FaceTransferUnlimited: Can'tSendParticular Character Only!

Hello everybody I'm using Face transfer unlimited from 2019 i believe it is. Using Daz 4.21. Using Unity 2022
In Daz i create characters with Face transfer than use DTU(Daz to Unity Bridge) to send them to my Unity project and most send fine Except this one using a photo of Bruce lee. I decided to see if it was the body morph or any morphs i was applying extra but i removed them all and still when i send it
I takes a long time just saying Updating or something in unity like nonending and then it crashes my Windows 10 system.
And it's funny cause the pictures i use for the ones that work are the same about the same. about the same size and everything. So why is the Bruce Lee one specifically, not working? and making my system crash?
Anybody have a clue?
PS. When sending from Daz to Unity via the bridge I include the same morphs on the ones that work and in the one that is not working: Phoeneme morphs for Speech lipsynch and then facial expressions.
Hi I'm back. Still not working. I was using Daz 4.21 before . Now I'm using 4.22 i still can't do it and it's Bruce Lee face transfer unlimited( 2019). All the others can be sent with Daz to Unity Bridge except Bruce Lee. I have tried Face Transfer with different pictures of Bruce Lee. And just the Bruce Lee doesn't work with DTU Bridge. All the others transfer fine.
Maybe there's a rule or something in the software that does not allow Bruce Lee? or something?
It may happen with other people too but so far i've tried Morgan freeman ( fine), various presidents( fine). All could be sent to unity with Official DTU bridge latest version. Just Bruce Lee can't and it crashes my PC. When i look at the Task Manager when doing a DTU bridge transfer and it can't even begin..but the Power Usage is really high. It's strange. Again only Face transfer unlimited characters where i use Bruce Lee pictures.
Hello I upgraded My DazToUnity Bridge to the 2023 version and It still can't send a FaceTransferUnlimited(plugin) character that uses a Bruce Lee picture although all the rest work. Does anyone know why only the Bruce Lee one doesn't work? It's so strange
And i don't even add any morphs. i've tried with morphs or no morphs. Still can't send it and the daz takes so long and the unity just like stays on IMPORTING..and never does anything and ends up crashing my computer.
Oh never mind. I found what the problem was. It wasn't face transfer it seems to be if you transfer huge polyogon hairs it wont let you. I was trying the MSO Loong hair which looks like the style bruce lee has and it always crash with that one but i switched to simpler one and i was able to do it no prolbem.