Script IDE ????

Is there any source code for the script IDE, or any good tutorials?  What are the capabilities of the script IDE in Daz 3d anyone know any good info? Is the script in DAZ only good for rendering just curious. I know C and C++ trying to pick up Java I am just really interested to know what can be done with the Script IDE.  


  • EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

    The scripting IDE is basically an editing pane with a console pane. Debugging is pretty much limited to print statements. DAZScript is an API layer on top of Javascript, specifically QtScript (Qt is the object model / GUI widgets). There is API documentation, albeit a bit out of date. There are some examples in the online docs, but they are limited. I've found the following snippet to be invaluable to discovering undocumented methods  

    function dumpBehavior(obj) {    var aPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).sort();    for (var i = 0; i < aPropertyNames.length; i++) {        print(aPropertyNames[i].toString());    }}

    Just pass it an object in the IDE and it will print all the properties to the console. 

    There's also a user that goes by mCasual who has a great many scripts available for download here


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