Diffeomorphic daz to blender tips for beginners?

I'm late to the party and only now experimenting on exporting characters from Daz To Blender. My wofklow is that I make all the posing in Daz, then I export them to Blender, do tweaking and rendering images there. I'm currently doing only static renders with no animations but would like to do animations at some point too.
I've succesfully imported characters but do have some issues, for example that the bone limits do not seem to work in Blender and I can rotate the bones to unnatural positions. I'm struggling on finding up to date tips or tutorials, so any tips from experienced users would be very welcomed!
1) Should I use G8, G8.1 or G9 characters? Should I use or avoid HD characters? I'm currently doing closeup shots of hands holding objects, so all the extra skin and muscle details would be welcomed.
2) Any optimizations I should do in Daz before importing them to blender
3) Any recommendations on what options should I check in the Easy import Daz?'
4) Is there any ways of keeping skin collisions when exporting? ie. when the hand is grasping a smartphone and it makes a nice dent for the fingers palm
Any other tips, resources or good tutorials? Thanks!
1. For animation G8 G8.1 is better because G9 is inherently heavy and HD based.
2. If possible avoid HD especially for animation, HD is only good for closeups in still pictures.
3. Easy import has presets for G8 G8.1 G9.
4. Diffeomorphic bakes from the viewport, so everything visibile in the viewport will be transferred in blender. For the smoothing modifier to be exported you need to enable interactive update.
If you are the creator or Diffeomorphic, I first want to thank you for creating such an amazing tool! It seems to be a result of crazy amount of hours and brainpower
I don't know how I missed the presets dropdown in the importer, thanks!
No matter what I tried, I could not get the collisions to import to blender. Only tried G9 characters and the 1.7.4 version of Diffeomorphic. The collisions were fairly easy to recreate in Blender with Shape keys so it's not the end of the world but would love to know what I'm doing wrong.
One more question: is there a workflow to bring new hair or clothes to a character already imported in blender? I guess in the rest pose they would be easy to align when importing but would need to be linked to the original armature.
Thanks for the answers! I really really appreciate it!
I am not the creator of Diffeomorphic, Thomas Larsson is he does all the coding, I just help Thomas here and there in my free time for what I can.
It is not clear what you mean by "collision". If you mean a deformation visible in the viewport then it is exported with the mesh. If you mean a dforce animation then dforce properties are exported but then you have to simulate in blender.
Importing extra outfits and hair into a figure is possible but not recommended because this way the figure gets heavy. The ideal workflow in blender is to import a separate figure for each variation.