New Daz-OptiTex Dynamic Clothes thread [Commercial]



  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    I would actually like to see Daz bring in a physics engine like iClone’s where you can make any clothing or hair object dynamic. Daz, are you listening?

    Pretty sure for it to happen it is going to take someone other than DAZ Staff to do it. It takes a someone who has a very certain kind of skill set to work on something like this as I understand it. The guys who work for DAZ are amazing but I don't think any of them have a strong background in that skill set.

  • jaebeajaebea Posts: 454
    edited December 1969

    Made the request :D

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    mjc1016 said:
    Here;'s some of my favorite Poser content...and about the only place to get Kitty any longer is the content...

    Rufus and the rest of the Plushies have gone into the Deep Freeze at RDNA. So I've picked up a few every now and then, really at a steal.


    Yeah...but when you can get them in the Poser 8 debut Christmas giveaway a couple years ago...that's even better than Deep Freeze :-)

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    DanaTA said:
    mjc1016 said:
    Here;'s some of my favorite Poser content...and about the only place to get Kitty any longer is the content...

    Rufus and the rest of the Plushies have gone into the Deep Freeze at RDNA. So I've picked up a few every now and then, really at a steal.


    Yeah...but when you can get them in the Poser 8 debut Christmas giveaway a couple years ago...that's even better than Deep Freeze :-)

    And SanctumArts Kitty is nowhere else ...

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited June 2015

    mjc1016 said:
    DanaTA said:
    mjc1016 said:
    Here;'s some of my favorite Poser content...and about the only place to get Kitty any longer is the content...

    Rufus and the rest of the Plushies have gone into the Deep Freeze at RDNA. So I've picked up a few every now and then, really at a steal.


    Yeah...but when you can get them in the Poser 8 debut Christmas giveaway a couple years ago...that's even better than Deep Freeze :-)

    Did it include all the Plushies? Even the full product doesn't include all the Plushies. I have Poser Pro 2010 and it didn't include all the Plushies. And I don't think it even included any of the add-on textures for Rufus. Debut is a "light" version, so I doubt they'd have more content than with the Pro version.


    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    mjc1016 said:
    DanaTA said:
    mjc1016 said:
    Here;'s some of my favorite Poser content...and about the only place to get Kitty any longer is the content...

    Rufus and the rest of the Plushies have gone into the Deep Freeze at RDNA. So I've picked up a few every now and then, really at a steal.


    Yeah...but when you can get them in the Poser 8 debut Christmas giveaway a couple years ago...that's even better than Deep Freeze :-)

    Did it include all the Plushies? Even the full product doesn't include all the Plushies. I have Poser Pro 2010 and it didn't include all the Plushies. And I don't think it even included any of the add-on textures for Rufus. Debut is a "light" version, so I doubt they'd have more content than with the Pro version.


    Nope, just Rufus - but I think mjc1016 was originally talking about SanctumArts Kitty - which you can't get outside of Poser.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    Latest scene using Daz Dynamic fabrics (I WANT MORE DAZ DYNAMIC CLOTHES!)

    (slight nudity, so thought I'd play it safe.)

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited December 1969

    Latest scene using Daz Dynamic fabrics (I WANT MORE DAZ DYNAMIC CLOTHES!)

    (slight nudity, so thought I'd play it safe.)



  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Latest scene using Daz Dynamic fabrics (I WANT MORE DAZ DYNAMIC CLOTHES!)

    (slight nudity, so thought I'd play it safe.)



    Thanks :D

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,470

    Someone posted downloads of Opitex Freebies over at Rendo. I know we are not suppose to post rendo links here, but they really need to see this.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,929
    Are they new outfits, or copies of Optitex freebies?
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited October 2015

    They are Poser only according to the info I saw.

    And the link seems to be for existing items at Optitex

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2015

    It appears to be Martin from Optitex who has posted them. Most of his freebies are DS only, although a few have been converted to be used in Poser.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,470

    Ok so it's all good then.  Didn't recognise the artist name and thought better safe then sorry and mention it.

