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Ooh... never seen this layered image editor before. Thanks for the mini tutorial, now I just need to try to remember it for if I need to use it
Yes thanks for the tutorial that will be very useful! You did a great job on that render
Here is a link to a free online normal map generator.
I don't know if GIMP has the feature, but I can make a normal map in Photoshop.
I'm glad the tutorial is helpful!
Thanks a lot for the link to the normal map generator @Dracorn, I know Gimp 2.8 had some addon to make them and probably the next version 2.10 has it built in already, I didn't yet get to dabble around with Gimp 2.10. Installed it on my labtop for now so I can start testing without muddeling in the settings I have for my main station. I still need it to finish the backflash sequence of my story.
Here is an example of how I try to get the backflash working, I desaturate the render, add RGB noise and I made layer in gimp ot get the "static" on top of everything
Hey, that works well! It gives it that old video look.
Here are some things I learned about generating normal maps. Use the SSS map if one is available. If not, take the bump and increase the contrast. Photoshop has something called Levels in which you have 3 sliders to play with the contrast instead of just one. If GIMP doesn't have an equivalent, then use a multiple-step method in which you darken shadows and then increase highlights after you increase the contrast. The whiter the highlights and darker the shadows, the more effective it will be.
Note - don't use this method for human or animal figures, as it will create a bevel-like effect on the edges of each map which you will see on your figure, and the texture will be far too strong. If you take a look at normal maps for G3/G8, you will see that they are quite subtle and don't have an edge at all. I believe this is done by inserting a background that is the same color as the map before converting to a normal. You can use the bump map for this, add a gray background the same color to remove the hard edges, and remove some contrast to make it more subtle. You may need a few tries to get it right, plus will need fiddle around with your normal settings.
If you want strong textures for things like bark, rocks, etc., pop a high contrast SSS map into Displacement in addition to the normal map.
@Linwelly - Keep making great art.
Your webcomic is looking great. I'm a couple of episodes behind. I'm enjoying it immensely, Your little fairy avatar is really cute. Are you rendering in Iray or are you still mostly in 3Delight? Your renders have been absolutely fantastic.
@dracorn thank you so much for the advice on the normal maps, that will help avoiding some problems. I glad the "old" style works. Luckily it covers all the not fully rendered images, all the grain doesn't botther.
@Wanderer I try my best, thank you!
@Knittingmommy Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm very happy you enjoy my comic. All my later renders are Iray by now, the last 3delight is some page back. I guess I could get most of this working in a similar way in 3delight but it would take a lot of time to render. With a good GC Iray is the faster option.
edit. I had to look it up, my last 3delight render was this one, its mostly the ones for llolas challenges i still do in 3delight
I agree, what you are doing for the flashbacks works very well.
And the giraffe render is really cute! Its interesting to see how much different Iray really is to 3delight. Its really noticible when I see something done in 3delight when I haven't seen one in awhile. I still have a fondness for how things look in 3delight though...
Thanks a lot Sonja (@IcedragonArt
I need to do a bit of ranting
Did you ever know how many things you have you really don't need anymore?
Well I'll start at the beginning: at the moment we have a lot of heavy weather where I live, it's a tropical warmth with thinderstorms and heavy rain every other day. This is far from typicas for the weather where is live, midwestern Germany. This goes on for weeks already which is even more unusual. For the past weeks lots of towns around us ahve been hit heavy with flooded cellars a shopping center, and roofs crashing down and more of that sort. We've been lucky so far, last night that changes, my little town was hit with a thunderstorm for about 2 hours, lightning flared up every second (no I'm not exaggerating) and the rain fell like I've never seen it before
here are some images from oure llittle town
Fireworkers from all places around came helping and I still hear the alram going time and again 18 hours later, my church had no power today, well that was still adn easy thing to live with.
My family and I are safe and all is well aside from some whater in the celler, we still need to find out where it came in, so we removed everything from our cellar and piled it up in our living room, the wet things went out in the yard.
What do I say... we got a ton of things we don't need anymore, and will use the situation to good means and get rid of all that :D. I pity the poor people who got their cellar and their livingroom full with mud.
