DAZ to blender hair position issue

hello everyone, i have a problem, im trying to import an animation from Daz to blender, after spending 6 hours tryinbg to fin the addon etc, i have finally magaed to make it work, but now i have 2 issues, first the hair that i have created in Daz are completely above the character and even if i move them back onvce the head moves the hair are not follwing it, and second is that the canimation mess completely with my already existing scene (lights, Emissions etc.)
im working with Evee.
hope someone casn help me out
Use a shrinkwrap modifier to wrap the hair scalp to the head. Then, parent the scalp to the topmost bone (I think it is labeled head). When you animate the scalp will follow the head bone and move with the animation.
Not sure about your second question, sorry.
Yeah man lol. We need this fixed asap!
This is messing up my workflow and I can't let my clients wait for this issue.
I'll try to use what was said by Krys (don't know where to start honestly. A lot of buttons to look for unless you got a video tutorial?). But we need this fixed :(
You probably didn't merge the rigs. Use easy import and check "merge rigs".
Daz to Blender has this issue. Not diffeo. When I import it appears at the feet...
Really need help over this issue since I already have a pipeline with the other addon, but if there's no solution I might have to change....
I ended up moving any objects that were attached inside the bone layers (example: name's hair hidden in the 'head' bone layer), and move them outside of the hip bone, but still be parent to the genesis model. When I send the model to Blender, it doesn't reappear at the feet anymore. It doesn't work 100% but at least works.
yep works greatly !