Exporting FBX into Daz from Blender, retaining separate linked objects?

Exporting FBX from Blender, then inporting into Daz.
Daz will merge all the linked objects, resulting into a single monolithic object.
If I try an OBJ, Daz Studio jumbles all the geometry into the center of the scene in a huge mess.
How do I export FBX files from Blender while retraining seperate geometry in Daz?

2779 x 1350 - 1M
i dont recall observing this. usually it preserves where geometry is in world space. Maybe there is a setting somewhere.
Have yiou tried the current DS Beta? That has had a number of changes to FBX import, though I don't know if they will help here.
Try Exporting to FBX with the settings as below in Blender...
There's also an add-on for modelers / developers... search Better Fbx Importer & Exporter, in blendermarket....
Blender keeps freezing when I try to export using those settings. Probably an issue on the Blender side or with the file itself.
Oh...I'm not sure but how many polycounts there in your scene? Maybey you first try with a simpler scene... see if it works.