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    Khory said:


    I would actually like to see Daz bring in a physics engine like iClone’s where you can make any clothing or hair object dynamic. Daz, are you listening?


    Pretty sure for it to happen it is going to take someone other than DAZ Staff to do it. It takes a someone who has a very certain kind of skill set to work on something like this as I understand it. The guys who work for DAZ are amazing but I don't think any of them have a strong background in that skill set.

    is that the reason why it's so quiet here the last years? since the big man Dan left here, oh boy :(
    is only the Rob wiz left here as one the people with skills...

    dissapointed reading, that others here think the same way as me.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787

    All I know is I want more variety of Daz Dynamics. Various styled belts (stand along, not just attached to another garment), more fantasy dresses, more versatile men's clothing ... just more. I'd REALLY like a dynamic corset designed to work with the romantic shirt or dresses :D

  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 366

    I'd settle for a standard dynamic business suit for G3 - slacks and skirt, button down shirt, vest, jacket.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787

    There is a Daz shirt and vest for m4 on the optitex site, which being dynamic will fit most figures, especially with an animated drape: Also a poser version. So all we really need are dress slacks and a suit-styled jacket.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    "is only the Rob wiz left here as one the people with skills..."

    Dan leaving the board pretty much nothing to do with dynamic production and he was one of the people who selected to work with Optitex as the original solution so I'm not sure what different direction you would expect had he stayed on. The dev staff is quite skilled in a variety of things. The sort of things that they need to know to develop a program like Studio and implement things like Iray into the program. Studio alone keeps them plenty busy without the addition of something as complex as dynamics. Development of dyanamics would require a whole additional skill set (and extra mathematics and physics knowledge) beyond regular coding and program development.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited October 2015

    Why I hope that IRAY integration might lead to more with PhysX.

    Being able to add dynamics to all clothing would mean I 'd buy more (it would be very bad for my wallet); would be happy with more Dynamic releases which Martin (iirc) indicated was in the works.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited October 2015
    Khory said:

    I'm not sure what different direction you would expect had he stayed on.

    MarvelousD direction offcourse it's real, live and reachable to hobby market, only a plugin is missing. If daz SDK was more stable (finished) 'm sure the plugin was al ready done.
    but the SDK is still a work in progress (example IK section), and guess that's the reason why there is still no plugin. (MD5 is really good.)
    Before start dynamics in studio i need the possibility to animate dazfigures and that's not possible with a broken IK setup.
    And it would be great if we get PhysX for dynamics in studio.

    Post edited by Fixme12 on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    I'm just not sure why you think that Dan would have been more inclined to a new association after the one with optitex. Dan and Chris were the ones running the company when Optitex was selected and I am sure that they had insight into the sales number for the products. They did say that they were planning their own plug in at one point but they seem to have abandoned that since nothing ever came of it. Nor have I ever seen any indication that they got past the saying they were going to do it point. They may have planned to sell it via their own site which means that they may never even have spoken to Daz about the possibility.

    As far as the SDK being "finished" that means that the program would not ever get any more major releases as it only changes with those major releases. From 2 to 3 and from 3 to 4 for example. I suspect that the real reason for no new dynamic plugin is that it isn't really a great prospect financially. The majority of people who use Studio and Poser tend to prefer conforming clothes to dynamic because they perceive them to be easier to use.

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited October 2015
    Khory said:

    The majority of people who use Studio and Poser tend to prefer conforming clothes to dynamic because they perceive them to be easier to use.


    huh? yeah right if there is no option to chose it's fast said that people prefer conforming clothes.
    And that's why this thread is getting so big? people would like to play with dynamics and create their own dynamic clothes 'm pretty sure of that.

    Post edited by Fixme12 on
  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787

    Also, looking around rendo ... there are plenty of dynamics clothing for poser for sale. So vendors must find creating dynamic clothing at least somewhat profitable. Has it never occurred to anyone if there was more variety in daz dynamics that more would sell, rather than modified versions of existing sets for earlier generation model?

