chit chat.  We're probably envisioning two different scenarios.

    Yes, I believe that we are. I was thinking about two or three experienced users, in a small conference room in a local restaurant, setting up their laptops and showing a few interested people what Daz Studio is and how to use it. While grazing the buffet (no food or drinks at the computer table, please). It would be nice if we could say, "If you've never purchased from DAZ before, there's a great offer for you... you can choose one of these packages for only $100.00, (Sexy, Sci-Fi, Real life, Fantasy, etc...)

    Since these would be people who are new to Daz Studio, whatever packages got sold would be money that Daz would not otherwise have seen, which is why I would suggest that they be very good, and available only to first-time purchasers. Maybe at 25% of normal asking price. A lot could be included for $100.00. Maybe even a free month of Platinum Plus, so they could see what the benefits are.

    I'm just brainstorming here, but I'd like to try it. I think it'd be fun!

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2016

    I left Germany (Essen) long time ago and I am in New York right now .. 

    caravelle said:
    Renomista said:

    Is there a List of German PAs?


    i know of

    • SF-Design
    • Karth (Not 100% sure)
    • Shox Design (Austria)
    • Mec4D (Speaks German but lives in NL or Belgium If I Remember correctly)
    • Who else?

    ++ Ant Farm?

    ++ OOT?

    ++ Raiya?

    I'm not sure. The Köln/Düsseldorf area would be great for me, but other regions/countries are also o.k.; including Austria and Switzerland. Though I won't probably be able to organise such a party I would like to attend it (and of course contribute).


    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    "you need to be compensated for your time and effort. ITS A BUSINESS. Why are you working for Daz and not getting compensated? "

    Who rulled out compensation? Daz has an affiliate program and you would expect the person having the "party" to supply at least one link somewhere for the guests.


  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921
    MEC4D said:

    I left Germany (Essen) long time ago and I am in New York right now .. 

    caravelle said:
    Renomista said:

    Is there a List of German PAs?


    i know of

    • SF-Design
    • Karth (Not 100% sure)
    • Shox Design (Austria)
    • Mec4D (Speaks German but lives in NL or Belgium If I Remember correctly)
    • Who else?

    ++ Ant Farm?

    ++ OOT?

    ++ Raiya?

    I'm not sure. The Köln/Düsseldorf area would be great for me, but other regions/countries are also o.k.; including Austria and Switzerland. Though I won't probably be able to organise such a party I would like to attend it (and of course contribute).


    There are worse places to live than NY ;-)


    Sad for us over here...

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    What I suggested does not dumb down anything. Look, I am one of the least conservative people out there, but I am also reasitic enough to understand how flashing skimpware on your main page looks to those who are. Is that how you attract new business? This is not a strip club here, but to be frank sometimes it looks like it.

    You have multiple posts here that talk about the embarrassing situations Daz put them in by just trying to show someone what Daz is. Needless to say not a great first impression. I'm not one to often say "think of the children," but, well, think of the children! How do you introduce Daz to younger people with this current set up? That's why you create seperate sections between the two. Go to the mature section and you will still see your favorite skimpware prominently displayed. Is that really such an outlandish and difficult suggestion?

    In fact, I would suggest that creating a seperate section for PG and mature would have the exact opposite effect to what you think. Maybe if Daz did create a seperate section, that would result in MORE actual mature content coming to it as a result? Because by trying to cater to everyone, they actually end catering to very few. There is no such thing as a "One size fits all." You simply cannot satisfy everybody. So just split the site so both kinds of customers can be better served. Call it "Daz After Dark."

    Problem solved. Daz gets to attract potential new clients, like teens and more conservative folks, and still gets to cater to those who want something more mature. You do not get more WIN-WIN than that.

    Now that would deserve a party.

    If you think DS looks like a strip club at times, you are more conservative than you think, LOL.

    As for thinking of the children, I don't let my daughter use DS by the very nature of the software, it's content and what it can do (she is 12). Then again, she doesn't have web access without a parent. She has several modeling apps and other, tame 3D software that don''t have realistic type human figures in them. I am sure a child friendly version of DS could be made and advertised on a website catering to that type of clientale, but I would want that to be the secondary site, not the primary as I don't view the current state of DAZ as an x-rated, dark erotic site that needs to hide from mature public viewing as you have suggested.

    There is lots of art in the world that is sexual in nature and it does make some people uncomfortable. Some so much they want it restricted or banned because if offends their delicate sensitivities, similar to how some proebably view this site and what is sold on it. I say to them deal with it or look somewhere else

    As for the OP's question, i am down for a DS/3D party, although unless there are going to be displays with new tech or software, it might be a little odd for a bunch of DS users standing around talking about changing DS themes, loading other formats into DS or how to change shaders into being Iray friendly, LOL. (JK) I actually went to a convention for a game i develop for and it was surprizingly fun and informative and cool to place the forum names with actual people.

