Aging Morphs for Genesis 9 (Commercial)

Official Support Thread.

1000 x 1300 - 529K

2000 x 1066 - 1M

2000 x 1066 - 1M

2000 x 1066 - 1M
Post edited by Zev0 on
I wonder what could be coming?
Nothing ... At least according to the post
Well, it just says "nothing to see" and the title is "Placeholder" ... so maybe it's an invisible placeholder? I need a good placeholder for my runtime so this is certainly exciting.
Maybe it's a recumbent posture...
So glad to see D.Master back! Bless you, Zev0, for helping out!
is it this 
"Tales from the Crib" to "Tales from the Crypt"
Thread updated.
Sooooo if I remember correctly this means that Aging Morphs for Genesis 9 has been submitted and approved ,now we wait for DAZ to release it ? This is for male and female?
Correct. And yes for male and female, one package.
Here you go. Placeholder Manager will create placeholders for you.
I'm very much looking forward to this one!
My current G9 project will benefit greatly from the aging morphs.
Thank you (and D.Master?) for creating this product. :)
Hese is a question, how old have you set the base figure age? I ask this if someone has a figue they have bought or made at a specific age how would you set this to work best ?
It is controlled by a dial. The stronger the value the older it gets. So it is not specific, so you can set it to your liking.
@Zev0 It's out and it's mine !!
Thanks for the support. Enjoy
i have a question, this is a merchant resource sir? :)
Because the title doesn't say "Merchant Resource"
Hi. You can use it as a resource where the product is required. The reason it is not a stand alone MR is because it contains HD morphs which are exclusive to the Daz store and also requires access to the HD morph loader.