Saved scenes not showing up in DAZ Studio

BoorsmanBoorsman Posts: 240

I did a search for this in the forums, and after reading through several pages of the results, I found nothing on this issue. I had to buy a new laptop because the screen on my old one is going out.  I just transfered al my DAZ files and folders over to my new computer.  I put all my folders in the exact same spot on the new computer as they were on my old one.  When I open DAZ Studio on my new laptop, my saved scenes are not showing up in the Content Library on the right side like they did on my old laptop.  I don't see them in the Smart Content pane on the left side either.  I always save them under C:/Documents/Daz 3D/Studio 3/content.  I have been doing it like this since DS 3.  Any suggetions on what I'm doing wrong?

Post edited by Boorsman on


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited March 2016

    Are they there in Windows Explorer?

    Is that location mapped as a content folder in Studio?

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    That isn't a default content location any more, so before you started working on things, did you check to make sure the Content Directory Management settings on the new machine matched the settings on the old one? I can't remember where the CDM settings data gets stored, but they're definitely not in any "all DAZ files and folders" location that's visible by default.

    Note that this also applies to DIM, if you use it. The two programs do not talk to each other, so it's way too easy to have them talking (or in this case, installing and reading) past each other.

  • BoorsmanBoorsman Posts: 240
    edited March 2016

    Picture 1 is waht it looks like on my old laptop.  Picture 2 is what it looks like on my new laptop.

    Mjc1016, I believe that I did map it as a content folder in Studio.  


    SpottedKitty, I believe that I did that also.  I usually don't use DIM, because it installs everything into my Public Documents folder.  When I tried to change where it installed things, DS didn't load things right, so I put it back the way it was, and I manually copy everything and put it where I want (which is in my Documents folder), but that isa discussion for another time. 

    Edit:  Please disregaurd the picture in my original post.  I messed up and somehow put it there, and now I can't figure out how to delete it there.  Picture 1should be 2 and picture 2 should be 1.  Sorry for any confusion.

    DS screen1.png
    1366 x 768 - 96K
    DS screen2.png
    1600 x 900 - 114K
    DS screen1.png
    1366 x 768 - 96K
    Post edited by Boorsman on
  • BoorsmanBoorsman Posts: 240

    Please disregaurd this thread.  I finally found my saved files.  They are under Daz Studio/My Library.  How this happened, I don't know .  Thank you Mjc1016 and SpottedKitty for yur help.

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