    The default installation of Daz contains only base g1/g2/g3 figures, and these figures all have the anatomical elements of Barbie and Ken dolls. So unless you ban your 12 year old from playing with Barbie dolls, you have no reason to ban her from Daz due to "the nature of the software." The software is what you make it out to be. I wouldn't have any issue installing Daz on her computer with a few clothing items for a preteen to mess with. It could ignite a brand new passion in her for 3d, computers, or any number of things, yet you've closed that door to her because you fear what she might see. You can always install the stuff you know is ok for her. It sure would be easier if Daz had some sort of way to automate that, though, huh? Not to mention, I doubt your daughter would be offended at all. She'd probably just giggle.

    So who's being the conservative one here?

    And once again, what I suggested does not break the site, tone it down, nor neuter it in any way. As I stated before, applying a proper age rating could actually open the doors to MORE mature content. Look at Steam, I'm assuming you've heard of it. You know, the world's largest PC game distributor by a very wide margin. They have somehow managed to have both children's games and a variety of adult games as well. I'm talking games that would make some people here really shudder. There was a time when Steam censored many adult themed games, but more and more of those games are getting to Steam uncensored. It is not perfect, but Steam certainly has more mature content than Daz does, that's not debateable, while at the same time, they also have more content for kids. People of ALL ages can use Steam, thanks to parental account management options. By including proper age guidelines and ratings, Steam has opened the door for more mature content than it had years ago. I wonder how Steam managed to do that, and why Daz cannot?

    It just makes sense. As I like to say, it makes "Dollars and Sense."


    I seriously doubt Daz would compensate anyone for holding a party/convention, unless Daz is sponsoring their own event. But I don't see why this has to be done in physical space at all. That's cute, but most of us live in a reality where we cannot travel very far for such an event. I've seen mentions of Germany, Georgia, and California here. None of those are remotely close to me. Anybody want to travel to Northern Virginia instead? Somehow I doubt that. Everything that has been mentioned here could be done in an online space. Then we'd only be limited by our internet connections. Now if people do get together online, and then decide, hey, it might be cool to actually meet up for real, then that is a different story. An online get together could then serve as a test for the real thing, to test interest levels and conversation topics. A successful online gathering might even prompt a proper sponsorship by Daz. Another WIN-WIN.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,011
    Renomista said:
    McGyver said:

    Philosophical arguments don't go very far with PTA boards... The whole point of suggesting that an educational page be as neutral and prepackaged as possible is to avoid any conflict and give art or tech teachers a place to go to learn about and get DAZ Studio... A teacher has superiors, that teacher does not just decide "I'm using DAZ in my classroom" and goes about doing so, in most cases they'd have to have that idea and any software approved... If you were to send them to the regular DAZ page and their supervisor were to see anything even slightly risqué, they'd nix the idea in a heartbeat... Why? Because their thoughts go straight to the big mouth person looking for a crusade and a venue to stomp about on their soapbox. And any teacher in their right mind is not gonna want to risk giving their bosses the wrong idea.  This morning I visited the store and the first page (I think my settings are the default settings... Newest releases) and it was very innocuous... A moped, toy robot dog, some nice hairs, cool out fits, a spaceship corridor, some ancient ruins...etc.. But some days that might not be the case, you might have a bunch of minimalist bikinis, seductive poses, sexy barbarian armor or anything showing a percentage of flesh that makes some folks get googly eyed, all on the first few pages and that might make a program using DAZ assets a hard sell... Put yourself in the shoes of some art teacher who is putting the idea before their boss... "So what's this DAZ thing?" the principal asks. "It's this cool software that acts like a virtual photo or movie studio that lets users set up scenes or make animations, leaning the basics of 3D art... Here let me show you..." They go over to the computer and type in the DAZ home page... Not bad, the splash screen (a hypothetical one at a point in the near future)I'm making up) has a scene from a space station... Fades to a cartoon chicken... Fades to a forest with pixies riding dragonflies... Fades to a sexy lizard girl (hopefully the scaly cleavage went by unnoticed)... Fade to a castle...  The principal scrolls down a little as the teacher explains a little more... The side scrolling banner ad is only showing some hair and room set and a new shader pack, so no worries..."The software itself is free, as well as some introductory content, which is more than enough to get the program started..." Says the teacher.  "What exactly is content?" Asks the principal.  "Well, it's the virtual figures and props that come with the program..." Says the teacher.  "Like this stuff?" Says the principle clicking on the "3D Content Marketplace" button... Bam... The big scrolling ads are featuring: Platinum Club Plus- Learn more here (Render of spaceship)... Bloody Monday Sale- Up to 40% off of all these bloody good props! (promo of bloody insane asylum)...Virtual Vixens- Stack up savings on these hot new robo heroines! (Promo of scantily clad robot girl with various chrome parts, and cyber grafts, in chrome bikini armor)... The Millennium Cow 7HD- 50% off flash sale ( A noble looking, highly detailed cow standing in a misty meadow)... Vampy Vampires Weekend- extended sale! (Sexy vampire girl feasting on leather clad nun)... The principal scrolls down a bit,  "What's Hot" is featuring "Seductive Poses for George HD", "Assault Gun and ammo bundle" and "Ultimate School Girl Bundle"... You can tell the exact moment the principal's eyes fall upon those three images by the grumbly sound he makes as he clicks off the DAZ page... "Yeah,... I Really Don't think this is a good idea for this program..." He says and goes on about how it might look to parents...  Put yourself in that teacher's shoes... Think of how they might feel, how they may be perceived by their boss or anyone else there... Especially if when they visited the store on their own, it was all vanilla stuff...

