Problems with applying thickness

I have been trying to model clothes for DS in Hexagon and have run into a problem: when I try to add thickness to my model, it doesn't actually add to the geometry - it just seems to create a 'ghost' figure of the thickness and it will only let me select polys from the original mesh. I can't figure out how to apply it properly so I can select the 'inside' or 'outside' polys individually. Any advice would be muchly appreciated!

718 x 600 - 107K
It does add geometry. It duplicates the surfaces of your selected object, offsets the duplicated surface to the inside or outside (user selectable) of the object surface, and bridges the 2 surfaces to create a new "form".
The "ghost" effect is caused by your transparency being turned on. Turn it off to see the figure as a solid.
With 2 surfaces, one in the foreground and one behind it, you can only select polygons on the one in the foreground. Turn the scene so that you're looking at the other side of the object to select the other faces.
If your "thickened" object forms a pocket that makes it difficult to access surfaces inside it, you can select the outer faces and hide them, leaving the inner faces exposed to work on. If you have to do that repeatedly, you can select the outside faces and assign them to a shading domain. Then you can select that domain (which highlights the faces) and hide it. Then you can assign the "unassigned faces" to a second domain. Thereafter you can hide/show whichever domain faces you want to work on.
PS: Just an aside, but DAZ's genius spell checker flagged the word "selectable". Try it and see the ludicrous "corrections" it suggests :P
Thanks for the reply afreaginname.
I realise now where i was going wrong (wasn't re-selecting the object after doing the thickness thing). I guess the thickness problem is my brain and not Hexagon. All sorted now... :P
P.S. I tried spell-checking 'selectable' and it's not picking up any error...i'm kinda curious as to what it was suggesting for you ;) Doesn't like the way i spell 'realise' though, must be an American robot doing the spell-checking...
Glad to hear you got the problem solved! :-)
My "selectable" had non-options like "select able" and "select-able", as well as "delectable". I added "selectable" to the dictionary, and I assumed it would write it to a local cookie. Since you aren't getting the error, now I'm wondering if it got added to the DAZ site dictionary - a disturbing notion... :)
I got the same error you did with "realise", and I added that to the dictionary as well. Check the word on your end again and see if the error persists or has been fixed.
The ghostly look is there until you validate.
PS Probably not a good idea to add thickness to clothing?
Better to just make a small inner extrude to fake the thickness.
when I try to add thickness I get some weird geometry. Some vertex end up way of the mesh.
That is something that pops up very occasionally - haven't seen anyone give an explanation for it. I have tried to get it to happen deliberately by reversing a normal and adding thickness and this does imitate that anomaly to a small extent, but not enough to explain it.
Only cure I've found is to delete the offending mesh and start over.
Not just a Hex thing either...I've had it happen in Blender, Wings3d and others.
It also seems to happen more often when there is some other problem with the mesh than with a 'clean' mesh. I've also seen it happen on one import of a mesh and not another of the same mesh (importing from say obj and not opening a mesh in the model's native that case, it happens all the time).
Sometimes, if it's just one vertex that goes shooting off, you can bring it back into place and have it stay...but only sometimes. If it's more than just a couple (I'd say definitely 4 or 5 MAX) then it's not very likely any amount of tweaking/pulling back into place will help. So nuking the mesh and starting over is really the only viable option (or at least reverting back to a much earlier save...)
This isn't a case of offsetting the mesh (thickness) a certain distance such that polygons would start to overlap each other ?
That would confuse the program and possibly cause this scenario.
Given you mesh has pointed end I suspect this is what is happening. The same thing happens in expensive software also.
Nurbs software of course doesn't have this problem because it is working with surfaces instead of polygons.
Better to just make a small inner extrude to fake the thickness.
In one of the tutorials I've bought for creating clothing they added thickness and then deleted the faces that were unnecessary leaving just the edge faces and a couple of loops around the openings. I think it was one of the fugasi tutorials...
Yes Fugasi for the Bikini Tutoriel ... and i'm on this Tutoriel .... and have some issue with Thikness.
I'm beginner and i was happy to arrive to the "thickness phase" but ... When i apply thickness to my top, i have this result ... and i don't understand what it is and why it happened.
Second and third pictures
But it work proporly with other things :
First picture
So ... i probably did something wrong during the work but i can't understand what.
So i probably will have to restart a new top but if i can have some help.
Is somebody have had the same problem already ?
Thank you and have a fun WE :)
PS: Sorry for the bad english :(
I'm assuming the problem is the thickness of the ring? In the property editor in your image was a box with a number reduce the size of the number in that box.
Well not exactly, i forced the thickness ring to show that it work on the ring ;) ... but my problem is that doesn't happene that way with the top ...
It put me some yellow edge but no thickness ...
It did the same thing that if i click on "shift" tool .... But i don't know why just with the top ...
Okay...let me have a play I'll see if I can replicate the problem.
When validate the thickness attemp ... the top disepear ...
Nop ... and it works yesterday with the "bikini bottom" with symetry on.
I take an another picture ...
Top and ring selected ... no symmetry ... click on thickness and that is the result : ... :( ... if validate ... only the ring still there ... The top stay in my "object" but can't see it except his geometrie dynamic control that i can only abort to recovered my top ... (pictures 2,3 and 1) ... i'm not able to put the pictures in the correct order ... :(
I 'm bored,and make mistake ... can't go back enough to recover the ring size ... i go to sleep ;)
Thanks for your help and hope you will find ;).
Have a good day
lord.siotrad, I've had that problem a long time ago, I think it had something to do will the normals facing the wrong - probably wrong.
One thing to try, delete half the bikini, copy & paste the faces so you have 2 copies of the top, hide the original (can be delete later if it works), then after checking the edges are straight (front and back straps are 0.0 in the X position) use Symmetry to mirror it and weld both halves. Then check the normals, you are after the yellow arrows to be facing outwards.
i think you should weld both pieces so they are one.
Hi again ;)
I already try copy and past and an other symmetrie ... but it still doesn't work.
But maybe that is the problem ...
The firs time a did it (following the tutorial) ... it was not correctly weld in back top and bottom .. but i fix it so why it would be the reason ???
And anyway, the front is not really weld so i can't understand how it could be the only reason ...
I take an old save of the first half of the top ... and it was already bad.
If i weld all parts (ring and top) ... the ring become wrong to thickness so my "one piece" have those yellow edges but no thickness ... at all :(
For now, i did other way then thickness but i'd like to understand what i probably do wrong.
it does not appear to be welded. you still have two objects, form 3 and form 8.
try as two separate files one for each object and copy and paste one into the other
Well i did not put a picture each time ;) .. but i tried it and it doesn't work.
im sorry but in each image you show the meshes are not welded together
okayyyy ...
That's what you talking about ???
Form 9 is the ring and the top welded ... the others are copy of top and ring.
yes now its welded. have you only applied thickness to the ring? can you focus in on that area closer and a orthjographic view screen shot?
Like that ?
I don't think the ring be the problem but i tried to show it as good as i can :)
It was (before the weld) 2 parts with some faces superimposed.
this one more