Diffeomorphic - Some textures refuses to load properly

[Diffeomorphic - Some textures refuses to load properly] I don't know how and why? I did try some other environment as well which did work back then "Cybernetic Dreamland" and there everything is fine (or even Poser environments are working), however "Biogen Labratory" doesnt work at all as you can see in the picture. I have the newest Diffeo installed and I use Blender 3.6.8. Do I seriously need to bring all the textures inside blender myself?
Also I was able to catch an error in my multiple failed tries, tho it happened only ONCE "modifier cannot be applied on multi-user data" and never seen it ever again.
Before I get asked I did all these already:
With Easy Import Daz -> DBZ File, Unmorphed Shared Envrionment, Unmorphed Unique Envrionment. All three tried with BSDF and Extended Principled shaders. Everything same results.

Please get the development version as there's improvement with shell textures. Also you may want to check the "build unused textures" option in the global setings, just in case, though with BSDF there should be no need.
Nope, it won't seem to fix the issue. Tried with all methods again, non of it worked. If I do "Unmorphed Shared" with Extended Principled Shader, I get this error consistently now tho. Maybe this error might help you. (I did clean reinstall)
Sometime the steam versions of blender have issues of their own. Please try the official version.
update. I found a bug with emission and reported to Thomas, he's actually on vacation for two weeks so we'll wait. I can't reproduce the multi user issue so I guess it's related to steam.