    Now think of that same scene with a compartmentalized page designed to promote the product for educators, their superiors and people with specific expectations and limitations... No crazy, confusing or risqué sales ads, just straight forward vanilla stuff meant to promote 3D Art and Animation and explain the product and it capabilities as well as show whatever educational bundles the marketing people can wrangle together. 

    Do I think this would ever happen? Hell to the hell no, times- hell no... I think that instantly there would be the issue of effort and resources verses return... Besides why bother, eventually those kids will grow up and maybe discover DAZ in college or at their retirement party when a drunk college shows them it on their holophone... Viral marketing and accidental discovery is far easier and cheaper than actually planning out and setting aside a venue by which to promote the product for the future. This would have to be a planned out and well implemented set up... It could not and should not be half-assed... And by that very fact this will never be... Just like jet pack and hovercars, it's nice to blue sky dream about, but  it's not ever going to happen.  Not unless a group of dedicated enthusiasts got together and did all the work themselves and set up a special website as well, this idea will never happen. And all of that doesn't even touch on any of the other myriad of concerns that would be raised in a discussion about "should we promote DS for education", I'm just stoping on the biggest killer issue... Money/effort/resources.   

    Don't worry, DAZ won't change, and nobody will tone down the store... Art is safe, be it noble cows or chilly Vixens... Education will happen in this field as it always has, by accident or by some individual teachers who go out and do more than what is required, who have a passion for teaching and care about what they do. Sure that probably means fewer kids might find their way into 3D art and realistically one could argue "so what", art, music, poetry are not vital for life and are only supplemental education and by that token if only a lucky few can come upon a path by which to experience them, it's of no big consequence to rest of the world or those that never know of these things. Luck will deliver those that deserve it, to their destiny... and the rest can take the bus.

    Sorry to all who disagree with this idea and feel bothered that it may actually in some way interfere with their groove... But don't worry, it was a moot point to begin with and will never occur. 


    Mc Gyver: I just have to stat that I really Really love your posts, they almost allways make me laugh....

    Thank you, laughing is good... But if it continues for longer than four hours or you get any persistent rashes or acute bowel distress, contact a licensed physician or a cheap witch doctor... Whatever your healthcare coverage provides for. If you are taking any medications, do not stop taking them unless you can't afford them anymore or you doctor tells you to stop. Laughter is not a cure for anything, but it can help you enjoy whatever it is you may be suffering from and it's cheaper than drugs.

  • McGyver said:

    I see that idea and raise you a far worse and utterly half-baked one! 

    (a lot of stuff...)

    That from a chap in a gorilla suit wearing a Viking helmet and sitting in a crashed Aviarylocomotivator.




    Just "accidentally" send them to Rendererotica first, then after they turn back to normal color and pick their jaw back off the floor, go "Oops!  My mistake" and show them this place.  That should make them appreciate the more modest nature of this place more.  Unless of course the March Madness sale is going on...

  • ZamuelNowZamuelNow Posts: 753
    Petercat said:

    Yes, I believe that we are. I was thinking about two or three experienced users, in a small conference room in a local restaurant, setting up their laptops and showing a few interested people what Daz Studio is and how to use it. While grazing the buffet (no food or drinks at the computer table, please). It would be nice if we could say, "If you've never purchased from DAZ before, there's a great offer for you... you can choose one of these packages for only $100.00, (Sexy, Sci-Fi, Real life, Fantasy, etc...)

    Since these would be people who are new to Daz Studio, whatever packages got sold would be money that Daz would not otherwise have seen, which is why I would suggest that they be very good, and available only to first-time purchasers. Maybe at 25% of normal asking price. A lot could be included for $100.00. Maybe even a free month of Platinum Plus, so they could see what the benefits are.

    I'm just brainstorming here, but I'd like to try it. I think it'd be fun!

    Thing is, I actually think there's a few preexisting bundles that mostly work for this is they're willing to forgo the most current generation of figures. Though I do wonder if Daz could be coaxed into making a few more bundles of Daz Original content.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,315

    Well, I just talked to the owner of a Chinese buffet that I frequent about using his conference room and electricity. He said the only charge would be the buffet and drink for each person (<$10.00) and he'd have to talk to his wife about a charge for electricity.

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