Victoria 7

This isn't a question or a request for a tip, but a feeback comment. I bought the V7 Pro Bundle, tweaked her features a little, used one of the stock makeup options and loaded her into a basic studio scene. I must admit that she didn't look too impressive in the window and I was having doubts. However, when I rendered her in Iray, I was absolutely blown away. Hats off to the V7 creators....well done.


  • I agree, I am impressed too. She's become my favourite model over night.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,866

    I too really like her like 100% better than V6 : )

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    yep, she is currently my go to model right now (since she came out).

  • AllegraAllegra Posts: 405

    I've fallen for her too...putting away Poser and getting my head around Daz again:)

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    I'm quite taken with her as well. She bends so much better than G2F/V6 did and I thought she was amazing.

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096

    I got V7 for the clothing and hair bits, but she does render rather well. I gave G3F a test run the day she came out, and was rather impressed. Now I'm just wishing I had the skillset to meet DAZ's standards for skin tex...

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