Any decent beginner tutorials exporting Daz characters to Unity

Im quite new to all things Unity. Ive dived in and like it but Im having various problems, so Im looking for soem very good beginner tutorials exportong characters to unity using the official bridge.. Anyone recommend?
No problem, here's the total steps, you can check out the tutorial
The Video doesn't say but I think the supported figures are Genesis 8 and i think Genesis 3.
Also the video doesn't mention that you need to have the DZUNITYBRIDGE.DLL in your DazStudio4/Plugins/ folder. And how do you get that file? I think , at least for me i had to go to DazConnect ( it's a daz program and you just use yur same account username and pasword) and you can get it from there. You need to have Daz Studio 4.20 and above to use DazTounity bridge. I think, well especially the newer versions.
Create a character (Does not matter what version, I have used it with both Gen8, Gen8.1, Gen9).
1. Select the model in the hirachy
2. Go to "File" (Top left) -> Send To -> Daz to Unity.
3. Choose your Unity Project's asset folder (Daz will create any folders it needs)
(If your character has any morphs, choose them, also, dont fiddle around with Subdivision Levels.)
Then click accept and follow the prompts. (Ensure you have the Unity project open)