Content Missing When Exporting Using Daz To Unity Bridge

When exporting my Genesis 8 character from Daz Studio to Unity, using the Daz Studio To Unity Bridge, the import seems to occur okay, with no issues, but the character mesh is missing. The mesh seesm to contain any hair or cloth and the eye lashes but the character body does not seem to be present. See the video for the process that I use to perform the export and the results that I get.
I have tried with Unity 2021.3.33f1 and Daz Studio Beta Public Build and the character mesh is exported,
but the standard shaders are not appearing on the prefab created in Unity.
More discussion about that issue is on:
On the right is the character g8fBabina801 put to the scene from Daz3D\g8fBabina801 folder,
With the node weight thing enabled.