Bryce Lightning

Is Bryce Lightning still available? If so, where and how can I find it for downloading. A link to the official download page would be all I need.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,817

    Yes it is. Lightning comes directly with Bryce since version 5.0. It is included in Bryce 7 Pro though not noted in the description of the product. You may also have a look at these documents and

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,478
    edited December 2023

    It should be in your product library here:

    938 x 796 - 103K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • OK, from what I read in the second PDF document, the Bryce Lightning installer is packed into the Bryce 7 Pro zip file. I will need to download the zip again, because I cannot find that folder on my computer. I'm assuming that to istall Bryce Lightning on my other network computers, I just copy the Bryce Lightning installer to the harddrive of each one, and then run it on each of the other computers. As I do not have Mac computers, I should not have any problem with which of my computers has Bryce 7 Pro installed.

    Thank you Horo, for providing the links to the two PDF Documents. I have always found you and David Brinnens instructions and tutorials to be the best for Bryce.

    On another note, I have found several product packs that I need to install for Bryce 7 Pro. The same documents you have provided here, tell me how to get them successfully installed. Your attention to detail in your instructions is extremely helpful, and I appreciate it completely! Again I thank you!

    To MelanieL:

    Thank you for your response also. I do know about the Product Library that contains all of the Products I have from DAZ3D. Using the Filter feature helps to find what I am looking for. Thank you.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,817

    Mage 13x13 - you are welcome. I wish you success.

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