mcjBigView: DS 1-4 script converts google-image-search results to BIG image

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,604
edited November 2014 in Freebies

you save the google search results page to disk, just the html page, not even the thumbnails

run this script

and you get an html page which lets you view all the huge versions of the search results

note that this script does not download images, it just lets you view them

bandwidth issues

lets say you accidentally google-image-search the keyword beautybodybook
viewing the large format images of the search results
will consume about 26 megs ... nothing catastrophic

780 x 422 - 84K
Post edited by Cris Palomino on


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2014

    the heart of the converter, in case you like reading code :)
    it'a a state machine!

    note that the daz forum robot deleted some of the code
    but the script on my site is not encrypted
    so you can see it there

    function convert( fi, fo )
     var file = new DzFile( fi ) file.ReadOnly )
     var out = new DzFile( fo ) file.WriteOnly )
     var state = 0
     while( !file.eof() )
      var str = file.readLine()
      var n = str.length
      var buffer = ""
      for( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )
       var c = str.charAt( i )
       switch( state )
        case 0:  if( c == 'i' ) ++state; else state = 0;break;
        case 1:  if( c == 'm' ) ++state; else state = 0;break;
        case 2:  if( c == 'g' ) ++state; else state = 0;break;
        case 3:  if( c == 'u' ) ++state; else state = 0;break;
        case 4:  if( c == 'r' ) ++state; else state = 0;break;
        case 5:  if( c == 'l' ) ++state; else state = 0;break;
        case 6: 
         if( c != ";" )
          buffer += c;
          buffer = buffer.replace( "=", "" )
          buffer = buffer.replace( "&", "" )
          oout.writeLine( "" )
          buffer= new Array()
          state = 0;
    Post edited by mCasual on
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