G3F - Bending problems - issue with symmetry - not correct working?

cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
edited April 2016 in The Commons

Okay, I really do not know how I can explain the issue/problem correctly and easy understandable because of my limted english.

Here is the problem:

I want G3F sitting on something and have recognized that the bending of the hip/buttocks/thigh region works not symmetric if I use third party products for shaping/posing. First I thought it has something to do with this one product I have used "buttocks work" but then I have tried also a product by I13 (squish morphs) and have also not a symmetric result using same values for both legs. So if 2 third party products have an issue on the same body region of the g3f figure I think it is not an issue of these products but on the figure itself.

here are three images showing what I mean, hope you can see it, have a look at the buttocks and hip.

One image shows just my G3F character with just legs bend (btw, have the same issue with a g3f from scratch so it can`t be an shaping or character issue)

Another image shows the the result using I13 squish morphs

Another image shows the result using "buttocks work"


1680 x 1050 - 245K
1680 x 1050 - 252K
1680 x 1050 - 262K
Post edited by cosmo71 on


  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,047
    edited April 2016

    The issue is not the figure but the products. If you bend the figure without any products loaded you will notice it is symmetrical in that area. So if there is any Assymetry, it is product related. Do this test. leave figure in default pose, set figure to wireframe display and dial up morphs for both sides. If the wireframe is not symmetrical it is the product. Also check if no morphs are dialled up by default on your figure, which might also cause assymetrical issues.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
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