My Lease Is Nearly Up On The Complaint Thread



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    Eating left over pizza can be fun which makes ordering two pizzas rewarding.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    kyoto kid said:

    ...ah Monday morning. I know most hate it. For me it's like pretty much like any other morning.  The only difference from weekends is the flood of emails I receive.

    Site was flaky this morning, kept getting a Cloudflare error when trying to open the Daz site.

    Nice day again today, upper 70s to near 80°.  Can't say that for Southern California where a big heatwave has been underway since yesterday with temps in the 100s (124° currently in downtown Palm Springs).  Even San Diego has is under a heat advisory.


    85F tomorrow ... might wear a sun dress to work  wearing a dress means wearing a slip

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I saw that the forums seemed to be down for a while.  Or was it on my end?  My back is peeling and I do not like that.  eww I scratch my back and find dead skin pieces.  I know stop scratching my back.


    sunburn woes >.<

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    BEER!  AHhhhhhh

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951
    MistyMist said:

    I saw that the forums seemed to be down for a while.  Or was it on my end?  My back is peeling and I do not like that.  eww I scratch my back and find dead skin pieces.  I know stop scratching my back.


    sunburn woes >.<

    That is why I stayed under the canopy at the pool today when I was not in the pool.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    Where is my tooth pick dental floss when I need it.  Probably in the bathroom not my kitchen.  First wash dish then brush teeth then floss, right?

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055

    My head itches and the sun is shining. No cause and effect there, just randumb obserations.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776

    Morning. Winter is paving our streets brown and gold  torn from branches and carried through city towers on a stiff Antarctic  breeze :)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I got to remember that southern wind is cold for you and northern wind is hot for you

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2016

    so this is what apricot looks like,  


    strange thing to come up in a search for 'what is apricot'


    whats the strangest thing you ever saw in an innernet search?

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,827
    Tjohn said:

    My head itches and the sun is shining. No cause and effect there, just randumb obserations.

    ...If I answered, it would be pulled for stepping across TOS.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited June 2016
    MistyMist said:

    so this is what apricot looks like,  


    strange thing to come up in a search for 'what is apricot'


    whats the strangest thing you ever saw in an innernet search?


    531 x 238 - 105K
    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    ps1borg said:
    MistyMist said:

    so this is what apricot looks like,  


    strange thing to come up in a search for 'what is apricot'


    whats the strangest thing you ever saw in an innernet search?



    i see cupcakes  nomms

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the Safety Data Sheet for airwick scented oils is 13 pages.  surprise  prolly lotta hazardous materials in your average home.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055

    And we have liftoff...

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    Tjohn said:

    And we have liftoff...

    Is that Mrs. Wan Hu?

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055

    Good advice.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    langweilige Arbeit


  • AnotherUserNameAnotherUserName Posts: 2,727

    I have apparently put on my old man hat today...


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    why am i eating tofu, is there any nutrition in this thing?  it's like eating a po'boy cheese cube

  • AnotherUserNameAnotherUserName Posts: 2,727
    MistyMist said:

    why am i eating tofu, is there any nutrition in this thing?  it's like eating a po'boy cheese cube


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    Two cute little Moore goldfish followed me home today after work.  

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,044
    edited June 2016

    Last year(or something like that) I had a 9 volt battery explode... It was brand new and was sitting upright on the shelf (for about 6 months undisturbed) and it just exploded... Sounded like a .22 round going off in the shower. Kinda pissed me off because it burned my shelf a bit and cracked a crappy picture frame, but what concerned me was it was just sitting there and then BOOM... More like loud pop, but what if it was in something and it started a fire... So I did a Google search, "recalls for exploding 9 volt batteries"... Being as ever helpful as Google has now become, it spit out two semi-relevant results and the rest was rubbish, but the funny/stupid part was the side box that shows shopping results... "Where to purchase Exploding 9 Volt Batteries..." Somewhere on my old Mac is the screen capture...  not the funniest thing, but sorta like the above image where Google guesses what you are going to type...

    Just in case you are wondering why it happened, I found out by dissecting the rest of the batteries from the same pack... 9 volts are made up of smaller battery cells (AAAA size) wired together inside of a plastic case... When the batteries leak (and from that pack of 12, 7 did) if the battery is stored upright (as per manufacturer's directions) the liquid will pool at the bottom and submerge the leads thus causing a short and subsequent overheating of one or more of the cells, which may rupture or explode.  Sadly this was a brand name battery (the one that does not employ musically inclined rabbits) and it's not an uncommon (but totally unreported in the media) occurrence... You can find many instances being reported on consumer websites and even some very angry post on some of the battery makers websites... leaky brand name batteries have become more common over the past five years for some reason, and any 9 volt batteries that have leakproof cases can suffer the same fate.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited June 2016
    McGyver said:

