Conform high heels to Genesis 2 Male

I'm trying to cross-dress a Genesis 2 Male figure and I am not entirely sure on how to manipulate things. When I try to "Fit to" the heels to the male figure, it ends up looking like the attached picture.  I'm using heels from the Sinner's Embrace bundle so i set the "Fit to" parameters respectively to Genesis 2 Female and Footwear.  I am able to fit the shoes to the feet while they are not parented to the male figure, but I obviously need to animate it. Is there a way to manipulate accurately the position of the heels after it is linked to the figure? I found multiple threads on how to conform older props to newer generations, but i am not sure on how to address this issue as it is a male to female conversion.  Here are some of the info I found:  1, 2, 3.

If someone could guide me in the direction I need to go, it would be very appreciated.

703 x 863 - 90K
705 x 866 - 87K


  • AlienRendersAlienRenders Posts: 791

    After you did a "fit to", unfit the shoes. (The "fit to" stage is required btw). Go into the scene panel. First select the human figure then the shoes (or ONE shoe if they are separate). Now go under "Edit/Figure/Rigging/Transfer Rigging (Figure Space)" and that will transfer the bones. Now try "fit to" again. If it still distorts, there are two things you can do, each somewhat painful. But first check that there aren't hidden morphs on your shoes that is causing the distortion.

    Option 1. With the shoes unfit, export them as an .obj file. (If the shoes are separate, you'll need to do 2 exports). Make sure to turn off absolutely everything exept what you are exporting.

    Next, fit the shoes to the figure. Select the shoes (you'll have to do this once for both if they are separate) Then go into "Edit/Figure/Morph Loader Pro". Load the .obj file. Rename the morph to something like "RestoreShape". Click ok. Now set the dial for the new morph to 100%. The shoes will look perfect. Except your weight maps are likely junk and if you try to bend the foot or toes, you'll get distortion. But maybe this is good enough for now?

    Second option is longer to explain... and I don't have the time atm. If what I described above doesn't solve your issues, let me know and I can try explaining the proper way to do this.


  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    Getting Highheel shoes to fit on a different character is really not easy...sometimes It'll work, but it's not often without a lot of work.

    Here's a thread where I found the best wasy for me :

    (in your case, where I talk about V4, you mean G2F, and where i talk about G2F, you mean G2M).


    it'd actually likely be easier to make a version of your G2M character as a morph for G2F

  • So. I have been working on this today, and I am happy to say that it worked.  In the end, it was actually really simple, I did something closer to AlienRenders' answer, but I acheived that by going through Scavenger's tutorial...  I assume that the transfer is easier because it is a fit between two genesis 2 models.  Here are the steps:

    1. "Fit to" Genesis 2 Base Male (It seems that the base model is needed here, don't really understand why, but it was my main mistake, trying to fit the shoes directly to Scott 6)
    2. Unfit the shoes.
    3. Position and pose the shoes in relation to the model's posed feet (Not sure it is necessary).
    4. Select Genesis 2 Base Male then the shoes.
    5. Edit -> Figure -> Rigging -> Transfer Rigging (Figure space)
    6. "Fit to" Scott 6 (in my case)

    A big thank you to both of you and here is a render of my progress at the moment:

    664 x 868 - 64K
  • AlienRendersAlienRenders Posts: 791

    Glad it worked out for you. I really think there's a bug in DAZ Studio when transferring rigging on anything other than the base figure and even then, it doesn't work so well. In theory, you should be able to transfer from any pose or morph that adjusts the bones. But I recently found a problem where it would not transfer the rigging correctly even on the base figure just because the shin has a twist value (I did this so that the shoes pointed directly forward to make modeling in Lightwave easier). So I rotated the shins back to 0. Exported the shoes as obj's, unfit the shoes (which made them point straight ahead) and then replaced the geometry with the objs which made them align with the feet again. Redid the transfer and everything worked. Bizarre. Transferring rigging in figure space is supposed to handle this automatically. But nope.



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