(Released) Road Markings and Potholes - Decals for Daz Studio

Road Markings and Potholes - Decals for Daz Studio is a great way to add interest and realistm to your roads, paths, tracks and ground!
Using Daz Studios powerful decal node and my new road markings set of decals,add features such as manhole covers, paint road markings, and potholes with or without. puddles, cracks and surface damage!
Very handy and quick way to make a ground texture more interesting or realistic, adding texture and perhaps helping to break up a repetitive ground or road material a bit.
You need to parent the decal to the object whose surface you want it to appear on. And then add whatever material option suits your needs scaling it as you need too.
The pothole options will also work on dirt, sand and other ground textures so are perfect to use on paths and tracks as well as paved road surfaces. and work well in ultra scenery if parented to the terrain.
All in all a great way to add intrest and realism to your renders - find it here!
The perfect companion to Utrascenery Roadworks - Road and Path Materials for Ultrascenery and Ancient Stones Masonary Stone and Brickwork Shaders for Iray
Went straight into my cart, very useful! Thanks!
I bought your Digital Art Live recording, Ultrascenery : The Ultimate Guide, last weekend in the DAZ3D store and finished watching it today. In the last segment, you mentioned, among other things, your Road Markings and Potholes - Decals for Daz Studio product. That got me interested in exploring it more than the little that I have since buying it last September. Everything worked fine in a few test scenes until I tried to apply the STOP material to the decal node. I got a Missing Files popup window for three files; you can see them in the attached screen capture.
When I manually tried to navigate to Runtime/Textures/MartinJFrost/UTCROADS01/STOP/STOP_filename.png, I discovered that the three files were installed to Runtime/Textures/MartinJFrost/UTCROADS01/STOP/STOP/STOP_filename.png. I checked the downloaded Road Markings zip file and that is how the folder structure is set up there. The fix was easy – either move the three files up one STOP folder level or modify the path in RWRSD.duf to go one STOP folder level deeper. I chose to move the files up one level and delete the extra STOP folder.
Thanks for pointing that out. I will check that and fix it, though im pretty sure that it was working fine last i checked.
The problem that I found with the folder structure turns out to have been in the zip file that I downloaded and installed via DIM in September 2023. After reading your reply, I decided to download the zip file currently in my DAZ3D store Product Library. In that zip file, the folder structure problem does not exist. Odd, though, I never got an update in DIM that a newer version than the September 2023 zip file was available for download. I’ve installed the current zip folder files and there is no problem any longer.
Huh, same here. I did not see any update in DIM, and no Resolved Issues regarding this on the ReadMe page.
Now, after uninstalling and deleting the original zip file, it no longer shows in DIM - Ready to Download. Something is definitely wrong with this file, and probably why it never showed up as a product update.
ETA: Just downloaded the current version from Product Library, and it still has the extra STOP folder for the Stop textures. All internal modified dates are from 2023-02-22.
And it's all in "Enviroments", not "Environments"
You’re right. There are things that are wrong with the Road Markings zip folder.
When I uninstalled Road Markings via DIM it immediately showed up in the Ready to Download tab.
The folder structure is still wrong according to where the duf file for the STOP material is looking for the STOP textures. I see now why the new download appeared to resolve my problem when in fact it did not. Because I had copied and moved the three texture files up one STOP folder level, they were not deleted by DIM when I uninstalled Road Marking. The reinstall still installed the extra level of STOP folders but did not overwrite the files that I copied and moved so that they were in the place where the STOP material file needed them.
Misspelled folder names is, unfortunately, not new in some Daz Studio packages. I have three “Environments” folders as a result of that. I’ve learned to live with it. :(