
I appreciate the effort many people have put into various tutorials for Daz Studio BUT.......  Many of them are useless for a variety of reasons.  Some offered here go so fast that it's hard to understand what the heck they are saying or doing.    Many on YouTube fail to understand  that opening their mouth and talking clearly might be a help.    They mumble or have the volume so low the tutorial is useless.   PLEASE   If you're going to make a tutorial remember that if I can't hear you.... it's useless.  SLOW down. You understand what you are doing but I don't....   You are not offending me if you go slow and easy.... I want to learn BUT so far most of the various tutorials offered are simply a waste of time.      The tutorials offered directly by Daz seem to take things slower and are a great help.   Sorry of I have offended anyone but as a beginner I want to learn and I want your turorials so that I can advance.    Keep them slow.... Keep them direct...... Open your mouth so you can be heard and understood.   Thanks


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