What Motivates Your Purchases?

nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,325
edited April 2016 in The Commons

When I first got into Daz Studio, it was to simply get the items that could be used to realize the scenarios I had in my head, but somewhere along the way, I noticed that I'd see a particularly well done set, or model, and suddenly I was thinking of scenes that I would liike to do in that environment or with that prop (like that damned Italian scooter).   So I end up buying stuff, especially if it's on sale, and  keep it in the queue until I eventually get all the elements I need.

So how do all of you primarily work?  Buying the stuff you specifically need, being inspired by some great vendors or galleries, or a mixture of both?

Post edited by nelsonsmith on


  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,333
    Both indeed! I had an idea in mind for some elvish armor, even did a sketch, but nothing really fit my mind's eye. Then Arki delivered her Rune Armor, and that was perfect! Better than what I had in mind. Then Kaelidoscope comes out and the possibilities flow through my mind. And here's one more - there may be an item I have passed over and suddenly it goes on sale - I can't resist. And don't forget the freebie that pops up which will take me in an entirely new direction. Oh, woe is me for I do not have enough time to do all the renders in my head...
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,829

    I got so much stuff I have tapered off buying stuff to once a week or so.  Last actual purchase was for Hiro 3 as I am getting back into Aiko 3 and wanted her counterpart Hiro to have something "New".  I have been wanting the outfit I got for Hiro 3 for years but only had the female version of it.


    Basically I buy what I can afford that I feel like is lacking in my content folder and runtime.  

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,861

    Sales. Good ones. Because I can usually find a way to use what I buy, eventually. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Well when I first started if it was on sale and I thought I could use it I bought it.  Now that my library has filled up substantially (its amazing what you can do in 7 months lol) there needs to be a great sale, and it needs to be different from other stuff I have as well as relevent to the kind of art that I usually do.  Although sometimes something will catch my eye and like nelsonsmith said I can immediately see numerous things to do with it.  Then if its on sale and I have the money I will buy it.  And my budget also determines how and what and when I buy

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,632

    For me there is a difference between purchases and products. Purchases are usually motivated by sales. I hit every 3d store daily to see what products are out there and what they are going for. Since I do commission work as well as personal renders, then products/items I need for a specific scenario will be purchased regardless of price since I can offset this to the client if need be. I once charged a client $400 for a turbosquid item that he wanted in the scene and I didn't have the time to make myself.

    Once in a blue moon a vendor will release a product that really speaks to me and I snag it in a second

    I also purchase items on sale that I can see using later down the road. The years later I wonder what I was thinking, LOL.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,077

    First it has to be on sale - because I'm che\\\frugal. Then I look at the promos and description to see if I have an immediate use for the item. And then I look at how much I've spent for the month. And then Oooohhhhh Shiney! laugh

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,415
    Novica said:

    Sales. Good ones. Because I can usually find a way to use what I buy, eventually.

    Me too; espcially really, really good ones like todays offering of the Lilith Pro Bundle for $6.95

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882
    namffuak said:

    First it has to be on sale - because I'm che\\\frugal. Then I look at the promos and description to see if I have an immediate use for the item. And then I look at how much I've spent for the month. And then Oooohhhhh Shiney! laugh

    This is pretty close.  I actually have an extensive checklist I posted over at Deviant Art just for giggles, but it's pretty accurate.

  • nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,325
    Novica said:


    Me too; espcially really, really good ones like todays offering of the Lilith Pro Bundle for $6.95

    Yeah, I thought I was done for the month, when that popped up.  It would be crazy not to take advantage of that one.

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,569

    I buy mostly sci-fi, male content, and men's poses. I have enough female content, clothing, poses to last a lifetime. 

    I will always buy skins that are alien, and morph packs, and good environements. 

    I will always buy poses where characters are doing something other than looking sexy, which I have a ton of already.

    For some reason, prices have gotten higher here at DAZ so I have to be less impulsive.I will wait til those items are discounted more before buying them.

    I am really waiting for DZfire's cyber dogs which I intend to pick up immeadiatly. 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,159
    Novica said:

    Sales. Good ones. Because I can usually find a way to use what I buy, eventually. 

    1+ Agreed :)

  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727

    I get inspired occasionally to put something I see ont he DAZ shop into a story, but most of the time, what I buy is what I need for my webcomic.  I needed and older-fashioned looking supervillain costume, and used Retro Future for Scott 6 (which then determined that the villain would be a scott 6 model). And things like that.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678
    edited April 2016

    ...my main criteria, will I ever use it at all?