    Last year(or something like that) I had a 9 volt battery explode... It was brand new and was sitting upright on the shelf (for about 6 months undisturbed) and it just exploded... Sounded like a .22 round going off in the shower. Kinda pissed me off because it burned my shelf a bit and cracked a crappy picture frame, but what concerned me was it was just sitting there and then BOOM... More like loud pop, but what if it was in something and it started a fire... So I did a Google search, "recalls for exploding 9 volt batteries"... Being as ever helpful as Google has now become, it spit out two semi-relevant results and the rest was rubbish, but the funny/stupid part was the side box that shows shopping results... "Where to purchase Exploding 9 Volt Batteries..." Somewhere on my old Mac is the screen capture...  not the funniest thing, but sorta like the above image where Google guesses what you are going to type...

    Just in case you are wondering why it happened, I found out by dissecting the rest of the batteries from the same pack... 9 volts are made up of smaller battery cells (AAAA size) wired together inside of a plastic case... When the batteries leak (and from that pack of 12, 7 did) if the battery is stored upright (as per manufacturer's directions) the liquid will pool at the bottom and submerge the leads thus causing a short and subsequent overheating of one or more of the cells, which may rupture or explode.  Sadly this was a brand name battery (the one that does not employ musically inclined rabbits) and it's not an uncommon (but totally unreported in the media) occurrence... You can find many instances being reported on consumer websites and even some very angry post on some of the battery makers websites... leaky brand name batteries have become more common over the past five years for some reason, and any 9 volt batteries that have leakproof cases can suffer the same fate.

    Picture it, the year 2020 your new electric car is just sitting in the driveway resting for the night, you settle down for a long winter's nap, then BOOM explosion and sparkish fireworks take out your front yard maples and wake and light the neighborhood.

    Or picture it, the year 2050, your new hunting rifle a "Wemmington Phantastic Phaser for wubbing out Wabbits" is just hanging on the wall then the cheaply made battery fails in the predicted way and you and your neighborhood vaporizes. surprise


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Carvel-ers know, whensday is sundae, not toosday


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited June 2016

    Complaint:  I finally decided to clean up my computer repair lab and get rid of obsolete equipment.  I managed to eliminate two WinXP machines and a 4-way KVM switch and associated cables, and a 4-way audio switch and it's associated cables.  Then I decided that the remaining cables could be arranged more neatly.  I started untangling them and found a couple that passed over two plugs in the wall when they should, by rights, be passing under the wall plugs.  The two plugs fed two UPS batteries so I figured unplugging them from the wall wouldn't hurt anything.  So I unplugged the two UPS's, moved the two errant cables under the plugs and replugged in the UPS's.  Everything looked hunky dory until I sat down to my main console and started working on my computer and then turned on the 2nd monitor to watch TV in my lab.  NOTHING, except a message saying "Check your video cables". sad

    So, I examined the cables carefully and spent much time determining all cables were OK.  However, I had blown out my "CompositeVideo to HDMI converter" device AND my secondary monitor.  Arghhhhhhhh..... crying  There's $200+ to replace them if I ever decide to.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    Apparently one has to format a new drive before using it.  It is very difficult to use a non-formated drive.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776

    Morning. First fingers of post-solstice dawn clawing at the storm tossed eastern sky for a little extra daylight today :)

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    For certain values of the word "use". For example if I'm only interested in certain physical or mechanical properties of the drive -- say I wanted to use it to keep a sash window open, or as a giant domino in a knock-down dominos event, then the formatting requirements are significantly reduced.

    However, it must also be said that of all the drives I have bought in recent years, not one was unformatted. They were all formatted with some kind of file system (typically FAT or Ex-FAT). Whether that's usable in your system, or the file system you want (generally HFS, or occasionally NTFS in my case) is another matter.

    No drive purchased in recent years has demonstrated suitable aerodynamic characteristics to be incorporated into my FrisbeeNet LAN, and if attempted, a hard drive crash (plus breakage fees) often ensues.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited June 2016

    'Nother complaint:  It's strawberry season. Yea! smiley Tonight I bought a quart of fresh strawberries and homemade biscuits from the local roadside fruitmarket.  I lovingly cut the greens from the berries and put a large number of prepared berries into a bowl ready to mash them up.  I also added two teaspoons of what I thought was sugar but turned out to be salt. surprise  Arghhhh.....  Luckily I caught my mistake before I started the mashing up bit and wondered how to separate a couple dozen berries from a hundred thousand grains of salt.   Ah, ha, dissolve them out.  I filled the bowl with warm water swished it around a bit and drained it.  I repeated this process four or five times and hoped it would be enough.  It was.  Strawberry shortcake sans salt is tasty. wink

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
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