Diffeomorphic with Animation Layers

I bought Animation Layers for Blender. It works great for regular keys on my rig but it doesn't seem to know or understand Daz Runtime morph keys. It doesn't show the keys anywhere on the timeline or dope sheet or NLA. When I transfer all morphs to shape keys, I lose the custom morphs I created (they exist but changing the shape key value doesn't do anything to the mesh).
Does anyone have any insight? Is the Diffeo runtime just not compatible with Animation Layers?
That is it, Animation Layers is not compatible with Diffeomorphic, or any runtime using drivers. The reason is that daz morphs are drivers thus diffeomorphic sets keyframes on properties, those are not handled by Animation Layers. As you discovered yourself one way is to bake morphs to shapekeys. No idea why your custom morphs are not baked properly it should work, perhaps you can provide more details.
Thanks Padone.
I suppose what I need to know is the correct point during the import at which to bake the shapes. Everything was finalised you see. Before merging geografts or after? Also I assume things like JCMs still work fine after baking?
OK, I think I have a workflow. Easy Import (no finalise or merge geo). Merge geos. Convert Morphs to Shapekeys. The geometry is all merged and the shapekeys seem to work.