    If more people saw dynamic styles that suited their needs, and felt there were enough of them to make worth learning to use them, I don't see how it's any different than people being willing to learn iray lighting. If people see gallery work they like and would like to emulate, they'll buy. 

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    you all are beating a dead horse !

    Daz said they would add dynamic cloth what 10 years ago .

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,151

    The thread's length appears to increase because occasionally someone necroes the thread.  I see many months go by before someone asks something again or comment.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    Fixme12 said:
    Khory said:

    The majority of people who use Studio and Poser tend to prefer conforming clothes to dynamic because they perceive them to be easier to use.


    huh? yeah right if there is no option to chose it's fast said that people prefer conforming clothes.
    And that's why this thread is getting so big? people would like to play with dynamics and create their own dynamic clothes 'm pretty sure of that.

    28 pages over 3 years isn't that big and I strongly suspect that if we counted up the number of individuals there wouldn't be a huge number. You seem to be unaware that I sell dynamic clothing products for Daz so I am rather overly in touch with how well dynamics sell. I'm also able to look at dynamics over the variety of market places for both studio and poser and assertain that they are not super popular. Peoples first response to that as far as studio goes is always that they would be more popular if every one could make them. The first response to the lack of a big dynamic market for poser is that people don't buy them because they can make thier own. The reality is that there are scores of things people can do on their own but that there is a triving market for. Lights are a perfect example of that. Anyone can do their own lights yet there is a triving market for them for both programs. Personaly I prefer dynamics for many clothing pieces but my liking them doesn't really translate into thousands of others prefering them as well.


  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited October 2015
    Khory said:
    You seem to be unaware that I sell dynamic clothing products for Daz so I am rather overly in touch with how well dynamics sell. I'm also able to look at dynamics over the variety of market places for both studio and poser and assertain that they are not super popular. Peoples first response to that as far as studio goes is always that they would be more popular if every one could make them. The first response to the lack of a big dynamic market for poser is that people don't buy them because they can make thier own. The reality is that there are scores of things people can do on their own but that there is a triving market for. Lights are a perfect example of that. Anyone can do their own lights yet there is a triving market for them for both programs. Personaly I prefer dynamics for many clothing pieces but my liking them doesn't really translate into thousands of others prefering them as well.

    Sorry, i only follow a few PA's (one's that do some good Zbrush, Maya, Modo works)... and a few one's over at Rendo...
    The problem why dynamics still are no big hit, is the IK problem for animation options in studio. Not everybody would use the premade daz mocaps.
    it's more easy for people to create clothes (possible some PA's don't like to see that).

    bigh said:

    you all are beating a dead horse !

    Daz said they would add dynamic cloth what 10 years ago .

    The tools are available (MD) only a plugin need to be build.

    Post edited by Fixme12 on
  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460

    Personally, I like dynamic clothing, but I don't actually use them all that often...  I'm just as lazy as the next guy (well, I like to think there's more to it than that) and will only go through the process of a drape animation if I can't get the look I want in a more straightforward manner.


    I do a lot of post-work painting of renders, sometimes to specifically make them look like I never used 3D in the first place, so the fact that many 3D artists aren't prepared to put the extra effort in to use dynamic cloth means that by simply using a good drape can go a long way to avoid looking like "just another 3D render"...  I'm not dissing other people - human nature is human nature - but the extra effort to use dynamic cloth is worth it in my opinion (and also learning when to not use it - some may be put off if they use it in wrong situation and it keeps going wrong).

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I use what dynamics I can, but there isn't a lot available; one aspect of dynamics in Daz that kills it is the edges have no depth, solve that issue and it would be amazing.

    Take the towel, as an example, it looks to have great depth, yet looking at the edge it is obvious it's a flat plane. And the towel texture actually does a pretty good job of providing depth, more so than usually happens. Items created that are not dynamic have the geometry at the edges to give the illusion of depth, well they do more than that: they are modelled to actually have depth.

    towel example.png
    1273 x 1800 - 2M
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