Looking for a 9-mil gun for G2F

Confidential Memo:

Our agency is looking for a smallish semi-automatic sidearm for our agent who is a Genesis 2 Female or maybe could be one of her petite sisters.  Or maybe not; she is a master of disguise as would be expected for this type of work.  9 millimeter or smaller caliber is desired, with smooth and silent slide action.  Agent is equally adept with either hand.  Unit preferred untraceable, but if serials present, we will perform customization as needed.  For this request, concealability is more important than size, capacity, or even brand.  This agent does most of her work while sparsely clothed and within close range or direct contact with target and rarely needs more than one round to accomplish mission whether or not lethal force is required.

New or used unit acceptable.  Our machine shop will forge and mill replacement barrel and other parts as needed to maintain untraceability.  Cover identity and need to engender false confidence in target males may occasionally require jeweled, pearled, or abalone inlaid handles or other delecate "ladylike" features.  Bundle packs of various sidearm selections will also be considered.

Please remit suggestions and links to:

"Attn Project:  Sweet Widowmaker"


Thanks in advance and warmest Regards,


Director of Dirty Deeds

Silk Web Clandestine Services


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