Cute 3D sale yet?

There are a few items by Shox-design that are for items by Cute3D that I'd like to have (I'd like both textures and base items), but I don't want to spend the money if I've already missed Cute3D's sale and won't be able to use them for who knows how long. Does anyone know if Cute3D's sale happened and I wasn't paying attention? 


  • I don't think Cute3D has gone on yet. There are a couple of things I want out of that store myself...

  • I didn't think I had seen the name appear yet, but I wasn't really paying attention during those first few days, since the discount wasn't really encouraging. 

    I think I have half of that store in my wishlist, and yet I never remember them when a big sale is happening. 

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    Nope, I've been keeping up with which pa's have come and gone and Cute3d has not made it to the sale yet.

  • not in the pa sale yet and not rev up discount usable but few things at 30% off but if they get added that should give at least 40% + extra 10% per rev you have so either risk wait to see if they get added or go for the items that are 30% off now while they are it's a gamble

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