Tip for Reality users - clothing material

XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
edited December 2015 in The Commons


I have read this tip in another forum, and I thought I present it here, because it is really useful. This is for all Reality/Lux users only!

If you have clothes where you cannot find a material setting that looks good, do the following:

- convert the cloth to metal and check the "custom metal" option, so that the textures do not get lost.

Now you can play with the polish value to increase or decrease glossiness. That´s all.


Here is an example:

In this image I used the pants from the Vigilante Outfit. I never could make them look good in Reality/Lux. No matter what I did, glossy, matte, all kinds of cloth materials, nothing worked. But converting them to custom metal did the trick !!! :-)

This is a very rough image which was rendered in just 5 minutes, but it is good enough to see the pants material.


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Post edited by XoechZ on
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