Material Ball with DAZ Studio related shape

jpb06tjpb06t Posts: 272
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I am gearing up to become a vendor here and one of the products I have in pipeline is a (collection) of shader packs.

Usually people in the CG world show off shaders using the so called material balls, you can find here an example for Blender. As you can see, the ball is not just a generic sphere but is etched with Blender logo.

Studio misses a specific ball; I was about to fire up Blender to make one but then I started wondering about DAZ position on the use of the triangular shape (or something resembling it) shown in DAZ logo on a mesh. I am ready to donate such item (Blender file and OBJ exports) to DAZ as corporate entity.

Any comment from DAZ management?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,653
    edited December 1969

    It would probably be wisest to steer clear of the DAZ logo - if you do want to use it you'd need to ask permission in advance. You could use your own logo, or just text - DAZ Studio/3Delight say (since it might also be DAZ Studio/LuxRender or DAZ Studio/Octane) if you think it's needed to show the best effect.

  • jpb06tjpb06t Posts: 272
    edited December 1969

    It would probably be wisest to steer clear of the DAZ logo - if you do want to use it you'd need to ask permission in advance. You could use your own logo, or just text - DAZ Studio/3Delight say (since it might also be DAZ Studio/LuxRender or DAZ Studio/Octane) if you think it's needed to show the best effect.

    Thanks a lot for the super fast answer. The text option is even simpler than what I was thinking of :-). As soon as the thing will be in a show-able state I will post images and contact you to organize the distribution the thing.

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