    I see a lot of nice items, though like others here, I have to be a bit...no...very selective due to budget.

    First and foremost, I check to see if something will work for my story. After that it has to fit the genres I'm interested in which include gritty cyber/post apocalyptic worlds (hence a lot of urban and technology sets), science fiction/space opera, noir/hardboiled detective, political intrigue/secret agent, and historical. 

    Not much into "classic" fantasy (save for the fae) nor horror (though I do have a love of old 50's "B" monster and SF films).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I love B rated movies of any time period!  To watch not necessarily to render lol

    I do try to stick to items that I can use, while I love 1st Bastions Atrium I rarely do any type of modern render (unless its apocolypse related lol) so while I think its stunning, I will probably never use it. Same with the beauty parlor and ice cream shop.  Gorgeous gorgeous items but can't justify it.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    What motivates my purchases?


    This.  The delusion that I'll have the time to render something with it.  The delusion that my results will be as good as the promo pictures.  The delusion that it being on sale makes it a better purchase.  The delusion that I'll remember the really cool idea when/if I do get the time to put a render together.  The delusion that I'm well off enough that I can drop hundreds of dollars a month on virtual items, yet somehow not spend any money for months on my own clothes.

    But mostly the delusion that I'll ever find the time to use even a small percentage of my library...

    Sheer delusion.

    --  Morgan

    p.s. Seeing someone gush in the forums about an item drives some of my purchases, also.


  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,799
    edited April 2016

    Well, since my primary focus is mostly on simply character construction based on story ideas, my number one concern is deciding if that fits my character's style well enough. Unfortunately, most of my characters are equally proportionate between male & female, and my females, ESPECIALLY MY YOUNG ONES, don't wear anything ridiculously revealing unless it's necessary. So, male content and more reasonably-looking female gear is always an encouragement. Another big thing for me is bundles. These have always encouraged me to by more than the sales themselves, actually. Even if I don't have an immediate use for everything the bundle has to offer, I end-up finding a use one way or another. Another thing that will get my attention is nice-looking scenery, particularly modern interiors.

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 8,992

    It have to be a very well made item and the promos should look convincing.

    Even better if it contains the scenes, that were used to make the promos.

    But most important, if the item is on sale and I need it.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,279

    Hello, my name is LeatherGryphon.  I am a DAZ addict, but I haven't bought anything today.  My story is a sad one.  I have filled my closets with items I know I will never use.  Despite being poor I have wasted thousands of dollars on DAZ items because of what was so eloquently described above, "delusion".  Now I buy only things that have been on my wishlist for a long time and are on deep, deep sale.  I have learned that I do not follow up on my mental visions of potential scenes.  I have no need for more items.  The addiction is strong but I have it in check.

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318
    edited April 2016

    Hello, my name is LeatherGryphon.  I am a DAZ addict, but I haven't bought anything today.  My story is a sad one.  I have filled my closets with items I know I will never use.  Despite being poor I have wasted thousands of dollars on DAZ items because of what was so eloquently described above, "delusion".  Now I buy only things that have been on my wishlist for a long time and are on deep, deep sale.  I have learned that I do not follow up on my mental visions of potential scenes.  I have no need for more items.  The addiction is strong but I have it in check.

    Change the name and you're telling my story!

    If it's a tool that can help me get more out of my steam-driven PC (e.g. 'Instances Plus', SimTenero's 'Iray Memory Assistant' or even the 'Mask and Multi-pass Toolbox') then I'm there. If it's something that can breathe new life into what I've already got (e.g. Mec4Ds shaders) and even help to put the brakes on buying any more of it (Zev0's morphs and skin builder, SimTenero's character 'Randomiser', MaClean's Everyday Primitives etc) then I'm there.

    Character textures that are a bit of a departure from the typical 'made-up and sexed-up' usually pull me in too (oldies, fantasy creatures etc), and I'm a card-carrying environment junkie, especially if it's a building or setting that can be repurposed and made to look like somewhere else relatively easily.

    This does at least make some sense, but I've also got a bit of weakness for things that I might never use in a commercial render just because they take me back to a time in my life that won't be coming back again (e.g. the bow-topped gypsy wagons that I spent my early years living in, even though I was too young at the time to be able to remember them now!). I used to work in a psychiatric hospital, and there's a corridor in West Park that's so evocative, every time I use it I end up staring at it for ages, mentally charting bits of my life since then and putting bits of it to rights. Daz Studio as a meditation aid. Who'd have thunk it? :)

    Post edited by BlueIrene on
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