Maps (specular, normal, bump...) how to?

I never really looked into maps so far, other than the diffuse and I am bit at loos about how to creat proper additional maps

from there. Is there some proper tool that allows do do this without spending half an hour into tweaking sliders in Photoshop?

If not, what tutorial would you guys suggest me to use? I have CC2015, if it has any relevance.


Cheers :)


  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,210

    Strange nobody has commented on this... I believe just from a casual analysis that BUMP files are a slightly grainy, grayscale version of the texture file you are going to use - easily made in any graphics program: PSP, PS, CC, Gimp etc. are all good.

    Including one in your render and cranking up the BUMP sliders a bit will give some useful "tooth" to texture planes that are supposed to be viewed at moderat angles.

    As far as I know transparency maps are similar but consist of a very high contrast version of a graphic applied to a thin plane.

  • A bump map should not be the diffuse colour desaturated, though it often is. There are varous tools - Allegorithmic's B2M, Crazy Bump - that claim to be able to take a source image and break it down into its compoenents (including bump and normal) but I've not had much success in my attempts to use that sort of thing - the initial image is very important, if nothing else. There's no magic trick to generating relief images, even if the tools do help.

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