I do so empathise. We had similar a week or so back, Thunderstorm I have never seen anything like it. Even the weather man next day said it was like strobe lights, the frequency of the lightning. In our area we missed out on the rainfall, which made the electric storm more eery. They said there was between 12,000 and 15,000 lighting bolts in 4 hrs. DOwn in the valleys they did get rain, We are used to rain, but it is still not nice when it floods.
So you that kind of weather as well. In the moment it's either no rain at all, or the amount of a normal month within the hour and that three times a week. I guess we have to get used to that.
It's here now! (The rain and thunders)
First decent rain in 38 days!
Welcome! ;)
I hope you don't get totally flooded. The northern part of Germany shared your Summer weather. When I was there after Pentecoste I had a full week of great weather and it already was going like that for three weeks and went on after. The good thing was there is always a bit of wind at the coast, which keeps away this tropical feeling I haver here.
Something completely different, but I had a lot of fun with this. It started out as an idea for a challenge in Black/white and green over on dA but I got all carreid away and couldn't decide on a camera angle. This one is the full view
and here is another one
the high resolution renders are on my dA page
and here is the black and white and green version
I guess another spinoff from these will become my render for Llolas pie challenge, but that needs a small addition
Superb stone effect!
Wow that's crazy! We have been getting the same thing. Nothing for days then a torrential downpour that doesn't have anywhere to go that fast. Glad you are okay.
Really like that granite effect as well.
Thank you so much everybody.
Fun fact about those images, practically all surfaces (aside from the water surface) are 3dl mats, partly becasue I used all the old props and for the the statue I used JG's odl ingenious rock 3dl shader. no conversion nothing else done, they just worked fine in iray. So thereis still a lot of Spunk in those :D
@IceDragonArt I hope you got through your flood without harm as well!
If you want to watch the thunderstorms and lightning strikes in near real time check out this site. It covers the whole world as far as I know. It also lets you see if the storm is moving away or towards you if you watch the strikes for long enough.
Double post. It said it hadn't posted but it must have :)
Thanks a lot Sandy I found that site as well, after that night I wanted to know what really was going on in the sky
Wow - glad everyone is OK, Linwelly.
Last time we had a freaky lighting storm like that in California, there was no rain at all and caused about 500 fires all around the state. The sky was orange from all the smoke and my nose was raw and bleeding for a month.
I hear you about stuff you don't need. I've accumulated quite a bit in my den which had been turning into the junk room. I started to reclaim it and filled my recycle bin, made a trip to Goodwill and need to take a bunch of old computer equipement to the electronic recyclers. I still have more to go. It's amazing how much junk we accumulate.
Love your statue by the way - great job of making her look like she is part of the stone behind her.
I still haven't decided which I like better - Iray or 3Delight. I like the color saturation of 3DL and lighting is MUCH easier. I spend as much as 70% of my time on Iray lighting. - I think I have that giraffe, too.
Two years ago I made this render I now have to resurface it because Iceland plays the soccer championship and they did an amazing start playing 1:1 against Argentinia (defeated all of Messis attacs Yay!)
I propably need to update it though, it's the wrong ball and they seem to have new shirts ;)
Really liking the stone statue render! And the football fairy is a fun idea
That's really cute. Yeah, you should update it - make it relevant.
Yes, all is well. We live at the top of a hill so rarely flood but where I would a couple miles away, the creeks all flood. A couple years ago it actually got high enough to close the roads and we had about 4 inches deep in the office. Fortunately, we have our computers up off the ground.
I use Iray almost excluseively now but I still miss the more fantasy look of 3Delight for many things. Sadly, I just don't have the time to get really good at both of them.
And thanks for that link Sandy, that will be most useful!
I love the football image.
You are welcome Sonja. We don't get that many lightning storms here but it is interesting watching them progress. I look at the USA quite regularly and I don't think there is a day goes by that doesn't have a lightning storm somewhere.
To have the Angor wat seriens here complete as well, here is the next piece now with some gifts for the dancing godess
this looks like a great thread with many nice renders
Thank you so much @mach25 welcome to this place. So you actually know some chinese? That would be so great so have soembody I could ask.
If you want to know more about the story just follow the banner to my webtoon, you will find quite some more chinese characters